An ASSA ABLOY Group brand

UNION Hydraulic Door Closers are manufactured to exacting standards and are recognised
for their quality, efficiency and reliable performance.
Effective door installation requires that the door and frame be of sufficient strength or
reinforced to ensure secure anchorage of the door closer unit.
A door fitted with a door closer must be hung on good quality aligned hinges so that the
door swings freely without bias in both directions. The closed door must be clear in the door
frame and when a lock is fitted the latch bolt must engage freely with the strike.
When specifying manually operated door closers the following should be considered: door
size, in particular width of door; door weight; type of installation; environmental conditions;
location of door; operation frequency of door; the people using the door.
Door size and the pressure exerted on the surface area of the door due to wind gusts or air
conditioning and the spring strength required to hold or close the door against this pressure
must be considered along with the ability of the user to exert the force necessary to push or
pull the door open. The location of door furniture will influence the leverage available to the
person opening the door.
Floor or wall mounted door stops should be fitted to prevent possible damage to the door
unit or surrounds where a door may be subject to violent opening; to stop a door from being
forced past the position where the arms are fully extended; or to stop a door at a specific
position to clear feature walls, glass panels, furniture, etc.

UNION is the manufacturer of high quality security products.
UNION products are guaranteed from the date of purchase
against mechanical faults arising from defects in materials or
design. In the unlikely event of your UNION product failing as
a result of defective materials or design, UNION will provide a
free replacement product.
It is a condition of this guarantee that your UNION product:
• has been correctly installed and maintained in accordance
with UNION's installation and maintenance instructions provided to you at the time of purchase;
• has only been used in conjunction with genuine UNION keys
and genuine UNION cylinders (locks only);
• has not been modified in any way.
This guarantee does not apply to mechanical faults caused wilfully or negligently, or to the surface finish of your UNION
UNION's only liability in respect of your UNION product failing
to perform due to defective materials or designs is to provide a
free replacement. UNION will not be liable for any other losses
incurred by you arising from your UNION product failing
whether such losses are direct or indirect or consequential.
This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
Proof of purchase must be submitted when making a claim
under this guarantee and all claims must be submitted within
two months of you discovering the mechanical fault of your
UNION product.
Specification Service
A fully comprehensive, obligation free,
Architectural Door Hardware Specification
can be prepared by UNION Architectural
Hardware Representatives. Please refer to
your local UNION sales office.
We have made every effort to ensure that at the time of
going to print all information shown in this catalogue is
correct. However, in our efforts to continually improve
our products and offer only the highest levels of security and quality we reserve the right to make alterations
to the product specifications shown in this catalogue. All
dimensions provided within this catalogue are approximate and for guidance only.
Fire Doors
Refer to individual product page for suitability of fire door use.
Ordering Procedure - Example
J -
Satin Stainless Steel
J - 8826H - SSS
Catalogue Number
8826H - Door Closer (hold open)
e.g. J-8826H-SSS would be a boxed door closer (back check) in a satin stainless steel finish.
For full ordering instructions see price list.

88 Series Door Closers
8826 Adjustable Power Hydraulic Door Closers
A range of hydraulic door closer units suitable for architectural
and commercial applications. Features include
adjustable power, adjustable backcheck intensity and overload
Available in a range of finishes and functions.
8826SR Adjustable Power Hydraulic Door Closers
A range of slide arm hydraulic door closer units suitable for
architectural and commercial applications. Features include
adjustable power, adjustable backcheck
intensity and overload protection.
Available in a range of finishes and
8824 Power Selectable
A range of power selectable door closer units suitable for
architectural and commercial applications. Features include
power selection, backcheck, adjustable closing and latching
Available in a range of finishes and
8833 Fixed Size 3 Closer
Fixed size 3 door closers suitable for architectural, medium
commercial and residential applications.
Available in a range of finishes and functions.
8823 Size 2/3 Closer
Small budget closers suitable for light commercial and
residential applications.
Available in a range of finishes and functions.

88 Series Door Closers
Door Closer Selection Guide
Selection of door closer size is judged in two ways.
Firstly, does the door closer have the strength to
effectively close the door against unexpected air
pressures? Secondly, is the door closer oversize and
therefore affecting the ease of operation? Efficiency
of the door closer also has a major bearing on the
ease of operation. For optimum performance it is
essential that a highly efficient door closer of the
correct size is selected.
In the past, selection of the correct door closer size
for a particular application has been, at best, an educated guess. The introduction of spring strength
adjustability, allowing fine tuning of strength on
site, has certainly simplified this task but not
removed all of the guesswork. With more architects
and engineers becoming conscious of the problems
caused by incorrect selection of door closer strength,
it has become the responsibility of manufacturers to
provide better technical information, such as closing
torque and efficiency, on their products.
The following charts have been produced by UNION
to cover most conditions. If you have an unusual
application which you feel requires special consideration, please forward all relevant information to your
Power Selection Chart
Test door mass/size
Door Closer Test door Recommended door
power size mass Kg leaf width mm.
120 750
240 850
360 950
480 1100
5 100 1250
6 120 1400
7 160 1600
local UNION office and we will be happy to advise
the best door control for the application.
• Always round up to the next door width (ie for
870 mm door use 950 mm).
• If parallel arm installation, then use next door
width line (ie for 870 mm door Pa use 950 mm).
• For internal doors deduct 200 mm from actual
door width (ie for 1150 mm internal door use 950
• This chart is based on normal climactic conditions
(ie pressure differential of 30Pa or wind speed of
15 knots).
• If more severe conditions are expected then use
the next door width or consult the UNION office
in your region.
• When specifying parallel arm and slide rail func-
tions, allowance should be made for the following
power loss:
• Parallel Arm Mounting
approximately 20 per cent loss.
• Slide Rail Mounting
approximately 30 per cent loss.
This chart will be most useful in selecting the correct door closer.
Simply identify the dimensions of the
appropriate door and read off the
recommended door closer.
The chart is intended as a guide only and as such the following variations should be taken into
account when making your selection:
• Environmental factors such as the effect of wind or air conditioning pressures.
• An unsheltered external door is a door on which prevailing wind gusts will directly produce a
“sail area” affect.
• A sheltered external door is a door way which is protected by a wind break or wall, which
acts as a barrier against direct wind gusts.