Wallplate Families
Rugged Design and Quality
Materials Make Arrow Hart
Wallplates the Best Choice
Standard Size
wallplates for precision cuts
Whether faced with a commercial, institutional or
industrial setting, you will find the desired material,
configuration, style, size and color you need
Mid-Size and Oversize
wallplates for applications that
require additional wall coverage
Extra Depth
wallplates to provide a ush
t to the wall when an old
work outlet box is used
Specification Grade Thermoplastic
•Available in both Nylon and Polycarbonate
•Virtually unbreakable plates reduce
installation and replacement costs
•Preferred for industrial, institutional, and
other high-trafc areas
Specification Grade Metal Wallplates
•Constructed of non-corrosive 302/304
Stainless Steel, Brass, or Chrome
•Available in Standard, Mid-Size, and Oversize
congurations with Pre-Marked Special Use
versions available
•302/304 Stainless is non-magnetic and
non-corrosive for rugged durability
•Exclusive timesaving Screw-Catch™ feature holds
mounting screws captive and simplies installation
•High gloss nish is soil-resistant
•Available in Standard Size and Mid-Size
congurations with screwless and Pre-Marked
Special Use versions available
•Solid brass is coated with transparent lacquer
to resist premature oxidation
•Shipped with removable protective lm
•Recommended for industrial, institutional, and
commercial applications

CuVerro® Wallplates
Same Style, Same Durable
Quality Now With CuVerro
Antimicrobial Copper Surfaces
Features & Benefits
Wallplates with CuVerro®
Antimicrobial Touch Surface
The Arrow Hart™ line of devices featuring CuVerro®
Antimicrobial Copper Surfaces, offer specification
grade decorator switches and wallplates in multiple
gangs and configurations
Touch surfaces constructed
of EPA registered CuVerro®
Antimicrobial Copper
When cleaned regularly, delivers
continuous and ongoing antibacterial
action, remaining effective in killing greater
than 99.9% of bacteria within 2 hours
Unlike coatings, CuVerro® surfaces
are wear resistant and the durable
antibacterial properties will remain
effective for as long as the product
remains in place and is used as directed
Tarnish resistant with minimal
color change over time
Surfaces should be cleaned
to regular protocols
Durable enough for hospital
grade cleaners
Laboratory testing shows that, when cleaned regularly, CuVerro® antimicrobial copper surfaces kill greater than 99.9% of the following
bacteria within 2 hours of exposure: MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli
O157:H7. CuVerro® antimicrobial copper surfaces are a supplement to and not a substitute for standard infection control practices and
have been shown to reduce microbial contamination, but do not necessarily prevent cross contamination; users must continue to follow
all current infection control practices, including those practices related to cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces. CuVerro®
is a registered trademark of GBC Metals, LLC and is used with permission, CW-0013-1207.
EPA Registration Number 85353-5 (7600CUR Series) and 85353-3 (7600CU Series)
Specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.