User m anual
for th e Archon
Spring loaded 510 connector
Fire button
“W” button
“T” button
0.86 inch
OLED display
“+” button
“-” button
Micro-USB port
Battery Compartment
Wattage Range: 1-150W
Output Voltage Range: 0.00-8.50V
Resistance Parameters: In both Wattage Mode and
TC Mode it can fire coil resistance from 0.05ohm to
3.5ohms (Wattage may be less than 150 watts when
coil resistance exceeds 0.1-0.4ohm).
The maximum wattage output under Bypass mode
is 150W
Continuous Fire Time can be adjusted from 5s to
Charging Port: Micro-USB charging port
Screen: OLED 0.86 inch
Firmware update via Micro-USB port
Dimensions: 23.4*50*88mm
Battery: 3.7V dual 18650 high rate discharge battery
Temperature Control
Temperature Range (F): 200-600F
Temperature Range (C): 100-315℃
Protection Features
Automatic Cut Off
Short Circuit Protection
Low Resistance Protection
Overheat Protection
Over charge Protection
Over Discharge Protection
1 2 3 4 5
● The mod will automatically turn on after installing
battery, the screen will then display user’s previous
settings, after 15 seconds of being idle the screen will
turn off.
● Press the fire button 5 times within 2 seconds to
either lock or unlock the device. while the mod was
locked, press the fire button for 3 seconds will turn the
system off. To turn the mod back on press the fire
button 5 times rapidly.
● When the mod is on, press W button to switch mode
between VW, VV, BYPASS and CFBP(C1, C2, C3).
Press T button to select Ni200, Ti, SS316 or TCR (M1,
M2, M3 manual modes).
● Press “+” to increase wattage, voltage or temperature
“-” button to decrease. Press “+” or “-” button longer
will change the number faster.
● When the mod is on press the fire button 3 times
quickly to put the mod into or out of stealth mode,
while in stealth mode the mod can still fire but the
wattage or temperature settings cannot be adjusted.
● While the mod is in TC mode attaching a new
atomizer the mod will read “New Atomizer? ” followed
by “YES+/NO-“ Select “YES+” and the mod will read
the original coil resistance. Select “NO-“ and the mod
will keep its previous coil resistance settings.
● The Archon will detect and lock coil resistance
automatically under TC mode. To ensure accuracy
when first installing a new atomizer make sure the coil
is at room temperature before attaching it to the mod
● To change temperature to Fahrenheit(F) or to
Celsius(C), press the “+”or “-” button all the way to
pass the temperature range, the temperature will
switch over to either Celsius or Fahrenheit
● The preset continuous fire time is 10 seconds, after
10 seconds of continuous use, the mod will stop firing
and the display will flash “10s”. Users then can adjust
the fire time from 5s to 15s by pressing "+"/"-" button.
● Lock and Unlock buttons: Press "W" and
"+"simultaneously for 2 seconds to lock or unlock
buttons. There will be a lock or unlock symbol in the
upper right corner of the screen. When the buttons
have been locked the mod can still fire, but the
settings cannot be adjusted.
● Child Lock: Press "W"and "-"simultaneously for 2
seconds to enter or exit Child lock mode. While in
Child Lock mode Press "+"or "-" button to select
numbers, press fire button to confirm, the original
pass word is"000", choose arrow symbol to reset.
Users need input the pass word to lock or unlock.
● Change Logo function: Press "T" and "-"
simultaneously for 2 seconds to enter or exit change
logo settings. Press "+" or "-" to select letters, press
fire button to confirm,"W" button to delete, and
button "T" to select between lowercase and capital
letters. User can put 10 letters at most.
● TCR settings: Press"T"and "+" simultaneously to
change TCR settings. Press “T” button to select coil
material from Ni, Ti, SS, M1, M2, M3. Press “W”
button to select between “PWR” (Power) and
“TCR”(Temperature Control) under M1, M2, M3
mode. Press “+” and “-” buttons to change PWR or
TCR numbers (note TCR numbers can be adjusted
from 0.20‰ to 9.99‰) Note: ‰=×10
● Language Selection: Pressing the fire button while
installing the battery will bring up the firmware
version then you may select English and Chinese
language. Press “+” or “-” button to select, fire button
to confirm.
● The display will auto rotate for easy of use.
Customizable Firing Button Profiles (CFBP)
Customizable Firing Button Profiles (CFBP) Intro:
The CFBP feature allows for heat ramp-up (power
curve) to be fine-tuned. This customization can be
made with just a few clicks of the Archon buttons.
There is no need to connect to computer to program
settings making this function very easy to use. Firing
button profiles create extraordinary flavor with no
limitations on tanks.
Press W button to select VW,VV,Bypass, C1,C2 and
C3. C1,C2,C3 are CFBP. Under CFBP, users can
customize power curves to create their preferred
taste. The graph above shows the CFBP curve when
the mod been idle.
When the firing button is held down, the screen will
display the power curve you have preset. Users can
set the wattage for each second if needed.
While in CFBP, Press W button for 1.5 seconds will
bring you to CFBP interface. While in CFBP setting
interface, press W or T button to set time, press “+”
button to increase wattage, press “-” button to
decrease wattage. To save settings simply press the
fire button.
● Charging the Archon via Micro-USB charging port,
the maximum current can reach up to 2A.
● Connect your Archon mod to the charger and the
screen will show a flashing battery icon. When the
battery charge reaches 4.2V or is fully charged,
the mod will stop charging and the screen will
remain off.
● The battery can not be replaced while charging.
Please unplug the USB cable before changing
your battery.
● When the battery charge drops below 0.5V or battery
incorrectly installed the mod will stop charging.
● To accomplish 2A charge current, the adaptor output
should be 5V/2A.
● During charging, if the usb cable detects a voltage
less than 4.3V, the screen on the mod will display
"Check Charger."
Firmware Upgrade
● Download the driver software from Aspire website:
● Connect the Archon to your PC. The driver will
detect your mod automatically.
● Click “OpenFile” to choose the correct firmware file.
● Click “Update” to upgrade your Archon mod.
● If it failed during the update process please repeat
step 3 to step 4.
● SS under TC Mode only supports SS316L coils.
● The mod supports passthrough charging. To
lengthen the life of the mod, we do not recommend
vaping while charging (passthrough).
To learn more about your products and how to use,
please visit:
Designed and Manufactured By Eigate in China
Copyright 2016 Aspire. All Rights Reserved.