Trouble Shooting - Power Operation
Issue - Furniture will not recline
Power Button
Insure that all connections are properly attached with the appropriate snap connectors and the
power cable plugged into a wall outlet that has power.
If the lockout is disabled, the LED on the transformer will be green, but the lockout LED will be off.
There is a connection between the Power Button and the Motor. If Steps 1 and 2 do not resolve
the issue turn the stlye on its side and verfiy that the connection (round 5 pin connector) between the
motor and the Power Button is pressed firmly into the motor.
Note: There are two different motor connection systems
If all connections are tight (Steps 1-3) then unplug the cable from the wall and wait 5 minutes before
reconnecting the transformer cable to the wall outlet. This time allows the system to reset.
If it does not resolve the issue then order a Customer Connection Kit.
When the lockout is enabled the transformer LED and the lockout LED will be green.