Q: What should I do if there is nothing in the output from the device?
A: Switch on the AC power and Observe the Pilot lamp to see if it is lit or not; Also check if the in/out connections were not plugged in conjugate connection and also check if there is an input signal.
Q: What steps do I need to take to set the equalization for feedback control?
A: All gain controls should be set to zero and the master equalization switch should be left in an out position. Then follow the manual’s step by step instructions to notched out the feedback frequencies after that.
Q: Am I allowed to connect unbalanced sources to this equalizer?
A: Yes. Unbalanced sources could be connected by a mono phone plug in the normal way if it is necessary to do so. Ensure that the signal hot is connected to the tip and the signal ground is connected to the ring.
Q: When using the SC-63 or SC-66A how do I provide a custom frequency response?
A: Set the amplitude, centre frequency and bandwidth controls to the specific parameters of the frequency response you want. Frequency responses could be replicated as shown in the manual.
Q: What should I be looking for if I check for distortion of sound output?
A: Too much signal sent to equalizer causes the distortion type ‘sound’ to occur. Make sure to double check the gain settings and try to regulate gain and setting of the other components in the audio chain to get a more comfortable tone.