Ashly SC33 User Manual

The Ashly SC-33 Stef^ Noise Got© Is o versotlie two channel noise reduction system, requlflng only IV of rack space, designed to control leokoge ond bocfcgroond rxjise in recording and sound feintorcement appliedfioris. Acting much like a level-sensitive "switch", it auto­maticallv attenuates audio signals which fall below a user selected threshold, while passing OudiO that reaches or exceeds the threshold.
• Fast attack time (10jiS)
• AO dB threshold range
TwD-stoge release dneuit
• Stereo tie patch point for occurote tracking of two or rr>ore gates
• lr>puts and outputs mov be used balanced or unpoiancect
Extrerrely low noise and distor+ion
• In/out bypass switching
• Rugged 16 gauge steel chossis
The SC-33's opeiation can be bfokon down into Vo ftjnctioncii building biociii o voltage conttolJed omphrief [VCA) which performs the actual task of muting <3i fjdssing the audio sigr«l. Cffcuit which is resporTsitile for pfowdrng thg control
voltage that determlr^s the goln of the vCA
Use at a VCA os a gain control elament pnovidsi severol advantages in a noise gdte. Including supe­rlof audio fidelliv. dccurote trockinc of two cx morTe
units tJetJ for si'&'eo operatiori. arvd crtfock/releaiB speeds much faster' them those possible with optic ally coupled devices The Ash ly VCA used intheSC­3i3 is Cfass-A device sMhibiting aKtremely low eijstcvfioh. low hrsise. low conitiof voifoge feedthrough (turh-or^ ctick). ond excellent thermol stability
q detsttof
The defector dreuM ericompassas all oT the frortt­panel controls anrd generates a oartrol voltoge
which gives the SC-33 its fum-an and fum-taff char
acteristics Through the use of unusually wide-rdryge time constant options and unique dual rereoss­Hme circuit, o achieved- A very fast (10 microBecond)attack time insures that the leading edge of fdst transient material such as snofe drums will rvever be lost, idhd
the fcxle control offeví smoofh, lineor fade timas of
up to 30 seconds. The hold coritrol oNers a ''wait before fading" option to preverst premature inifiotion of the tods cycle, usaful when processing moterlüt that contains notufai peruses, such os srpeeoh ond Insidj menial solos. The threshold range is greater I
han úD d0, making the SC-33 useful for both professional and semi-pro signal levefs. Other thoughtful features include detector symmshy to
within ti dB. a hysteresis circuit lo absolutely prevent
chattering near thneshirfd high sfew-rote dfcultry ihnoughout. ocTive bolonced irpsufs. and a li
variety of gotirvg effects con be
gauge ^teal chaeals
THO. 20-20 MHI, 410 diV
IIVI DlsIOrliCin. 2T>2[KHt.
Croiftalk from Key input
-40 dBV input
@ lkH3
hblj№. TOH^SOkMl
ciefEaofi svMMETihf
Colikol Voltoge
Slew Ftate
ThresTicld №nge
♦ «
S№ to lOOkHi. -a,
3 effl Aitock Time <p«f 40 dB
-áa dhV
' C.25 da
úa dBiV lyplcoi
> tOV per microssOOnd
-40 dbV 10 r20 dBfy
gain incredte}
Fad« Time (per 40 dO gain
Nolw Altenuolldn (Floor?
HcrTd Time 4(9 mlHIsacorKli iQ 12 secQTiidi
Input Impedcince
Ouipul Impedance
iCt mlcrosKonds to SO woonds
1S milliseconds to 30 seconds
0 de lo (i& 40k u Bolorkood Bridgirtg
400 (4 , lermlmle wHh SCO U
or greolei
Key Input, jwUcn
selectable Nou* l^le Bypass switch stereo intercornect via
root ponel tadu
led Threiftold Indlcofot