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he Ashly PQ-16 and PQ-
26 Parametric Equalizers
offer complete equaliza
tion flexibility. Compared
to graphic equalizers that
trol that can tune over a 5.5 octave
range, with variable bandwidth from
3.3 to 1/20 octave.
Some applications include: shaping
the overall response of a sound sys
tem to improve response, feedback
control, instrument tone control,
speaker or room resonance prob
lems, vocal and dialogue equaliza
tion, broadcast announcer voice
enhancement, special effects, or any
application where complete equaliza
tion control is necessary.
At the heart of the Ashly PQ-Series
is our unique bandpass filter circuit.
Basically a "state variable" type, this
filter is trimmed and optimized to pro
vide excellent transient response and
a wide range bandwidth adjustment.
preset center frequencies
and bandwidth, the Ashly
PQ-Series provides con
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Parametric Equalizers
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Each filter can be tuned over a 50:1
frequency range (about 5.5 octaves)
and a 70:1 bandwidth range with no
more than a 2dB amplitude error at
center frequency. At its sharpest set
ting, the filter has a "Q" of about 35
and generates a response curve with
3dB points only 1/20 octave apart,
making feedback control possible
with no audible side effects.
Tunable low and high frequency
shelving filters are also provided to
trim frequency extremes. Each filter is
placed in the feedback loop of a sum
ming amplifier to produce the desired
frequency response. Since a sepa
rate summing amplifier is used for
each band, no interaction between
bands occurs. A hefty output stage is
provided so that low impedance loads
and long cable runs may be driven
with optimal results.
The single channel PQ-16 and the
stereo PQ-26 (also usable as 12band mono) Parametric Equalizers
are covered by Ashly's exclusive fiveyear worry-free warranty.
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model PQ-16
model PQ-26
Five-Year Worry-
Free Warranty
"r“- ■' #1 ' • •’■• '
Ao^Si-A lAi Eqm * &)ln|
Q—50O»e»Hf -y"" TOOKfW^' Oan^Om
70Q№®<H:' Ownto Two
Aon2i..A A ejti * Eqk.
Tunable Low and
High Frequency
Shelving Filters
Center Frequency
Tunable over a 5.6
Octave Range
Adjustable Bandwidth
from 3 1/3 to 1/20
of an Octave
Full 20dB Headroom
True Reciprocal Curves
Optional 12-Band Mono
Operation on PQ-26
Master and Individual
Band In/Out
Bypass Switching
• esgr
Master Gain;
Master Defeat Switch: YES
Per Band Ampiitude: ±15dB
Per Band Defeat Switch:
Low Mid: 50Hz-2.4kHz
Hi Mid;
Sheiving Range:
Input Impedance; lOkQ active balanced bridging
Output Impedance:
Maximum Input Level:
Frequency Response; 20Hz-20kHz, ±.5dB
Distortion: <.05%THD, +10dBV 20Hz 20kHz
Hum and Noise:
3 1/3 -1/20 octave
200Q, term. W/600Q or more
+20dBm{+5dBm at max boost,
full sharp)
-87dBV(EQ in), -95dBV(EQ out)
Architect’s Specification
Ashly PQ-26
The untt shall be a du&l channel parametric equalizer,
capable of being center-frcquency-tunablc over a 5,S
octave range. The unit «hall have two channels of 4
bands of equalization adjustable as follows: Low: iGHz'
800He, Low Mid: 50Hz-2,4kHz, High Mid: l60Hz-SkHz,
and High: SOOHz-24kHz, Each band shall have a band'
width adjustable between 8 1/3 octave and t/20
octave. The frequency response shall be 20Hz-2QkHz,
tO.SdB. The distortion shall not eiceed <0,05% THD,
tlOdBV, 20Hz-2OkHz. Hum and noise shall be below S7dBV with Che EQ engaged and ’95dBV with (he EQ
out. The unit shall offer a per band amplitude adjust
ment of ±l5dB as well as a master gain adjustment of
tl5 dB. The unit shall also Include Low frequency and
high frequency shelving covering the range of 30-30QHz
and 700Hz to 6kHz respectively, The range of the shelv
ing equalization shall be ±l5dB. The Input Impedance of
Che unit shall be 10ki2 active balanced bridging, and the
output impedance shall be 200Ü, terminated with 60Û11
or more. The maximum in/out level shall be f20dBm or
■t‘5dBm at maximum boost, full sharp, The unit shall be
designed for mounting In a standard EÏA 19'' rack (t9' L
X 3.5"H z 6"D) and shall have a shipping weight of
LOlbs , The unit shali operate at 115VAC t5%> 50'6CHz.
The unit shall be a P9‘26 Parametric Equalizer manu
factured by Ashly Audio Inc, No other unit shall be
acceptable unless data submitted from an independent
test laboratory verities that the above combined
size/performance specs are met.
Ashly PQ-16
Power Requirements:
Shipping Weight:
AshEy Audio Inc.
110-125VAC, 50-60HZ, 5W
PQ-26: 19"Lx 3.5"H x6”D
PQ-16: 19"Lx1.75"Hx6"D
PQ-26:10 lbs
PQ-16: 8 lbs
The unit shall be a single channel parametric equalizer,
capable of being center-frequency'tunable over a 5.5
octave range. The unit shall have a single channel of 4
bands of equalization adjustable as follows: Low: l6Hz800Hz, Low Mid: 50Hz 2.4kHz, High Mid: 160Hz-8kHz,
and High: 500Hz-24kHz, Each band shall have a band
width adjustable between 3 1/3 octave and 1/20
octave. The frequency response shall be 20Hz-20kHz,
±0.5dB. The distortion shall not exceed <0.05% THD,
-rlOdBV, 20Hz-20kHz, Hum and noise shall be below 87dBV with the EQ engaged and -95dBV with the EQ
out. The unit shall offer a per band amplitude adjust
ment of il5dB as well as a master gain adjustment of
±15 dB. The unit shall also include low frequency and
high frequency shelving covering the range of 30-300Hz
and 700Hz to 8kHz respectively. The range of the shelv
ing equalization shall be il5d6. The Input Impedance of
the unit shall be lOkii active balanced bridging, and the
output Impedance shall be 200il. terminated with 600ti
or more. The maximum in/out level shall be +20dBm or
+5dBm at maximum boost, full sharp. The unit shall he
designed for mounting in a standard Б1А 19'' rack (19"L
X 1,75"H
Slbs. The unit shall operate at 115VAC ±5%, 50-60Hz.
The unit shall be a model РЗ'^в Parametric Equalizer
manufactured by Ashly Audio Inc. No other unit shall be
acceptable unless data submitted from an independent
test laboratory verities that the above combined
size/performance specs are met.
к 6”D) and shali have a shipping weight of
Since 1972
© ]9a0 Ashly Audio