ARM DS213 User Manual

DS213 Mini Oscilloscope
User Manual
This user man ual i s bas ed on AP P V1.2
V1 .0
DS2 13
Imp ort ant Sa fety I nfo rmat ion
I. Ov erv iew
II. I nte rfac e Intr odu ctio n
III . Get ting S tart ed
IV. Ge nera l Inspect ion
V. Fun ctio n Inspect ion
VI. B att ery Di spos al
VII . Technic al Sup port
Safe ty Statement
Read carefu lly a ll th e fol low ing safety pre cau tio ns to a voi d personal inj ury a nd
prevent damage t o the d evi ce or a ny products co nne cte d to it . Failure to follow t hes e
safety inst ruc tio ns co uld r esult in perso nal i nju rie s or ri sk of fire.
Follow all the saf ety p rec aut ions to preven t pot ent ial r isk s. Avoi d fir e and p ers onal injuries.
Use proper power c ord . Ple ase u se power cord sp eci fie d for t his p roduct and cer tif ied for your coun try /di str ict of use.
Connect and disc onn ect p rop erly. Do not c onn ect o r disconnect prob e or te st le ads while they ar e con nec ted t o vol tage source. B efo re yo u con nec t or disconnec t cur ren t probes,pl eas e dis con nec t power to the cir cui t und er te st.
Observe all t he te rmi nal r ati ngs. To avo id fire or shock haza rd, ple ase d o not measure signals abo ve. P lea se re ad th e User Manual ca ref ull y to le arn m ore about rati ngs before conn ect ion .
Do not operate in a hu mid e nvi ron ment.
Do not operate in a po ten tia lly i nflammable /ex plo siv e atm osphere.
Please keep the de vic e sur fac e clean and dry.
Opera tin g Environm ent
Environme nt
Requireme nt
Operating C ond iti on
Non-operatin g Con dit ion
+0°C to+50°c
-20°c to +60°c
High Tempe rat ure4 0°C to 50°C, 0% to 90%R H
Operating C ond iti on
Low Temp era ture : 0° C to 40°C, 1 0% to 9 0%R H
High temper atu re40 °C to 6 0°C , 5% to 95%RH
Non-operatin g Con dit ion
Low temperatur e0° C to 4 0°C , 5% to 9 5%RH
I. Over vie w
DS213 is a “5-t rac k, 4- wav e line” digital sto rag e osc ill oscope for genera l-p urp ose e lectronic
engineering ta sk an d it is b ase d on ARM Cortex M3 co re. D S21 3 use s FPG A to ma nag e ext ern al
ADC’s co ntr ol an d data cache mode. It p rov ide s 4 app lication partit ion s for l oad ing and upgrading
up to 4 diff ere nt ap plication firmw are . It al so ha s built-in 8MB USB fl ash d riv e for s toring waveform s
and upgrading sy ste m fir mwa re.
1. Perf orm ance param ete rs
1. 1 Perform anc e par ame ter s
Maximum sam pli ng ra te Analog bandwid th Analog input imp eda nce Coupling Maximum input vo lta ge probe
: 100M Sa/s
: 15M
: 1MΩ
: ±40V(X1 )
±400V(X10 ) probe
Horizonta l sen sit ivi ty stepping
Vertical sensit ivi ty stepping
: 100nS/Div -1S /Di v(1 -2-5 )
: 10mV/Div- 10V /Di v(1 -2-5 )
Standard digit al ch ann el in put impedance: 10 0KΩ Max digital chan nel i npu t vol tage: +5V
1.2 Functio nal iti es
Tri gge r mode Tri gge r mode Auto measur eme nt
: Edge trigge r, pul se wi dth t rig ger : Auto, Normal , Sin gle , Slo w
: Frequency, C ycl e, Duty, Pos iti ve Pu lse W idth, Negative Pu lse W idt h, Vp p/ Vrm s/Vavg/V max /Vm in Inbuilt sig nal G ene rat or
: 10Hz8MHz squ are w ave ,10 Hz20 KHz sine wave/ tri ang ula r wav e/
sawtooth wa ve
1.3 Product p ara met ers
Storage Inbuilt 8MB U d isk s tor age f or wa veform data an d ima ges
: Micro USBBattery Internal 10 00m Ah Li thi um ba ttery, ext ern al port :
Display Color TF T LCD display (240X 400 p ixe ls) Dimension
: 99.5×59×1 3.5 mm
2. Butt ons a nd Interfa ce
Shortcut fu nct ion s: + Scre enshot
DS2 13
Save system s ett ing
Auto calibra tio n
K1 key
Display MenuK2 ke y
Switch ChannelK 3 key
Fn Combinat ion K ey (H old t his k ey and roll
Encoder A to fa st ad jus t data)K4 key
Adjust/Chang e Opt ion
Cursor, movible f rom A to U
Analog Input Cha nne l A
Analog Input Cha nne l B
Analog Input Cha nne l C
Analog Input Cha nne l D
Wav efo rm Output Channel
Charging/Dat a Con nec tio n
Power Butto n
II. Int erf ace Introd uct ion
1. Chan nel s and Menu Col ors
Blue for Chan nel A
Yell ow fo r Channel B
Purple for Ch ann el C
Green for Cha nne l D
Orange for co mmo n men u
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