Parts must be o rdered through your local authorized ASH LAN D deale r.
Be sure to state MODEL and SERIAL NUMBER of your machine, PART N U MBER, DESCRIPTIO N and
QUANTITY neede d .
Unless this is done, we cannot provi de prompt se rvice o r assure shipment o f the c orrect parts .
shland Industries weldable replacement parts are avail abl e to rebuild, modify or update your
s crap e r to curr ent fac t or y spe ci fi cat io ns.
Page 2-5. Safety Guidelines
Page 6-12. Operator and Maintenance Instructions
Page 13. Assembly-Illustration
Page 14. Hitch-Illustration and parts
Page 15. Front S ection Frame-Illustration and parts
Page 16. Lift Cylinder 5 ½ X 20 – Illustration and parts
Page 17. Apron As sembly – Illustration and parts
Page 18. Apron Cylinder – Illustration and parts
Page 19. Bowl and Frame Assembly – Illustration and parts
Page 20. Dump Cylinder – Illustration and parts
Page 21. Wheel Assembly – Illustration and parts
Page 22. Wheel and Hub – Illustration and parts
Page 23. Pins – Illustration
Page 24. Hydraulic Valve – Identification, Illustration, Parts, and Adjustment
Page 25. Hydraulic Schema tic
Page 26-27. Maintenance Checklist and Lubrication
Page 28. Troubleshooting
Page 29. Warranty Statement
Please locate red Transport Links and remove
prior to operation. Retract Lift Cylinder
Circuit, Remove Safety Snap Pin, Remove lin
and replace into storage position as shown in
figure 2.
Not e the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION with the safety messages. The appropriat e signal
wo r d for each has been selected u si ng the following guidelines:
This s ignal word is to be lim ited to the most extrem e s ituations typically for m ac hine com ponen ts which, for functional
pu r poses, c annot be guar ded.
WARNING: Indicates a pot entially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury,
and inc ludes hazar ds that ar e ex posed when guar ds ar e r emov e d. It ma y als o be used to aler t a gainst uns afe
CAUTION: Indic ates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or m oderate
inj ur y . It ma y als o be used to aler t again s t un s afe practices.
Saf ety of the operator is one o f the main concerns in desi gning and dev elopin g a n ew piece of equipment . Designe r s
an d ma nufactur er s build in as many s afety feat ur es as possible. Howev er , e ve r y ye ar many ac c idents oc c ur whic h could
ha v e been avoid e d by a few seconds of thought and a mor e c aref ul approach t o handli ng e quipment. You, the operator ,
can avoid many acc iden ts by obs erving the followin g pr ec autions in this section. To avoid per sonal injury, stu dy the
followi ng pr ec autions and insist those work ing with y ou, or for yo u, follow them .
Re place any CA UTION, WARNING, DA NGER or instruction safety decal that is not r eadable o r i s missing. Loc ation of
such decals is indicated i n this b ooklet.
Do not a tt em pt to operat e this equ ipm ent under the influence of dr ugs or alc ohol.
Re v iew the safety inst r uctions with all us ers annually.
This equipment is dangerous to childr en and persons unfamil iar with its operation. The operator should be a responsi ble
ad ult familiar wit h farm mac hinery and trai ned in this equipment ’s operat ions. Do not allo w p ersons to o perate or
assemble this unit until they have read this manual and have developed a thorough understanding of the safety
precautions and of how it works.
To pr ev ent injur y or death, use a tract or equipped with a Roll O v er P rotectiv e S y s tem (ROPS). Do not paint ov er,
remov e or deface any s afety si gns or war ning decals on y our equipment. Obs er v e all safe ty si gns and pract ic e t he
in s tr ucti ons on them.
Ne v e r ex c eed t he limit s of a piece of machinery. If i ts abili ty to do a job, or to do so safely, is in questi on - DON’T TR Y IT.
Indicates an imminently haz ar dous situation t hat, if not av oided, will res ult in death o r serious injury.
This scraper is a durable piece of equipment and with proper care will yield many years of trouble
free operation. The life of your scraper can be severely shortened by poor maintenance. Follow
consistent maintenance practices and use
power u nit’s hydraulic system) to insure the longest, most pr oductive use from y our eq uipmen t.
ood quality grease and hydraulic oil (co mpati ble with the
Before starting the j ob, make sure Di ggers Hot Line has been co ntacted and all under
have been properly located (electric, phone and pipelines). Have a clear understanding of all local,
OSHA and MSHA rules that apply to the job. Beware of your environment and keep others a safe
distance from the machine while familiarizing y ourself with the machine’s controls. The scraper
requires a power source with TWO 4 way (double acting) hydraulic control valves.
The scraper should be greased at all points where gr ease fittings are provided. Connect hydraulic
h oses to th e trac tor and retract lift cylinders to RE MOVE TRANSPORT LOCK PINS (point A), then
extend and retract all cylinders several times to f orce out any air from the hydraulic c ylinders and
lines. Check the oil levels in the tractor hydraulic system and add to maintain the proper level.
Care should be used when addin
as dir t is a major factor in the failure of hydraulic components. Each time the scraper is holed to a
power unit, the sequencin g valve needs to be checked for proper timing . This will insure optimum
perfo rman ce from th e scraper.
When the scraper is placed into oper ation, th e operator will have to “feel out” the amount of
depth of cut to obtain max i mum load ing efficiency. This is usually accomplished by taking a lesser
and more uniform cut; however, some soil co nditions such as loose san d may require a “pumping
action” obtained by taking succ essive deep cuts and lifting out of cut as the tractor begins to los e
power or traction. The operation of the scraper will vary dependin g upon soil type, moisture
content, power -unit and jobsite. Results will vary.
1. After 10 hours work, all bolts should be checked and tightened if necessary.
2. Every 10 hours all grease fittings should be lubricated.
3 . After 50 hours work, all bo lts s ho uld be rechecked and tightened if nec essary.
Check wheel bearings and adjust if necessary.
4. After 300 hours work, clean and repack wheel bearings and replace, if necessary,
cutting edges, worn pins, etc .
oil or when d isconn ecting any oil line to keep all dirt out of the oil