WISE-710 Ubuntu 16.04
User Manual
1. ARM Ubuntu16.04 Overview .................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Cross-platform, consistent use experience on X86 and ARM platforms ....................... 4
1.2. Rich Software Support .................................................................................................. 4
1.3. Rapid Customization System ......................................................................................... 4
1.4. Rapid Development and Maintenance.......................................................................... 4
1.5. Graphical System Settings ............................................................................................. 4
1.6. Long-term Support Version ........................................................................................... 4
1.7. Advantech Provides Customized Industrial ARM Ubuntu Version ................................ 5
2. Advantech Ubuntu Software Support ....................................................................................... 6
2.1. Built-in software ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2. Install the package online with the apt command ........................................................ 6
2.3. Online Installation of Commonly Used Software .......................................................... 6
2.3.1 The apt command is used as follows:................................................................ 6
2.3.2 Install Chromium browser ................................................................................. 7
2.3.3 Install database software mysql ........................................................................ 7
2.3.4 Install Apache web server ................................................................................. 7
2.3.5 Install PHP.......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.6 Install Python ..................................................................................................... 7
2.3.7 Install SSH (built-in) ........................................................................................... 7
2.3.8 Install VNC ......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.9 Install Mono ...................................................................................................... 7
3. Ubuntu16.04 System Burning and Boot .................................................................................... 9
3.1. Required hardware and software environment ............................................................ 9
3.2. Debug port setting ........................................................................................................ 9
3.3. Preparation for Ubuntu Image Burning ....................................................................... 10
3.4. Start WISE-710 with SD card ....................................................................................... 10
3.5. Start the Ubuntu system ............................................................................................. 11
3.6. Start to Burn eMMC .................................................................................................... 11
4. WISE-710 Peripheral Test ........................................................................................................ 13
4.1. eMMC Flash Read & Write Test ................................................................................... 13
4.2. USB Read & Write Test ................................................................................................ 13
4.3. SD Card Read & Write Test .......................................................................................... 14
4.4. Serial Port Test ............................................................................................................. 15
4.5. LAN Port test ............................................................................................................... 16
4.5.1 Command Line Configuration ................................................................................ 16
4.6. Connecting WIFI Modules ........................................................................................... 18
4.6.1 Supported Modules ................................................................................................ 18
4.6.2 WIFI Configuration and Connection ....................................................................... 18
4.7. Connecting Bluetooth Module .................................................................................... 20
4.7.1 Supported Modules ................................................................................................ 20
4.7.2 Bluetooth Module Configuration and Connection ................................................. 20
4.8. Connecting 4G/LTE Module ......................................................................................... 22
4.8.1 Supported Modules ................................................................................................ 22
4.8.2 4G/LTE Module Configuration and Connection...................................................... 22
4.9. Time and Date Setting ................................................................................................. 23
4.10. DIO Test ................................................................................................................... 24
4.11. CAN Test .................................................................................................................. 25
5. System Configuration .............................................................................................................. 26
5.1. Terminal Command Line ............................................................................................. 26
5.2. Add User & Password .................................................................................................. 26
5.3. Automatically Run Specific Programs at Startup ......................................................... 27
5.4. Backup & Deployment of Secondary Development Customized System .................... 27
5.5. Backup Target System Image ....................................................................................... 27
5.6. Deploy to Other Devices ............................................................................................. 27
1. ARM Ubuntu16.04 Overview
1.1. Cross-platform, consistent use experience on X86 and ARM platforms
Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions. At present, many industrial applications
are based on the Ubuntu platform. Running Ubuntu on ARM is easier, more convenient, faster,
and more friend for industrial application development and maintenance. For existing X86
platform applications, it can be ported to the ARM Ubuntu platform more quickly and seamlessly,
while reducing development difficulty, cost and risk.
1.2. Rich Software Support
Ubuntu officially provides a very rich ARM package. For the ssh, telnet, ftp, qt library, mysql
database software, Java, , etc., which are commonly used in industrial control, off-the-shelf
software packages are provided. When the customer needs these components, there is no need
to cross-compile or port. Just like in x86, you can directly install it online through the apt
1.3. Rapid Customization System
The Ubuntu ARM version provides a very rich software package, so customers can quickly install
the required software packages according to their own project requirements, quickly configure
the relevant systems, and customize the required system. Moreover, developers who already
have X86 Ubuntu experience don't have to spend time on ARM Linux development because the
development techniques and methods are exactly the same.
1.4. Rapid Development and Maintenance
In addition to providing rich software support, Ubuntu is also very mature in development and
has many resources. It supports multiple development environments such as gcc, qt, java, python,
mono, php, etc., and provides related software development tools. Customers can choose
familiar and appropriate development languages, environments and solutions as needed to
accelerate software development.
1.5. Graphical System Settings
The Ubuntu ARM version supports the XFCE lightweight desktop environment and runs smoothly
on ARM. Many system configurations such as network configuration and 3G/4G configuration can
be configured graphically, which is very convenient, fast and simple.
1.6. Long-term Support Version
Ubuntu is developed and maintained by the commercial enterprise Canonical. Its stability and
reliability are trustworthy. At the same time, Ubuntu provides a long-term support version -
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will provide 3 to 5 years of support and updates to meet the long-term support
needs of industrial customers.
1.7. Advantech Provides Customized Industrial ARM Ubuntu Version
The ARM Ubuntu version provided by Advantech is based on ARM Ubuntu 16.04 and is adapted
for WISE-710. To meet the common needs of industrial customers, the following aspects are
1) Provide a variety of hardware test procedures and test instructions to facilitate customer
testing and verification of hardware, as well as learning how to use;
2) Provide sample programs and source code, such as serial communication, video playback,
for customer reference during development;
3) Support wireless modules such as peripheral WIFI/4G, and provide built-in drivers to
facilitate customers to establish wireless solutions;
You need to pay to use the Ubuntu system for commercial purposes. You first need to get the
official Ubuntu license. Please contact Ubuntu official for further information. You can also
contact Advantech PM, since Advantech has established communication and cooperation
channels with Ubuntu.
2. Advantech Ubuntu Software Support
2.1. Built-in software
Image supports much software commonly used by industrial users by default.
common Linux command
Test demo
LAN Utility
2.2. Install the package online with the apt command
If the required software is not included in the Ubuntu Image provided by Advantech, the ARM
Ubuntu system also provides the APT (Advanced Package Tool) package management mechanism.
In the case where the device is already connected to the network, the software can be queried
and installed online through APT related commands. APT automatically handles dependencies
and installs the required packages on the system.
Ubuntu offers a very rich ARM package. Most of the software required by customers can be
installed directly through the apt command without cross-compilation from the source code,
which is really convenient.
The apt command can automatically find the Ubuntu software server through the source
configuration file, and download the software from the service. Image has added Ubuntu's
official image source by default, so you don't need to re-edit the settings.
However, if some software does not exist in the official Ubuntu source, but a third-party Ubuntu
software source can be provided. The user can first modify the configuration of the software
source, add third-party software source, and then install the software online.
The image source for the Ubuntu 16.04 system is in /etc/apt/source.list.
Step1: Edit the source.list file to add a new image source.
Step2: Run the apt-get update command to update the image source.
2.3. Online Installation of Commonly Used Software
2.3.1 The apt command is used as follows:
Install software package:
# sudo apt-get install packagename
Remove software package:
# sudo apt-get remove packagename
Get a list of new packages:
# sudo apt-get update
Upgrade the system with available updates:
# sudo apt-get upgrade
Query the required packages:
#apt-cache search packagename
List more commands and options:
# apt-get help
For more information on the use of apt, you can check the relevant information online for a
deeper understanding.
The installation of some commonly used software packages for industrial users is listed
2.3.2 Install Chromium browser
# apt-get install chromium-browser
2.3.3 Install database software mysql
# apt-get install mysql-server
2.3.4 Install Apache web server
# apt-get install apache2 apache2-dev
2.3.5 Install PHP
# apt-get install php
2.3.6 Install Python
# apt-get install python
2.3.7 Install SSH (built-in)
# apt-get install openssh-server
2.3.8 Install VNC
# apt-get install x11vnc
2.3.9 Install Mono
If installed in the default way:
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
The default version currently provided by Ubuntu is mono 4.0. If the customer wants to use a
higher version of mono 5.2, you can modify the software source configuration file by the method
provided before, add Mono official software source, or you can modify the software source by
the following command:
#sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys
#echo "deb http://download.mono-project.com/repo/ubuntu xenial main" | sudo tee
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Up till now, mono 5.2 has been installed.
3. Ubuntu16.04 System Burning and Boot
3.1. Required hardware and software environment
RS232 serial cable
Install Ubuntu16.04 on X86 development host (So it is with WISE-710 Ubuntu16.0 device)
WISE-710 Ubuntu Image
SD card (8G or more)
3.2. Debug port setting
(1) Connect RS232 serial cable.
Set SW9 DIP switch of WISE-710 and switch COM1 to debug mode.
Connect the RS-232 serial cable to COM port and the other end of the serial cable to your host.
(2) Install the serial debugging tool putty under Linux.
# apt-get install putty
If it is a Windows environment, you can also download the Windows version of putty from the
network to install.
(3) Use the putty tool to set the serial port number, the baud rate is 115200.
Please use the root user to open putty. The serial port number is the number of the serial port
that debug first connects. For example, under Linux system, if the first serial port is connected (as
shown above), it may be /dev/ttyS0; if you are using a USB to serial cable, it may be