The following changes have been made to this document.
Change History
April 2002ARealView Debugger 1.5 release.
September 2002BRealView Debugger v1.6 release.
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This preface introduces the RealView Debugger Essentials Guide. This guide shows
you how to start using RealView Debugger to manage software projects and to debug
your application programs. It contains the following sections:
RealView Debugger provides a powerful tool for debugging and managing software
projects. This book contains:
•an introduction to the software components that make up RealView Debugger
•a tutorial to create a project and build an executable image
•a step-by-step guide to getting started, making a connection to a target, and
loading an image to start a debugging session
•details about ending a debugging session
•a description of the RealView Debugger desktop
•a glossary of terms for users new to RealView Debugger.
This book is written for developers who are using RealView Debugger to manage
ARM-targeted development projects. It assumes that you are an experienced software
developer, and that you are familiar with the ARM development tools. It does not
assume that you are familiar with RealView Debugger.
Using this book
This book is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 About RealView Debugger
Read this chapter for an introduction to RealView Debugger. This chapter
describes the underlying debugger concepts and explains terminology
used in the rest of this book and the documentation suite.
Chapter 2 Features of RealView Debugger
Read this chapter for a description of the features of RealView Debugger,
including details about those that are new in RealView Debugger v1.6.
Chapter 3 Getting Started with RealView Debugger
This chapter explains how to begin using RealView Debugger for the first
time. This describes how to start RealView Debugger, make a connection,
and load an image ready to start debugging.
GlossaryAn alphabetically arranged glossary defines the special terms used.
Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this book:
italicHighlights important notes, introduces special terminology,
Read this chapter when you have access to a workstation. Follow the
step-by-step instructions to gain some experience of using RealView
Debugger to manage a project and to debug software.
This chapter describes how to end your RealView Debugger session and
exit the debugger.
Read this chapter for a detailed description of the contents of the
RealView Debugger desktop.
denotes internal cross-references, and citations.
boldHighlights interface elements, such as menu names. Denotes
ARM processor signal names. Also used for terms in descriptive
lists, where appropriate.
Denotes text that can be entered at the keyboard, such as
commands, file and program names, and source code.
Denotes a permitted abbreviation for a command or option. The
underlined text can be entered instead of the full command or
option name.
monospace italic
Denotes arguments to commands and functions where the
argument is to be replaced by a specific value.
monospace bold
Denotes language keywords when used outside example code.
Further reading
This section lists publications from both ARM Limited and third parties that provide
additional information.
ARM periodically provides updates and corrections to its documentation. See
for current errata, addenda, and Frequently Asked Questions.
ARM publications
This book is part of the RealView Debugger documentation suite. Other books in this
suite include:
•RealView Debugger v1.6 User Guide (ARM DUI 0153)
•RealView Debugger v1.6 Target Configuration Guide (ARM DUI 0182)
•RealView Debugger v1.6 Command Line Reference Guide (ARM DUI 0175)
•RealView Debugger v1.6 Extensions User Guide (ARM DUI 0174).
If you are using RealView Debugger with the ARM Developer Suite (ADS) v1.2, refer
to the following books in the ADS document suite for more information:
•Getting Started (ARM DUI 0064)
•ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide (ARM DUI 0067)
•ADS Linker and Utilities Guide (ARM DUI 0151)
•CodeWarrior IDE Guide (ARM DUI 0065)
•AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide (ARM DUI 0066)
•ADS Assembler Guide (ARM DUI 0068)
•ADS Debug Target Guide (ARM DUI 0058)
•ADS Developer Guide (ARM DUI 0056).
If you are using RealView Debugger with the RealView Compilation Tools (RVCT)
v1.2, refer to the following books in the RVCT document suite for more information:
•RealView Compilation Tools v1.2 Getting Started Guide (ARM DUI 0202)
•RealView Compilation Tools v1.2 Compilers and Libraries Guide (ARM DUI
•RealView Compilation Tools v1.2 Linker and Utilities Guide (ARM DUI 0206)
•RealView Compilation Tools v1.2 Assembler Guide (ARM DUI 0204)
•RealView Compilation Tools v1.2 Developer Guide (ARM DUI 0203).
The following documentation provides general information on the ARM architecture,
processors, associated devices, and software interfaces:
•ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARM DUI 0100). This is provided in
electronic form with ADS and is also available as a printed book:
David Seal, ARM Architecture Reference Manual, Second Edition, 2001, Addison
Wesley. ISBN 0-201-73719-1
This chapter introduces RealView Debugger. It explains how the debugger provides a
development environment for embedded systems applications using the ARM family of
RealView Debugger enables you to debug your embedded application programs and
have complete control over the flow of the program execution so that you can quickly
isolate and correct errors.
1.1.1RealView Debugger concepts and terminology
The following terminology is used throughout the RealView Debugger documentation
suite to describe debugging concepts:
Debug target
A piece of hardware or simulator that runs your application program. A
hardware debug target might be a single processor, or a development
board containing a number of processors.
Connection The link between the debugger program and the debug target.
Single connection access
The base installation of RealView Debugger enables you to carry out
debugging tasks in single-processor debugging mode, that is where there
is only one target connection.
Multiprocessor access
RealView Debugger has been developed as a fully-featured debugger for
working with multiprocessor debug target systems. Multiprocessor
access enables you to maintain one or more connections to debug targets.
Multiprocessor access is a separately licensed feature of RealView
DSP RealView Debugger has been developed to provide full debugging
functions when working with a range of debug target systems including
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). DSP-based debugging is a separately
licensed feature of RealView Debugger.
RTOS Operating systems provide software support for application programs
running on a target. Real Time Operating Systems (RTOSs) are operating
systems that are designed for systems that interact with real-world
activities where time is critical.
RTOS processes can share the memory of the processor so that each can
share all the data and code of the others. These are called threads.
RealView Debugger enables you to:
•attach Code windows to threads to monitor one or more threads
•select individual threads to display the registers, variables, and
code related to that thread
•change the register and variable values for individual threads.
RealView Debugger uses a three-tier environment to debug application programs:
•the debugger software
•the debug interface layer, incorporating the execution vehicles
•the debug target.
RealView Debugger uses connection information to describe:
•how the debugger connects to the debug target
•information required to use that connection
•what kind of processor the target is using.
It might also include cached copies of processor registers or memory.
This approach means that you can switch between debug targets without having to start
a second or third instance of the debugger program.
This section describes the RealView Debugger debugging environment:
•Components of RealView Debugger
•Debug target interface on page 1-5
•Persistence information on page 1-5.
1.2.1Components of RealView Debugger
RealView Debugger comprises:
GUI The Graphical User Interface (GUI) gives access to the main features of
the debugger, command processing, and the Code windows.
Target Vehicle Server (TVS)
RealView Debugger maintains connections through the TVS and plugins
that support each combination of target processor and execution vehicle.
Using plugins, for example a board file (
files (
), enables RealView Debugger to enumerate advanced
), and board-chip definition
information about your target hardware or processor.
The TVS contains the basic debugging functionality and forms most of
the software making up RealView Debugger. If you have the appropriate
licenses, the TVS provides multiprocessor debugging, supports
multithreaded operation under an RTOS, and enables tracing and
performance profiling.
Local Operating as RealView Connection Broker, this runs on your
local workstation and enables you to access local targets.
Remote Operating as RealView Network Broker, this runs on a remote
workstation and makes specified targets on that workstation
available to other workstations connected to the same network.
RealView Debugger works with either a hardware or a software debug target. An ARM
development board communicating through Multi-ICE
debug target system. ARMulator is an example of a software debug target system.
The debug target interface contains the execution vehicles that process requests from the
client tools to the target. A debug interface might be a JTAG interface unit such as
Multi-ICE, a simulator, or a ROM monitor.
1.2.3Persistence information
RealView Debugger maintains persistence information to enable you to halt a
debugging session and resume at a later date. This means that RealView Debugger can
remember your working environment including:
•current target connections
•loaded images
•open projects
•desktop settings, for example pane selections and window positions.
The base installation of RealView Debugger enables you to debug your images in single
connection mode, that is, where there is only one connection.
If you have the appropriate license, you can also debug multiprocessor applications.
RealView Debugger supports such multiprocessor debugging by maintaining
connections to multiple debug targets through one or more Code windows. When
working in multiprocessor debugging mode, you can use one Code window to cycle
through the connected targets, or multiple Code windows to view different targets.
Multiprocessor debugging mode is a separately licensed feature of RealView Debugger
and is described in detail in RealView Debugger v1.6 Extensions User Guide.
•RealView Debugger v1.6 Command Line Reference Guide
•RealView Debugger v1.6 Extensions User Guide.
At the front of each book is a Preface describing how the contents are organized and
how information is presented in the chapters. The following description explains how
you might use the books:
1.You are recommended to read the chapters in this book, RealView Debugger v1.6 Essentials Guide, to start debugging your images and to learn how to use
RealView Debugger quickly. This book describes the minimum needed for the
new user.
2.For a comprehensive description of the features available in RealView Debugger,
see RealView Debugger v1.6 User Guide. This describes, in detail, how to debug
your images, how to work with projects, and how to configure RealView
Debugger to customize your working environment. This book also contains
examples of debugging software and details shortcuts, and tips, for the developer.
About RealView Debugger
3.RealView Debugger v1.6 Target Configuration Guide describes how to connect to
targets, how to amend existing targets that are set up in the base installation, and
how to customize your own targets.
4.If you want to use the RealView Debugger Command Line Interface (CLI) to
control your debugging tasks, RealView Debugger v1.6 Command Line Reference Guide provides a detailed description of every CLI command and includes
examples of their use.
5.If you have the appropriate licenses, you can access RealView Debugger
extensions, for example multiprocessor debugging mode and Trace. These
features are described in RealView Debugger v1.6 Extensions User Guide.
Refer to ARM FLEXlm License Management Guide for details on the license
management system that controls the use of ARM applications.
See the installation notes delivered with your product for details on installing RealView
This chapter describes the features of RealView Debugger and highlights new
functionality in RealView Debugger v1.6. It contains the following sections:
RealView Debugger v1.6 provides a range of features for the developer:
•Multi-core debugging
•OS awareness
•Extended Target Visibility (ETV)
•Advanced debugging facilities
•Trace, Analysis, and Profiling on page 2-3
•Project manager on page 2-4
•RealView Debugger downloads on page 2-4.
2.1.1Multi-core debugging
RealView Debugger v1.6 provides a single debug kernel for mixed ARM and DSP
debugging. The debugger provides full support for synchronized start and stop,
stepping, and cross triggering of breakpoints.
2.1.2OS awareness
RealView Debugger v1.6 enables you to:
•use RTOS debug including Halted System Debug (HSD)
•interrogate and display resources after execution has halted
•access semaphores and queues
•view the status of the current thread or other threads
•customize views of application threads.
2.1.3Extended Target Visibility (ETV)
RealView Debugger v1.6 provides visibility of targets such as boards and SoC. Users
can configure targets using board-chip definition files and preconfigured files are
•ARM family files provided as part of the installation
•customer/partner board files provided through ARM DevZone
2.1.4Advanced debugging facilities
RealView Debugger v1.6 provides standard debug views and advanced debugging
•RealView Debugger supports variables of 64-bit type ‘long long’ throughout the
user interface (new in v1.6).
•There is now support for module statics, that is static variables of non-local scope,
in the Call Stack pane (new in v1.6).
•RealView Debugger offers a powerful command-line interface and scripting
capability that includes macros support, conversion from ARM AXD and armsd,
and history lists to record previous actions.
•Users can access a console (headless debugger) driven from the command line or
from scripts (new in v1.6).
•RealView Debugger includes an editing control called Tooltip Evaluation that
provides hover-style evaluation in different code views (new in v1.6).
•RealView Debugger enables you to position a Memory pane to display a memory
region based on the contents of a variable or register in the Register or Watch
panes, or in the Src tab (new in v1.6).
•Users now have greater control over panes in the Code window and the debug
views displayed. RealView Debugger provides the option of using a single Code
window to display a wide range of data views during debugging (new in v1.6).
•Programming Flash modules are available as standard.
•Memory mapping is enabled if required.
•Colored memory views indicate the type of memory according to memory map
2.1.5Trace, Analysis, and Profiling
New in RealView Debugger v1.6, Trace, Analysis, and Profiling is enabled by a Trace
debug license. Trace support is available for:
•ARM ETM v1.0 (ETM7 and ETM9), including On-Chip Trace
•ARM ETM v2.0 (ETM10) (beta)
•ARMulator ETM simulator
•AXYS Oak and TeakLite MaxSim simulators
•DSP Group On-Chip Trace (Oak and TeakLite)
•Motorola 56600 On-Chip Trace
•Intel XScale On-Chip Trace.
Trace and Profiling provides full trace support including simple and complex
tracepoints and data filtering:
•the ability to filter captured trace data by field
•the ability to sort captured trace data by field.
You can set tracepoints directly in the source-level view and/or the disassembly-level
view. The same functionality is available in the Memory pane so that you can select
regions in memory to trace, or trace a specific memory value when it changes.
2.1.6Project manager
RealView Debugger v1.6 is a fully-featured Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) including a project manager and build system.
New in v1.6, the project manager includes a Configuration Summary window to display
the switch string passed to the compiler tools for build target configurations in the
current project.
2.1.7RealView Debugger downloads
ARM provides a range of services to support developers using RealView Debugger.
Among the downloads available are OS awareness modules to support RTOS
developers and enhanced support for different hardware platforms through technical
information and board description files. See
resources from ARM DevZone.
This chapter gives step-by-step instructions to get started with RealView Debugger,
including making a connection and loading an image for debugging. It also covers the
main tasks that you might carry out in a debugging session.
To start your debugging session, you must complete the following steps:
1.Start RealView Debugger.
2.Connect to your chosen debug target.
3.Load an image for debugging.
This section describes how to start RealView Debugger and display the default Code
window. It contains the following sections:
•Starting RealView Debugger
•The Code window.
3.1.1Starting RealView Debugger
To start RealView Debugger:
1.Select Start
2.Select RealView Debugger from the menu.
The first time you run RealView Debugger after installation, it creates a unique working
directory, in your RealView Debugger home directory, for you to store your personal
files, debugger settings, and target configuration files. RealView Debugger then creates
or copies files into this directory ready for your first debugging session.
If a user ID is not specified then RealView Debugger creates a general-purpose working
directory called
3.1.2The Code window
Starting RealView Debugger immediately after installation displays the default Code
window to provide a starting point for all debugging tasks. The Code window is your
main debugging and editing window. This is shown in Figure 3-1 on page 3-3.
→ Programs → RealView Debugger v1.6 from the Windows Start
The appearance of the Code window depends on your licenses. For example, the base
installation enables you to debug your images in single connection mode, that is where
there is only one connection. If you are working in this mode, the title bar does not show
For a full description of the contents of this window, see Chapter 6 RealView Debugger Desktop.
The next stage in your debugging session is to connect to your debug target. The base
installation of RealView Debugger includes built-in configuration files to enable you to
make a connection without having to modify any configuration details.
This section introduces target configuration and how to make a connection:
•Target configuration
•Working with connections
•Making a connection on page 3-5
•Setting connect mode on page 3-6.
3.2.1Target configuration
RealView Debugger uses a board file to access information about the debugging
environment and the debug targets available to you, for example how memory is
mapped. See RealView Debugger v1.6 Target Configuration Guide for details of how to
customize your targets.
You can start to use RealView Debugger with the default board file installed as part of
the base installation without making any further changes.
3.2.2Working with connections
RealView Debugger makes a distinction between target configuration, and how a target
is accessed, that is the connection.
Select File
→ Connection → Connect to Target... from the main menu to display the
Connection Control window ready to make your first connection. This is shown in
Figure 3-2 on page 3-5.