It’s quite simple really.
With Ascom NetPage,
you send a message
directly from your web
browser to your colleagues’ cordless telephone or pager. You
know that your message has been sent
instantaneously, that it
has been received and
that it is being acted
upon. This gives you
the freedom and peace
of mind to get on with
other tasks.
Getting your message across
The increased flexibility and shorter
response times that characterise
today’s working environment require
your communication to be shorter,
sharper and snappier. Although colleagues may be busy in another part of
your care facility, factory, office environment, hotel…., NetPage gives you
full access to them at all times for
important messages that cannot wait.
To ensure that you are in full control
of the communication process, you
are able to request an acknowledgement, as well as follow the status of a
sent message.
Time is money
The reliability of the NetPage IP-messaging tool means that you don’t
have to spend precious time chasing
colleagues to confirm that they have
received your message. Not only does
this save time, and therefore money,
this also contributes to more efficient
service and workflow coordination
within your organisation. In hospitals,
for example, the reliability of the
system can even save lives.
Modern alternative
NetPage is the perfect solution for
receptionists and control room staff
who spend a lot of time coordinating
the activities of colleagues who are on
the move. Moreover, anyone with
authorised access to your Intranet can
use the solution to send a message.
The message reaches the intended
recipient even if the cordless telephone or pager is in meeting mode or
being used.
Save even more time
To save even more time, you can preprogram messages and create paging
groups. If necessary, for example, in
life threatening situations, you can
even pre-define action groups and
Standardised notification and alarm
messages and procedures reduce the
risk of human error and improve
workplace safety and workflow efficiency.
Adapted to your particular needs
NetPage is designed for easy use, but
by customising it, we can enhance the
user friendliness even more.
By carefully identify the needs of the
specific customer, Ascom have successfully adapted NetPage to suit
companies in many different areas,
such as hospitals, paper industry,
elderly care, pharmaceutical industry
and many more.
Ascom NetPage
Customised messaging.