AstroStart DSP621, DSP611 Owner's Manual

Directed s'engage à offrir des produits et services de qualité de classe mondiale qui raviront les clients.
Directed is committed to delivering world class quality products and services that excite and delight customers.
The company behind the AstroStart® Integrated Digital
Platform is Directed.
Since its inception, Directed has had one purpose, to provide consumers with the finest vehicle security and accessories available. The recipient of nearly 100 patents and Innovations Awards in the field of advanced electronic technology.
Quality Directed products are sold and serviced throughout North America and around the world.
Call (800) 274-0200 for more infor­mation about our products and ser vic es.
La compagnie derrière la Plateforme numérique intégrée
Depuis sa créaction, le but premier de Directed est d'offrir aux consommateurs les meilleurs systèmes de sécurité et accessoires automobiles. Bénéficiaire de près de 100 brevets et de Prix d'Innovation dans l'industrie de la technologie électronique avancée.
Les produits de qualité Directed sont vendus et entretenus partout en Amérique du Nord et dans le monde entier.
Appelez au (800) 274-0200 pour avoir plus d'information au sujet de nos produits et ser vic es.
2017 Directed. Tous droits réservés. / All rights reserved.
Systèmes de démarrage à distance et de sécurité
Remote Start & Security Systems
tout est à votre portéeMD
nothing comes remotely closeTM
590-10098 2017-04
Congratulations on the purchase of your state-of-the-art AstroStart Digital System. Reading this Owner’s Guide prior to using your system will help maximize the use its many features. For any additional questions please contact your authorized AstroStart dealer.
Note: Your system is configurable and may or may not include features such as remote start or security. This guide also covers optional features which may not be applicable to your system. Please speak with your installation specialist to find out which features are applicable.
Important Information
Government Regulations and Safety Information
Read the Government Regulations and Warning! Safety First sections of this manual prior to operating this system.
WARNING! Failure to heed this information can result in death, personal injury or property damage and may also result in the illegal use of the system beyond its intended purpose.
Your Warranty
Your system comes with a warranty. The warranty terms are detailed at the end of this guide. Make sure that you receive the proof of purchase from your dealer,
indicating the product was installed by an authorized AstroStart dealer.
Replacement Remote Controls
Please see your authorized dealer to order additional remote controls. Remote control part numbers are typically found on the back of the device.
500-10701-01 20170425
© 2017 Directed. All rights reserved.
© 2017 Directed. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Congratulations ..................................................................................................1
Important Information ......................................................................................... 1
Government Regulations and Safety Information ..................................... 1
Your Warranty ..................................................................................... 1
Replacement Remote Controls ................................................................ 1
Getting Started .................................................................................................... 4
Charging the remote control: ................................................................. 4
Keys to using this manual ...................................................................... 5
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 6
5325-TX Remote Control ....................................................................... 6
Antenna ............................................................................................. 6
Status Screen Icons .............................................................................................. 7
Using the System ............................................................................................... 10
Commands and Confirmations ............................................................ 10
Performing Commands ....................................................................... 10
Remote Control Command Table ......................................................................... 11
Basic Commands ............................................................................................... 12
Arm/Lock ......................................................................................... 12
Panic Mode ...................................................................................... 12
Disarm/Unlock .................................................................................. 12
Status ............................................................................................... 12
Trunk ................................................................................................ 12
Remote Start/Stop ............................................................................. 13
Valet Modes ...................................................................................... 13
Emergency Override .......................................................................... 14
5325-TX Configuration ...................................................................................... 15
2615-TX Companion Remote Control .................................................................. 16
Battery Information (5325-TX) ............................................................................ 17
Low Battery ....................................................................................... 17
Battery Information (2615-TX) ............................................................................ 18
Battery Replacement ........................................................................... 18
Battery Disposal ................................................................................ 18
Patent Information ............................................................................................. 18
Government Regulations .................................................................................... 19
Warning! Safety First ......................................................................................... 20
© 2017 Directed. All rights reserved.
© 2017 Directed. All rights reserved.
Getting Started
Your 5325-TX remote is powered by an internal rechargeable battery that can only be serviced by an authorized AstroStart dealer. Due to transit and storage time prior to your purchase, the battery charge may have depleted. To ensure proper operation, check the battery level and if not fully charged, use the provided cable to connect to the USB port on a PC/Laptop or a USB power adapter. See “Battery Information (5325-TX)” on page 18 and “Status Screen Icons” on page 8 for more information about the battery.
Charging the remote control:
Plug the USB end of the provided USB cable into the USB port on a computer or a USB power adapter. Insert the micro-USB connector into the micro-USB port located on the side of the remote control. The text field will display
to indicate the remote control is charging (The remote remains operational while charging and can command the system). Once fully charged the text field will display
. The remote control is then ready for use. Disconnect the cable from the remote control end first.
If the battery is excessively depleted when charging, functionality may be delayed while it charges to the minimum voltage required to operate the display, after which normal charging resumes.
© 2017 Directed. All rights reserved.
Keys to using this manual
Specific actions (in bold type) and style conventions are used consistently throughout this manual, they are as follows:
Press: implies pushing in and the remote will play the transmit beep to send
the command.
: is used after Press actions. The remote will play a second set of
transmitter beeps to inform the user that the other sets of command will be transmitted
this style denotes the text which appears in the text field portion of the Display during operations described in the manual. If the text string is too long for the text field, it then plays and loops sequentially word by word.
Italicized words denote section/sub headings in this guide and can be located through the table of contents.
An asterisk (*) when used after a word or phrase denotes that additional details can be found in related sections usually noted at the bottom of the page or end of the section.
© 2017 Directed. All rights reserved.
5325-TX Remote Control
Feature Description
Display Status screen - the upper portion of the display contains status icons for the
System, Siren, Alarm zones, Remote Start and Remote Control (if alarm feature installed). Text field - the lower portion of display - shows the Clock, Runtime or Temperature during Remote Start, as well as Command confirmations, Page messages and programming menus
Command buttons (4)
Used to perform arming, disarming, utility channel and remote start commands
P button
Used to access function levels for commands, configuration menus for programming, Car Selection, and to request reports.
Micro-USB Port The USB cable plugs into this port (located on remote control side).
Status LED
The Antenna sends and receives commands or messages to and from the system. It consists of:
The Status LED, as a visual indicator of the system’s status.
Button, for accessing various feature, programming, and reporting functions of the system.
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