Ashland I-180TS2 User Manual ver 1011

Ver. 1011
Ashland Industries Inc. 1115 Rail Drive P.O. Box 717 Ashland, WI. 54806 877-634-4622 Toll Free - phone 715-682-4622 phone 715-682-9717 fax
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Serial Number
hank you for your purchas e of an Ashland scraper and the confidence you have placed in us to handle yo ur earthmoving projects . Years of research, testing and succ essful application have been spent to ensure quality and m axim um perf ormance for ou r customers. Please read and understand this manual be f ore attempting to attach or operate this scrap er. This ma nual should always rema in with the machine. Be sure and fill out and send in the owners re the beginning of this ma nual, or you ma y fill out the for m on-li ne by cli ck on “Regis ter your M achine” at the bot t om of the p age.
oing to an d
istr atio n form at
he serial nu m ber pla t e for the sc raper is located on the right rear area of t he scr aper. The lette r and numbers sta mped id en tify the serial number, model numb er and ca pacity of the sc raper. Ple ase rec ord this se rial number f or use in orderi n your equipment if it is ever stolen.
R eferences to serial n umber breaks on part s are located in t he manual with a referen ce seque nce of XXXXX-XXXXX. The be
he ending number is the final serial number use of the part within this machine .
inning number records the se rial numb er start of the use of that part .
part s, warrantee issue s and to t race
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
How to Order Parts
Parts must be ordered through your local authorized ASHL AND dealer. Be sure to state MODEL and SERIAL NUMBER of your machine, PART NUMBER, DESCRIPTION and QUANTITY n eeded.
Unless this is done, we canno t provid e prompt service or assu re shipment of the correct parts.
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Ashland Industries weldable replacement parts are available to rebuild, modify or update your scraper to current factory specifications.
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
Parts - Transport Locks (TS) 155-180
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
2 A123309-83 Transport Lock (155TS2-180TS2)
Please locate red Transport Links and remove prior to operation. Retract Lift Cylinder Circuit, Rem ove Safe ty Snap Pin, Remove link and replace into storage positi on as shown in figure 2.
Reinstall Safety Snap Pins.
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Operation and Maintenance
his scr a per i s a durab le piece of equipment and wi t h proper care will yield m any y ears of troub le free operat ion. The scrape r requires a power source wi t h TWO 4 way (do uble act ing) hydrauli c cont rol valves.
The scraper should be greased at all points where the tractor hydrauli c system and add to maintain the proper level. Care sho uld be used when adding oil or whe n dis connecting any oil line to keep all dir t out of the oil as dirt is a major factor in the failure of hydraulic com p onents .
When the scraper is placed into operation, the operator will have to “feel out” the amount of depth of cut to obtain maximum loading efficien cy. This is usually accomplished by taking a lesser an d more uniform cut; however, some soil conditions such as loo se sand may require a “pumping action” obtained by taking successive deep cuts and lifting out of cut as the tractor begins to lose power or traction.
1. Afte r 10 hours work, all bolts should be checked and tightened if necessary.
2. Ev ery 10 hours all grea se fi ttings should be lubricated.
3. After 50 hours work, all bolts should be rechecked and tighte ned if necessary. Check wheel
bearings and adjust if necessary.
4. Afte r 300 hours work, clean and repack wheel bearings and replace, if necessary, cutting edges,
ins, etc.
rease fittings are prov id ed. Chec k the oil levels in
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Operation and Maintenance
This scraper is a durable piece of equipment and with proper care will yield many years of trouble free operation. The life of your scraper can be severely shortened by poor m aintenance. Follow consistent maintenance practices and use good quality grease and hydraulic oil (compatible with the power unit’s hydraul ic syst em ) to ins ure the l onge st , most prod uctive use from yo ur equipment.
Before startin be en properly located (ele ctric, phone and pipe lines ). Have a cle ar understanding of all local, OSHA and MSHA rules that apply to the job . Beware of your environment and keep others a safe distance from the mac hi ne whi le f am il iari zin g your self w ith the machine’s co ntrol s. The sc raper requires a power sourc e wit h TWO 4 way (doub le acting) hydraulic control valves.
The scraper should be gre ased a t all points where grease fittings are provided. Co nnec t hydraulic hoses to the tractor and retract lift cylinders to RE MOVE TR A NS P OR T L OC K P IN S, then extend and retract all c y li nde rs several t imes to fo rce ou t any air from the h y draulic cy linders an d l ines. Check the oil levels in the tractor hydraulic system a nd add to maintain the proper level. Care sh ould be used when addin g oil or when disconnecting any oil line to keep all dirt out of the oil as d irt is a major factor in the failure of hydraulic components. Eac h time the scraper is hook ed to a power unit , t he sequ encing valve need s t o be c he cked for prope r tim ing. T his will insure opti mum performa nce from t he s cr a pe r.
When the scr aper is p lace d i nto op erat ion , the o perat or wil l h av e t o “feel o ut” th e am ount o f dept h of cut to obtain maximum loading efficiency. This is usually accomplished by taking a lesser and more un ifo r m cut; how e ve r, so me s o il condit ions s uch as loose sand ma y re quire a “pumping action” obtaine d by taking successive deep cuts and lifting out of cut as the tractor begins to lose power or traction. The op eration of the scraper will var y depending upon soil type, moisture content, power -unit and jobsite. Results will vary.
1. Aft er 10 hour s work, al l bo lts shou ld be chec ked a nd tig htened i f nece ssary.
2. Every 1 0 hours all grease f itt ing s sho ul d be l ubr ic a t ed.
3. After 50 hours work, all bolts should be rechecked and tightened if necessary. Check whee l bearings an d adjust if necessary.
4. After 300 hours work, clean and r epack whee l bearings and replace, if necessary, cutting edges, wor n pins, etc.
the job , m a ke sure Diggers Hot Line has be en co ntacted and all underground utilities have
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Operation and Maintenance
1. The scraper is running over t he haul road with the bow l f ully raise d.
2. A pow er un it t hat is abo v e the horsep ow er rat in g is pul li ng the s craper.
3. The scrape r is being used to le vel haul roads with the apron closed.
4. The scrape r is being top loaded with the bowl is a raised position.
5. Th e scraper is bei ng u sed to lo ad rock.
These types of damage are not cove red by warranty. Warranty only covers defects in material o r workmanship and not abuse bec ause o f improper use.
1. Know the weight of the material to be moved.
2. Lay t he job out t o take ad v antage of grad es wh en loadi ng , if possibl e.
3. Keep hauls as shor t as possi bl e.
4. Keep haul roads smooth.
5. If more than one unit is on the job, make sure the haul roads are one way and that the op erat ors unde rsta nd the direction .
6. Brief the operator s as to what the job consists of so there is not misunderstanding.
7. Know the moisture content in the material to be moved.
8. Will wa ter be need ed f or pro per co m pactio n?
9. Will drainage be a pr obl e m?
10. How many unit s wi ll be need ed t o ef fi ci ently complete the job?
1. Always empty scraper.
2. Clean all mat erial from ext erior of scraper.
4. Use proper lighting and fla gging.
Make sure all road rules are followed
5. Lower scraper bowls to provide just enough clearance over obstacles.
7. R ed uc e sp eed on cur v e s and when going down hil l.
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Tran sport at a safe s peed to avoid roll ov er
P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Operation and Maintenance
You will need to determine the ideal opening for your soil condition. It is important to have the apron opened prior to loading To receive the highest productio n possible, it is important to know the general characteristics of the material that you will be loading. In heavier soils like clay or gumbo, the soil will slab up and and remai n together after being cut by the blades. In li soil , the matieral will pile u p or push af t er being cut by th e bl ade. Use th e suggest ions lis t ed below:
Topsoil wi th heavy vegetation (1 2” to 24” op eni n g): When cutting undisturbed soils, you will need to open the apron high enough to allow debris to easily
enter the scraper bowl. If the apron is opened too high, the rolling up sod will fall out past the apron and h in der the incoming material. If the apr on is no t ad justed quic k enough, the material will bunch or push ahead of the machine. If this h a ppens, you should clos e t he apro n and pu ll out the cut quickly. If you wai t too long, you may develop too large a pile to clear the scraper w hile rising out of the cut. This can cause the po wer unit to lose tr action and poss ibly cause you to get stuck.
Clay or loa m y material (6” to 12” opening): To cut clay or loam soils, lower the apron to approximately 6” to 12” between the blades and the bottom
of the apron. When you first lower the bowl, you’ll see the material bei ng cut by the blades and enterin small pile ah ead of the apron. B y limi ting this apron op eni ng, the small p ile will “b lad e of f” any loo se material ahead of the machine. Ad justments should be made if large objects su c h as rocks or deep gouges are within the cut.
Sand or loose t op s oil (15” to 30” opening): Load ing sand or loose top so il is the most di ff ic ult t y pe of soil t o load. In co m bina t ion wi th th e larger
apron open in g, y ou ’l l want to op erat e at a fas t er ground spe ed. By tr av eling faster and lowering the blad e deeper than normal, it forc es t he material i nto the scraper b ow l.
We enco urag e you t o ex perimen t wi t h different apron open in gs to determ ine t he best condi tion for y our jobsite.
the bowl. As you continue to move forward, small clumps will fall past the apron and develop a
ht er soils, li ke san d or dry loos e top
The Apr on is designed to capture material inside of the scr aper bowl and s hould not be used as a la rge bl ade. O bs truc tions like la rge r o cks or dens e piles may c ause the apro n to ben d inward after prolonge d exposure to these conditions.
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Safety Guidelines
Note the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION with the safety messages. The appropriate signal word for each has been selected using the following guidelines:
DANGER: Indicates an imminent ly hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death
o r seriou s inj ury. T hi s signal w ord i s t o be l imited to the m ost extrem e situations t ypically for machine components which, for functional purpos es, cannot be qua rded.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially haz ardous situation tha t, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury, and includes hazar ds that are exposed when guards are removed. I t may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
CAUTION: I n dicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor
o r m oderate injury . It m ay also be used to alert agai nst un safe pr act ices.
Sa fety of the operator is one of the main concerns in designing and developing a new piece of equi pment. Designers and manu fac tur ers build in as many safety features as po ssib le. However, every year many accidents occur which could have bee n avoided by a fe w sec onds of thought and a more careful approac h to handling e quipment. You, t he o perator, can avoid many accidents by observing the following precautions in this section. To avoid personal injury, study the following precautions and insist those working with you, or for you , follow them.
Re place any CAUTION, WA RN ING, D ANGE R or inst ructi on safet y decal that is n ot readable or is mi ssing. Location of such decals is in d i cated in this booklet.
Do not attempt to op erate thi s equipment under t he inf lu ence of drug s or al cohol.
Review the safety instruc tions with a ll users annually.
This equipment is dangerous to children and persons unfamiliar with its operation. The operator should be a responsible adult famili ar with farm machinery and trained in this equipment’s operations. Do not
allow per sons t o operat e or assemb l e this unit unti l they have read this man u al and have dev e lope d a th o rou gh un de rst a n ding of th e s afe t y pr e cautio n s a n d o f how it wor k s.
To prevent injury or death, use a tractor equipped with a Roll Over Protective System (ROPS). Do not paint over, re mov e o r deface any s afet y signs or w a rning deca ls on your e quipment. Observe a ll sa fe ty sign s and pr act ic e t he i nstructions on them. Never excee d t h e limits of a pi ec e of m ac h i n er y . If i t s ab i li t y to d o a
ob, or to do so safely, is in question
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
TS Assembly
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Front Frame Assembly (180)
1 A123320 Front Section 2 A123320-08 3” ID x 3-1/2” OD x 3” long bronze bushing 3 A123456 Trunion mount block 4 AFB-00039 "Bolt, 3/4” NC x 5-1/2” long, gr. 8" 5 AFW-00002 3/4” lock washer 6 A123320-20 Travel Lock 7 A125005 Accumulator 8 A125009 Mounting brackets 9 600119C Hose Holder 22375-XXXXX 10 A125179 Trunion Bushing 11 AFB-00021 Hitch Bolt:1x5-1/2 NC Gr 8 12 AFN-00037 1” NC Locknut 13 AFB-00033 Bolt: 1/2 NC X 2 1/2" Gr. 8
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P.O. Box 717
shland , WI 54806
1115 Rail Dr
Apron Assembly (180)
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
1 A123322 Apron Model 180 2 A125257-35 Bushing 2" ID Ball Swivel 22656-XXXXX 2 A125249 Bushing 2" ID Ball Swivel w/Graph. Plugs XXXXX-22655 3 A123322-14 "Pin: 2” x 4 1/4” L, (for apron cyl rod end) 4 A123358 Flanged Bolt Bushing 5 AFB-00079 Bolt: 5/8" X 1 1/2" 6 A123321-113 Apron Pivot Pin w/grease zerk 7 AFN-00018 1/2” lock nut 8 AFB-00012 1/2” Bolt 1/2 X 4 1/2"
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P.O. Box 717
shland , WI 54806
1115 Rail Dr
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Bowl & Frame Assembly (180)
1 A123321 Bowl and Frame Assembly 180 2 AFB-00094 Flanged Bolt: 3/8" NC X 1" L 3 A123369-1L Dirt Shield - Left Side 4 A123369-1R Dirt Shield - Right Side 5 A125018 Bushing: 2 3/8" OD X 2" ID X 1 1/4"L 6 A125103 Left & Right Straight Corner Blade 7 A125072 Center Blade, 18" Straight, Reversible A125072-SER Center Blade, 18" Double Serrated, Reversible 8 PB1P-NC-100-0275 Plow Bolt: 1" NC X 2 3/4" L 9 AFP-00001 Cotter Pin 10 AFN-00012 Nut: 1" NC 11 A123357 Bank Shaver/Router Bit, Reversible, L & R 12 AFB-00027 Bolt: 3/8 X 1 1/2" 13 AFB-00018 Bolt: 1" NC X 3" L 14 AFB-00109 Bolt: 1 1/4" NF X 9" L 15 AFN-00032 Nut: 1 1/4" NF 16 A123321-65 Axle Mount 17 A123335 Lift Cylinder Pin 18 A23321-09 Main Frame Pin 19 A123358 Flanged Bolt Bushing 20 AFB-00079 Bolt: 5/8" X 1 1/2" L 21 A123321-98 Pins 22 A123321-89 Pin Keeper 23 A123369-13 Dirt Shield Flap 24 A125006 Safety Snap Pin 1/4 X 2 1/4 25 7450 3/8 NC Nut 26 AFW-00010 3/8 Flat Washer 27 A125020 32" Grease Line 28 A125026 3/8 NF Bulkhead Nut 29 A125019 Grease Fitting 1/4 - 28 x 54" L 30 AFB-00122 Bolt: 1 1/4 NF X 10" Gr. 8
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P.O. Box 717
shland , WI 54806
1115 Rail Dr
PHONE : 715-682-4622 Fax: 715-682-9717
Bowl & Frame Assembly I-180TS2
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P.O. Box 717 1115 Rail Dr
shland , WI 54806
+ 32 hidden pages