Ascom TEMS POCKET 9.0 Brochure

TEMS™ PockET 9.0
a coMPlETE MEaSurEMEnT SySTEM in your hand
a VErSaTilE, PoWErFul TESTinG dEVicE BuilT inTo a conVEnTional PhonE
Pocket 9.0 is a versatile
handheld measurement platform
that both engineers and non-
technical staff can easily use to
collect network measurements
whenever and wherever the need
A  compact,   light-weight,  and  robust  measurement  ap plication, 
EDGE/WCDMA networks in virtually any location.
This simple yet  powerful  tool  provides  users with engineering trace 
records and a real time visualization of the measured data on the display 
screen. Users can set-up any desired connection such as speech calls or video 
telephony, exactly  as  a  subscriber  would.  The  important radio  trace  and 
Layer 3 information is then recorded during the connection sequence. Trace 
and logfiles are always recorded, but no test scripts are executed.
TEMS  Pocket  Professional  comes  equipped  with  automatic  mobile 
application tests,  including  speech  quality MOS  and  mobile  IP data  tests 
(FTP, HTTP, PING, etc.) and SMS/MMS.
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