TEMS™ invESTigaTion
ThE induSTry-lEading air inTErfacE
TroublEShooT, vErify, and opTiMizE wirElESS nETworkS
Used in more than 160 countries
worldwide, TEMS Investigation is the
true industry leading solution for
troubleshooting, verification,
optimization, and maintenance of
wireless networks.
Designed for in-vehicle, in-building, and pedestrian-area testing, TEMS
Investigation’s powerful, versatile features are essential throughout the
network’s lifecycle. Using TEMS Investigation, operators can increase acces-
sibility, improve retainability, and achieve better service performance.
Support for GSM, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, HSPA, HSPA+ and GAN (UMA),
CDMA (IS-95 to EV-DO Rev A), WiMAX, and LTE, together with support for
a wide range of services, makes TEMS Investigation the ideal choice for
network operators.
TEMS Investigation supports a large number of measurement devices
from all major vendors across multiple technologies. Its presentation and
reporting features can be applied to any event or radio parameter that is
measured. In all, TEMS Investigation offers operators one tool with the
ability to collect, analyze, and post-process network data.
The highly flexible and intuitive user interface keeps training costs at
a minimum and allows users to take full advantage of the powerful features.
Experienced TEMS Investigation users will instantly recognize the well-
proven user interface and way of working.
The TEMS Investigations team’s commitment, experience, strength,
and future direction ensure a product that is constantly updated to meet
evolving needs.
a coMplETE SoluTion
TEMS Investigation offers operators one tool to collect, analyze, and
post-process the data used for monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimiza-
tion. This complete solution eliminates the need for multiple tools, reducing
costs and saving time and effort.
The multi-mode functionality for system verification, troubleshooting,
and optimization of radio access networks allows users to:
▪ Verify compressed mode behavior, optimize intersystem handover and
cell reselection
▪ Verify and compare coverage and performance between different
“TEMS™ Investigation
is the complete, costeffective, and
conveniently compact
solution for the active
field engineer”
The tool ensures seamless integration between WCDMA/HSPA, GAN,
and GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks as well as CDMA EV-DO, CDMA2000, and
IS-95 networks.
This multi-technology, multi-vendor approach, together with flexible
licensing and packaging, allows customization according to the operator’s
individual needs and requirements.Regional technical support, training, and
seamless integration with other TEMS tools all contribute to efficient work
processes, allowing operators to focus on network quality.
TEMS Investigation is the complete, cost-effective, and conveniently
compact solution for the active field engineer.