ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional
Version 1.2
ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional User Guide


1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................7
2. SETUP..........................................................................................8
2.1. System Requirements.......................................................................... 8
2.2. Installation.........................................................................................8
2.3. Activation ..........................................................................................9
2.4. Registration ..................................................................................... 10
2.5. Uninstall.......................................................................................... 10
3. PRODUCTIVITY..........................................................................12
3.1. Overview ......................................................................................... 12
3.2. Using Productivity ............................................................................. 13
3.3. The Toolbar Manager......................................................................... 14
3.3.1. Creating or Renaming Toolbars...................................................... 15
3.3.2. Deleting Toolbars ........................................................................ 15
3.3.3. Managing Toolbar Tools................................................................ 15
3.3.4. Showing and Hiding Toolbars ........................................................ 17
3.3.5. Importing and Exporting Toolbars.................................................. 17
3.4. Add or Remove Tool – The Tool Manager.............................................. 19
3.4.1. Creating or Editing Tools .............................................................. 21
3.4.2. Deleting Tools............................................................................. 23
3.4.3. Importing and Exporting Tools....................................................... 24
3.4.4. Reordering Tools ......................................................................... 25
3.5. Productivity Tutorials......................................................................... 26
3.5.1. Using the Open File Command....................................................... 26
3.5.2. Using the Menu Item Execute Command......................................... 27
3.5.3. Using the Batch Sequence Execute Command.................................. 28
3.5.4. Using the World Wide Web Link Command ...................................... 29
3.5.5. Using the Select Tool button Command .......................................... 30
3.5.6. Using Bookmark Commands.......................................................... 31
3.5.7. Using Link commands .................................................................. 32
3.5.8. Using the Split command.............................................................. 33
3.5.9. Using the Stamp command........................................................... 33
3.6. Batch Processing............................................................................... 35
3.6.1. Create a Sequence ...................................................................... 35
3.6.2. Running a Sequence .................................................................... 37
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3.6.3. Importing Tools........................................................................... 38
3.6.4. Bookmarking in Batch .................................................................. 38
3.6.5. Splitting in Batch......................................................................... 39
3.6.6. Managing Links in Batch............................................................... 40
3.6.7. Stamping in Batch ....................................................................... 40
3.7. Watched Folders ............................................................................... 42
3.7.1. Create a Watched Folder .............................................................. 42
3.7.2. Running a Watched Folder ............................................................ 44
3.7.3. Log File...................................................................................... 44
3.8. Configuring Productivity Preferences.................................................... 45
3.9. Index of Toolbars and Tools................................................................ 46
3.9.1. Basic Toolbar .............................................................................. 46
3.9.2. Developer Toolbar ....................................................................... 48
3.9.3. Manage Toolbar........................................................................... 50
3.9.4. Print Toolbar............................................................................... 52
4. CONTENT ASSEMBLY..................................................................54
4.1. Overview ......................................................................................... 54
4.2. Using Content Assembly .................................................................... 55
4.3. Splitting PDF files.............................................................................. 56
4.3.1. Split into files of n pages .............................................................. 57
4.3.2. Split by page marks..................................................................... 58
4.3.3. Split by bookmarks...................................................................... 62
4.3.4. Split by page range...................................................................... 63
4.3.5. General splitting options............................................................... 65
4.3.6. Destination folder and filename settings ......................................... 66
4.4. Merging Files.................................................................................... 67
4.4.1. Adding Files or Folders ................................................................. 68
4.4.2. Using a control file....................................................................... 69
4.4.3. Saving the merged file ................................................................. 71
5. BOOKMARKS..............................................................................72
5.1. Overview ......................................................................................... 72
5.2. Using Bookmarks.............................................................................. 73
5.2.1. Bookmark Features...................................................................... 73
5.3. Adding Bookmarks ............................................................................ 75
5.3.1. The Preview Pane ........................................................................ 75
5.3.2. Add Bookmarks to PDF................................................................. 81
5.3.3. Importing/Exporting Bookmark Settings ......................................... 81
5.4. Finding and Replacing Bookmarks ....................................................... 84
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5.4.1. Find Options ............................................................................... 85
5.4.2. Replace Options .......................................................................... 85
5.4.3. Using Text Masking...................................................................... 86
5.5. Building Bookmarks........................................................................... 87
5.5.1. Creating Bookmarks..................................................................... 88
5.5.2. Importing/Exporting Bookmark Build Options .................................. 89
5.5.3. Bookmark Selection Properties ...................................................... 89
5.6. Deleting Bookmarks .......................................................................... 95
5.7. Sorting Bookmarks............................................................................ 96
6. STAMP .......................................................................................98
6.1. Overview ......................................................................................... 98
6.2. Main Features................................................................................... 99
6.2.1. Text Stamps ............................................................................... 99
6.2.2. Image Stamps ...........................................................................100
6.2.3. PDF Stamps...............................................................................100
6.3. Using Stamps..................................................................................101
6.3.1. Stamp a document .....................................................................102
6.3.2. Undo Stamp ..............................................................................102
6.4. Managing Stamps and Profiles ...........................................................103
6.4.1. Creating a new Profile .................................................................104
6.4.2. Creating a new Stamp.................................................................104
6.4.3. Previewing a Profile/Stamps.........................................................104
6.4.4. Renaming Profiles/Stamps...........................................................104
6.4.5. Deleting Profiles /Stamps.............................................................105
6.4.6. Rearranging Stamps ...................................................................105
6.4.7. Importing / Exporting Profiles.......................................................105
6.4.8. Editing Stamps...........................................................................106
6.4.9. Right Click Menus.......................................................................106
6.5. Designing Stamps............................................................................107
6.5.1. General Stamp Settings...............................................................107
6.5.2. Text Stamp Properties.................................................................111
6.5.3. Image/PDF Stamp Settings..........................................................116
6.6. Logging ..........................................................................................118
6.6.1. View Log File .............................................................................118
6.6.2. Clear Log File.............................................................................119
6.7. Configuring Stamp Preferences ..........................................................120
6.7.1. File Handling..............................................................................120
6.7.2. Defaults ....................................................................................120
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7. LINKS ......................................................................................121
7.1. Overview ........................................................................................121
7.2. Using Links .....................................................................................122
7.3. Link Checking..................................................................................123
7.3.1. Show Dead Link Toolbar..............................................................123
7.3.2. Find Next Dead Link....................................................................123
7.3.3. Find Previous Dead Link ..............................................................123
7.3.4. Find Dead Links On This Page.......................................................123
7.4. Link Management.............................................................................124
7.4.1. Show / Hide Link Alignment Palette...............................................124
7.4.2. Set Link(s) Properties..................................................................125
7.4.3. Find And Replace Destinations......................................................127
7.4.4. Set Base URL.............................................................................129
7.4.5. Create Page Links.......................................................................131
7.4.6. Create Keyword Links .................................................................132
7.4.7. Table of Contents .......................................................................134
7.5. Delete Links ....................................................................................140
7.6. Reporting........................................................................................141
7.6.1. Report on Bad Actions.................................................................141
7.6.2. Report on Bad Bookmarks ...........................................................142
7.6.3. Report on All Links......................................................................143
7.6.4. Report on External Dependencies..................................................144
7.6.5. Report on Selected Link...............................................................145
7.6.6. Count Links ...............................................................................147
7.7. Configuring Link Preferences..............................................................148
7.8. Additional Link Features....................................................................150
7.8.1. Multiple – select and drag links.....................................................150
7.8.2. Cut and paste links.....................................................................151
7.8.3. Paste links onto multiple pages or multiple files ..............................152
8. IMAGES ...................................................................................153
8.1. Overview ........................................................................................153
8.2. Using Images ..................................................................................154
8.2.1. Preferences ...............................................................................155
8.2.2. Undo ........................................................................................156
8.2.3. Compression Methods .................................................................156
8.2.4. Saving Changes .........................................................................158
8.2.5. General Notes............................................................................158
8.2.6. The Image Selection Tool ............................................................159
8.2.7. The Images Menu.......................................................................159
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8.2.8. The “Image Tools” Window ..........................................................162
8.2.9. The “Image Editor” Window .........................................................170
8.2.10. The “Document Tools” Window.....................................................173
8.3. Enfocus Certified PDF™.....................................................................175
9. LAYERS....................................................................................176
9.1. Overview ........................................................................................176
9.2. Using Layers ...................................................................................177
9.2.1. Starting Layers ..........................................................................177
9.2.2. Menu........................................................................................178
9.2.3. Toolbar .....................................................................................178
9.2.4. Preferences ...............................................................................178
9.3. Manage Layers ................................................................................181
9.3.1. Create a Layer ...........................................................................181
9.3.2. Select Objects............................................................................182
9.3.3. Add a Page................................................................................184
9.3.4. Edit Layers ................................................................................185
9.3.5. Delete Layers.............................................................................185
9.3.6. Merge Layers.............................................................................185
9.4. Layer Properties...............................................................................186
9.4.1. Set Layer Properties ...................................................................186
9.5. Create Layers From Pages.................................................................188
10. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................190
10.1. Frequently Asked Questions............................................................190
10.2. Forum .........................................................................................195
10.3. Known Issues ...............................................................................195
10.4. Updates.......................................................................................196
10.5. Maintenance.................................................................................196
10.6. Technical Support..........................................................................197
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ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional User Guide

1. Introduction

ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional takes Acrobat to the next level with its advanced tools for splitting, merging, stamping, bookmarks, hyperlinks and process automation. Suitable for government agencies and industries - including legal, finance, pharmaceutical, IT and publishing - ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional helps users efficiently prepare electronic documents for exchange, archives, submission and publishing.
ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional comprises features from the following functional groups:
Productivity – for developing your own macros, tools and toolbars.
Content Assembly – Split, merge and append pages and whole documents to create new
PDFs; split documents based on page groups, page ranges, bookmarks and page marks; use merge functionality to sort and combine large PDF document collections.
Bookmarks – Make PDF documents more usable and easier to navigate. Add, edit, build,
replace and delete bookmarks across one or more PDF documents.
Links – Edit and update multiple links and their properties in batch; automate the
painstaking task of auditing links for validity; examine all links and bookmarks between documents, to named destinations and to Web pages.
Stamps – Insert PDF, text and image stamps, watermarks and overlays -- Add page and
bates numbering; add headers and footers.
Figure 1. ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional toolbar
Note: This document contains information on both the Macintosh and Windows ® versions of ARTS PDF
Aerialist Professional. Wherever appropriate, the differences are clearly indicated. This document specifically covers the features in ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional version 1.2.
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2. Setup

2.1. System Requirements

Intel® Pentium® processor or equivalent
For Acrobat 5.0 users: Microsoft Windows 98 SE, ME, Microsoft® Windows NT®
Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6, Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
For Acrobat 6.0 users: Microsoft Windows 98 SE, Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6, Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
For Acrobat 7.0 users: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
64MB of RAM (128MB recommended)
50MB of available hard-disk space
1,024x768 screen resolution
Adobe® Acrobat® version 5.0 or later. Batch processing is only supported in
Acrobat 5, Acrobat 6 Professional and Acrobat 7 Professional.
PowerPC® G3 processor
Mac OS X v.10.2.2 or higher
64MB of RAM
50MB of available hard-disk space
1,024x768 screen resolution
Adobe® Acrobat® version 5 or later. Batch processing is only supported in
Acrobat 5, Acrobat 6 Professional and Acrobat 7 Professional.
For technical support queries, please consult the Troubleshooting section of this manual or email

2.2. Installation

You may have received this software on either CD-ROM or as a downloaded file.
Macintosh (CD-ROM)
To install from a CD-ROM:
1. Verify that Adobe Acrobat is not running.
2. Insert the CD-ROM.
3. Open the CD and double click the Install f ile.
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4. Navigate to ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional.
5. Click install.
6. Follow the prompts to install ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional.
Macintosh (.hqx)
If you downloaded ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional, to install:
1. Verify that Adobe Acrobat is not running.
2. Decompress the distribution file provided.
3. Execute the installation file.
4. Follow the prompts to install ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional.
Windows (CD-ROM)
To install from a CD-ROM:
1. Verify that Adobe Acrobat is not running.
2. Insert the CD-ROM.
3. If the CD-ROM does not automatically start, navigate to the CD in Windows Explorer and execute the Windows Installer.exe file.
4. Navigate to ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional.
5. Click Install.
6. Follow the prompts to install ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional.
Windows (.exe)
If you downloaded ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional, to install:
1. Verify that Adobe Acrobat is not running.
2. Execute the installation file provided.
3. Follow the prompts to install ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional.

2.3. Activation

If you have the demo version of ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional installed, activate the full version using the following steps:
1. In Acrobat select ‘Help > About 3 Professional.
2. Ensure you have a valid serial. To obtain a valid serial you must purchase the product:
a. Select the ‘Register’ tab page and click on ‘Buy Now’ to pu rchase the full
b. After your purchase has been confirmed, you will receive and email
containing your serial number.
3. Select the ‘Register’ tab page and click on ‘Activate’.
4. Enter your license details, including your serial nu mber, and click “OK”.
Party Plug-Ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist
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2.4. Registration

ARTS PDF provide the option of registering your copy of ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional online. Online registration allows you to protect your serial number. In the event you lose or misplace your serial, we can locate and provide your serial to you on request. Registered customers will also receive important upgrade information and notification of product updates.
1. After activating your copy of ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional you will be prompted to register online: a. Click “N ow” to register your product online OR b. Click “Later” to register at a later stage. After entering your license details,
you can register your product anytime by clicking on the “Register Now” button of the Register tab.
2. When registering your product, complete the online form and click “Submit Registration”.
3. You only need register your product with us once.
To manually register your ARTS PDF product, please visit our online registration page,

2.5. Uninstall

To uninstall on a Macintosh platform:
1. Execute the installation file
2. To continue with uninstalling ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional you must accept the software license agreement.
3. Select the application ARTS PDF Aerialist Prof essional was installed under (either Acrobat 5 or Acrobat 6) and click ‘Open’.
4. From the drop down menu, select the ‘Uninstall’ item.
Alternatively, to uninstall:
1. Verify that Adobe Acrobat is not running.
2. Locate the folder containing Acrobat plug-ins.
For example when installed on Acrobat 6.0, typically files can be found in Drive:
Applications: Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional: ARTS PDF Plug-ins: ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional
You must be connected to the Internet.
If you installed ARTS PDF Aerialist from a CD-ROM, insert the CD, launch the Install file, navigate to ARTS
PDF Aerialist and click install (you can choose to uninstall at a later time).
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3. Delete the ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional files.
To uninstall on a Windows platform:
1. Verify that Adobe Acrobat is not running.
2. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
3. Open Add/Remove Programs.
4. Select ‘ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional 1.2’ from the menu.
5. Click ‘Add/Remove’.
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3. Productivity

3.1. Overview

The Productivity feature set can be used to create customizable tools and toolbars. ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional comes with more than 50 predefined tools on 4 different toolbars. In addition to these timesaving tools, you can create your own custom tools and toolbars -- giving you quick access to your predefined tasks and shortcuts -- and lets you export and share them with other users.
Creating new tools is as easy as selecting and setting commands and assigning a toolbar button to them. You can copy or move your customized toolbar buttons to other pre­defined toolbars. Adding predefined tools or toolbars is as simple as selecting them and importing them.
Features include:
Predefined Toolbars - Use any of the more than 50 tools that come with ARTS
PDF Aerialist Professional.
Make toolbars and tools - Access commands, menu items and existing toolbar
buttons to create tools and build up your own toolbars.
Share toolbars and tools - Copy and share tools with other users through the
Import/Export feature.
Toolbar Manager – Create multiple user-defined toolbars and manage the tools.
Copy a toolbar button – Use commands to select a toolbar button, copy it on to
an ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional toolbar and change its tool properties.
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3.2. Using Productivity

The Productivity feature has a main toolbar button called the 'Toolbar Manager'. See
The Toolbar Manager' section.
' Using the Toolbar Manager you can create numerous toolbars
own tool manager button to add, edit or remove tools, it is known as the 'Add or Remove Tool' button. See '
The Productivity feature has an import/export function, which allows you to copy and share tools with other ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional users. The toolbar and tool manager both have an import/export feature allowing you to save/load tools and toolbars. See ' sections.
Importing and Exporting Toolbars' and 'Importing and Exporting Tools'
Add or Remove Tool - The Tool Manager' section.
. Each toolbar will have its
A maximum of 20 toolbars can be loaded at a time.
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3.3. The Toolbar Manager

The Toolbar Manager lets you to create, edit or delete customized toolbars. Create your own toolbar to contain frequently used tools and efficiently perform a range of operations to complete a specific work task.
Figure 2. Toolbar Manager
To open the ‘Toolbar Manager’ dialog and manage your customized toolbars, click the ‘Productivity’ (Toolbar Manager) button on the ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional toolbar or select it from the drop down list.
Figure 3. The ‘Productivity’ (Toolbar Manager) tool button
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Alternatively, go to ‘Plug-Ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > Toolbar Manager’.
Figure 4. Accessing ‘Toolbar Manager’ in the Acrobat menu bar

3.3.1. Creating or Renaming Toolbars

To create a new toolbar or to rename an existing toolbar:
1. Open the 'Toolbar Manager'.
2. Click ‘New’ or ‘Rename’.
3. Enter a new toolbar name.
4. Click ‘OK’ to accept the changes.
5. Restart Acrobat.

3.3.2. Deleting Toolbars

To delete a toolbar:
1. Open the 'Toolbar Manager'
2. Click ‘Delete’.
3. Click ‘OK’ to accept the changes.
4. Restart Acrobat.

3.3.3. Managing Toolbar Tools

Use this feature to copy and share tools between multiple toolbars. With this you can move, copy or remove tools from any customized toolbar.
On the 'Toolbar Manager' dialog, click 'Manage Tools' to open the dialog shown in the figure below.
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Figure 5. Manage Tools Copying Toolbar Buttons
To copy a tool to another toolbar:
1. Open the 'Toolbar Manager' and click on the 'Manage Tools' button.
2. In the list on the left, select the tool button you wish to copy.
3. In the list on the right, select the toolbar where the copied tool button will be placed.
4. Click ‘Copy>>‘ to copy the tool button (on the left list) to the toolbar (on the right list).
5. If it is successfully copied, the tool button will appear under the toolbar in the list on the left. Moving Toolbar Buttons
To move a tool to another toolbar:
1. Open the 'Toolbar Manager' and click on the 'Manage Tools' button.
2. In the list on the left, select the tool button you wish to move.
3. In the list on the right, select the toolbar where the selected tool button will be placed.
4. Click ‘Move>>‘ to move the tool button (on the left list) to the toolbar (on the right list).
5. If it is successful, the tool button will appear under the toolbar in the list on the left.
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Productivity Removing Toolbar Buttons
To remove a tool from a toolbar:
1. Open the 'Toolbar Manager' and click on the 'Manage Tools' button.
2. In the list on the left, select the tool button you wish to move.
3. Click ‘Remove’.
4. If it is successfully removed, the tool bu tton will no longer appear under the toolbar in the list on the left.
To remove all tools from a toolbar:
1. Open the 'Toolbar Manager' and click on the 'Manage Tools' button.
2. In the list on the left, select the toolbar you wish to remove all tool buttons.
3. Click Remove
4. If they are successfully removed, the tool buttons will no longer appear under the toolbar in the list on the left.

3.3.4. Showing and Hiding Toolbars

To show or hide any of the customized toolbars you have created, follow these steps:
1. Do either one of the following:
Using Acrobat 6.0, go to ‘View > Tools’.
Using Acrobat 5.0, go to ‘Window > Toolbars’.
Right-click on the toolbar area.
2. Search through the list of toolbars and select the toolbar name you wish to show or hide. To show the toolbar, a tick should appear next to toolbar name. To hide the toolbar, the tick should be hidden.

3.3.5. Importing and Exporting Toolbars

This feature lets you save and load customized toolbars. When a toolbar is exported it is saved and embedded into a PDF file. This file will store t he name of the toolbar and all constituent tools. Importing the file will load the toolbar. This is an extremely useful feature if you are close to the 20 toolbar limit; simply export toolbars for later use and delete loaded toolbars to avoid exceeding the limit. Importing Toolbars
To load or import your toolbar:
1. Open the Toolbar Manager dialog.
2. Click the 'Import Toolbar' button.
3. Browse to the location of the toolbar/s you wish to import.
4. Select the toolbar/s to import and click 'OK'.
See the '
Index of Toolbars and Tools' section for predefined toolbars.
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Productivity Exporting Toolbars
To save or export your toolbar:
1. Open the ‘Toolbar Manager’ dialog.
2. Select the toolbar you wish to export and click the 'Export Toolbar' button.
3. Browse to the location of the toolbar/s you wish to import.
4. Optionally, rename the toolbar file.
5. Click 'Save' to export the toolbar.
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3.4. Add or Remove Tool – The Tool Manager

The 'Add or Remove Tool' enables you to manage tools on a particular toolbar. Not only can you add or remove tools but you can also edit the tool icon, menu text, tool tip and action performed.
Figure 6. Add or Remove Tool – The Tools Manager
To manage your tools on a toolbar, click on the ‘Add or Remove Tool’ button.
Figure 7. The Add or Remove Tool
Alternatively, go to ‘Plug-Ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > toolbar name > Add or Remove Tool’ in the Acrobat menu.
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Figure 8. Accessing ‘Add or Remove Tool’ from the ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional’s toolbar
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3.4.1. Creating or Editing Tools

Figure 9. Edit Tool Properties
To create or edit a toolbar:
1. On the toolbar, click on the ‘Add or Remove Tool’ button to view the list of tools.
2. Click ‘New’ or ‘Edit’.
3. Enter the tool properties.
4. Click ‘OK’ to save the changes. Naming and Labeling Toolbar Buttons
There is one name and two labels for each tool.
Name - The name of the actual tool. It will appear in the list of available t ools.
Menu Text - The name that appears in the drop-down menu.
Tooltip (optional) - The text that appears when the mouse hovers above the
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Productivity Selecting and Editing Toolbar Button Images
1. Click ‘Select’, and then select from the range of images available.
2. Optionally, modify the button image by clicking ‘Edit’.
Figure 10. Select a tool icon image Showing and Hiding Toolbar Buttons
Select the ‘Show Tool’ check box to show the tool.
Turn the ‘Show Tool’ check box off to hide the buttons from the toolbar. Enabling and Disabling Toolbar Buttons
Select the ‘Enable only when a document is open’ checkbox, if you require a document to be open when the tool command is used.
Turn the ‘Enable only when a document is open’ check box off, if you do not require a document be open.
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Productivity Adding and Removing Tool Commands
To add a command:
1. Select the command you wish to add using the list on t he left.
2. Click ‘Add >>‘ to add this command to your tool.
3. If it is successfully added, the command will appear in the list on the
To remove a command:
1. Select the command you wish to remove using the list on the right.
2. Click ‘<<Remove’ to remove this command from your tool.

3.4.2. Deleting Tools

To delete a tool:
1. On the toolbar, click on the ‘Add or Remove Tool’ button to view the list of tools.
2. From the list of tools, select the tool you wish to remove.
3. Click ‘Delete’.
4. Click ‘OK’.
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3.4.3. Importing and Exporting Tools

With the import and export tools feature you can save a copy of your tools to share with other users. Similar to the export toolbars feature, exported tools are embedded into PDF files making them easy to distribute. The PDF file will store the tool's name, menu item, tooltip, icon and commands. To load your saved tool, simply import the PDF file. Importing Tools
To load or import your tool:
1. On the toolbar, click on the ‘Add or Remove Tool’ button to view the list of tools.
2. Click the ‘Import Tool’ button.
3. Browse to the location of the tools you wish to import.
4. Select the tools to import and click ‘OK’. Exporting Tools
To save or export your tool:
1. On the toolbar, click on the ‘Add or Remove Tool’ button to view the list of tools.
2. Select the tool you wish to export, and click the ‘Export Tool’ button.
3. Browse to the location that you wish to store the tool in.
4. Optionally, rename the tool file.
5. Click ‘Save’ to export the tool.
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3.4.4. Reordering Tools

1. On the toolbar, click on the ‘Add or Remove Tool’ button to view the list of tools.
2. Select the tool that you wish to reorder.
3. Click the ‘Move Up’ button to move it further up the toolbar, or the ‘Move Down’ button to move it down.
4. Click ‘OK’.
Figure 11. Reordering tools within ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional
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3.5. Productivity Tutorials

Figure 12. Example custom toolbar
The Productivity feature set contains a number of handy tools, and it also allows you to create customizable toolbars. Using its Tools Editor, you can create toolbar buttons that perform Acrobat commands like Execute JavaScript, Execute Menu Item, PDF Consultant, etc. The Menu Item Execute command allows you to create a tool that will emulate any Menu Item command in Acrobat with one click of a button.
Functions internal to ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional such as Build Bookmarks, Stamp Document, Create Link Reports, and Split Document are also accessible from within the Productivity feature set. This allows you to streamline your use of ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional by creating buttons that can perform predefined functions with a single click.
For example, if you are always receiving PDF documents with a consistent heading structure, you could use the Productivity feature with Bookmark functions to create a toolbar button that uses the Build function to build bookmarks from the document’s headings, instead of always having to open the document and manually select the same headings each time.
This section provides step-by-step information on how to add commands to user-defined tools of the Productivity feature.

3.5.1. Using the Open File Command

The ‘File Open’ command allows you to open PDF f iles from the toolbar. It is very useful for giving fast access to regularly accessed PDFs.
1. If you don’t have an existing customized toolbar, create or import a toolbar using the ‘Toolbar Manager’.
2. On the customizable toolbar, click the ‘Add or Remove Tools’ button toolbar. Alternatively, go to 'Plug-ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > toolbar name > Add or Remove Tool' from ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional’s Productivity toolbar.
3. Click ‘New’.
4. Enter the ‘Name’, ‘Menu text’ and ‘Tooltip’ for the tool.
5. Select an image for the tool (edit if required).
6. Under the ‘ARTS PDF Tools’ Available Commands, select ‘Open File’.
7. Click the ‘Add >>‘ button, and you will be prompted to select the PDF file that the button will link to. Browse to the file and click ‘OK’.
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3.5.2. Using the Menu Item Execute Command

The ‘Menu Item Execute’ command allows you to select and make any command from a menu item into a toolbar button. It's very useful for giving fast access to regularly used commands.
1. If you don’t have an existing customized toolbar, create or import a toolbar using the ‘Toolbar Manager’.
2. On the customizable toolbar, click the ‘Add or Remove Tools’ button toolbar. Alternatively, go to 'Plug-ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > toolbar name > Add or Remove Tool' from ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional’s Productivity toolbar.
3. Click ‘New’.
4. Enter the ‘Name’, ‘Menu text’ and ‘Tooltip’ for the tool.
5. Select an image for the tool (edit if required).
6. Under the ‘ARTS PDF Tools’ Available Commands, select ‘Menu Item Execute’.
7. Click the ‘Add >>‘ button, and the ‘Menu Item Selection’ dialog will appear.
8. Select the desired menu item from the ‘Menu Item Selection’ dialog, then click ‘OK’.
Figure 13. Selecting a Menu Item
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3.5.3. Using the Batch Sequence Execute Command

Acrobat 5.0 lets you create, edit, rename, and delete batch sequences that can be applied to groups of PDFs. These Batch Sequences can be added to your customized toolbar by using the ‘Batch Sequence Execute’ command
1. If you don’t have an existing customized toolbar, create or import a toolbar using the ‘Toolbar Manager’.
2. On the customizable toolbar, click the ‘Add or Remove Tools’ button toolbar. Alternatively, go to 'Plug-ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > toolbar name > Add or Remove Tool' from ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional’s toolbar.
3. Click ‘New’.
4. Enter the ‘Name’, ‘Menu text’ and ‘Tooltip’ for the tool.
5. Select an image for the tool (edit if required).
6. Under the ‘ARTS PDF Tools’ Available Commands, select ‘Batch Sequence Execute’.
7. Click the ‘Add >>‘ button, and the ‘Select Batch Sequence’ dialog will appear.
8. Select the ‘Batch Sequence’ to execute, and click ‘OK’.
‘Batch Sequence Execute’ command not available with Acrobat 6.0.
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3.5.4. Using the World Wide Web Link Command

The ‘World Wide Web’ command allows you to make Web URIs into toolbar buttons. It's very useful for giving fast access to regularly visited, related Web pages.
1. If you don’t have an existing customized toolbar, create or import a toolbar using the ‘Toolbar Manager’.
2. On the customizable toolbar, click the ‘Add or Remove Tools’ button toolbar. Alternatively, go to 'Plug-ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > toolbar name > Add or Remove Tool' from the ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional Productivity toolbar.
3. Click ‘New’.
4. Enter the ‘Name’, ‘Menu text’ and ‘Tooltip’ for the tool.
5. Select an image for the tool.
6. Under the ‘ARTS PDF Tools’ Available Commands, select ‘World Wide Web Link’.
7. Click the ‘Add >>‘ button, and the ‘Enter URI’ dialog will appear.
8. Enter the URI web link and click ‘OK’.
Figure 14. Entering a World Wide Web link
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3.5.5. Using the Select Tool button Command

The 'Select Tool button' command allows you to select tools from existing toolbars to make into a toolbar button. You can even use toolbar buttons of existing Acrobat toolbars; place it onto your customized toolbar and assign it a new icon, menu text and tooltip. This is a useful feature when creating your own toolbar of frequently used toolbar buttons.
1. If you don’t have an existing customized toolbar, create or import a toolbar using the ‘Toolbar Manager’.
2. On the customizable toolbar, click the ‘Add or Remove Tools’ button toolbar. Alternatively, go to 'Plug-ins > ARTS PDF Aerialist Professional > Productivity > toolbar name > Add or Remove Tool' in the menubar.
3. Click 'New'
4. Enter the Name, Menu text and Tooltip for the tool.
5. Select an image for the tool.
6. Under the 'Command available', select 'Select Tool button'.
7. Click the 'Add>>' button, and the 'Select Tool button' dialog will appear.
8. Select the desired tool button from the 'Select Tool button' dialog, then click 'OK'.
Figure 15. Selecting a toolbar button
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