Product: DURAalarm
Web based alarm management with
graphical location presentation
Compliant with all Ascom systems
(DECT, IP-DECT, WiFi, Paging)
Operates on highly reliable embedded
Java Server, OJS
DURAalarm is a suite of mission-critical alarm
and message management applications.
DURAalarm enables LAN/WAN connected users with a web browser to view
in real time, via text and graphical information, all alarms from wireless
handsets, wired alarm buttons and management systems.
When acknowledging an alarm users can add case notes for manage-
ment purposes. All alarms can be sent simultaneously to handheld devices
so that emergency response team members are instantly notifi ed of crisis
situations. All alarms are date/time stamped and logged. To ensure that an
alarm is attended to, unacknowledged alarms are escalated to other
DURAalarm users.
Real time alarm management
Map presentation with alarm location
– Base station, Locator and fi xed device locations
Alarm pop-ups (even when not using DURAalarm)
– Map or Text alarm pop-ups
Accept / Reject tagging and alarm escalation
Text and speech alarm notifi cations on handheld devices
Unlimited devices and device groups
Unlimited users and user zones
Map watermarking for easy map recognition
Short keys for quick navigation
Resilient LINUX based appliance – no moving parts
No software installations required – fully web based
Logging of all alarm activity
DURAtest enables LAN/WAN connected users to regularly test their hand-
held devices so that they can confi dently go about their business knowing
that their unit works and that they know how to use their unit in times of
stress and panic. All testing is time stamped and logged for reporting and
analysis purposes.
Real-time testing of handheld units
Simultaneous handset testing (from different PCs)
Bypass DURAalarm while in test mode
Real-time visual display of test alarms generated
Records user name of staff performing test
Automatic timeout
– Handsets do not remain in test mode indefi nitely
Resilient LINUX based appliance – no moving parts
No software installations required – fully web based
Logging of all testing activity
Wireless Solutions
P.O. Box 8783 SE-402 76 Göteborg, Sweden
T +46 31 55 93 00 | F +46 31 55 20 31
12.2007 0276901 Ver A © Ascom (Sweden) AB Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.