ARM Cortex-A8 User Manual

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- A 8
Write buffer
evel 2
Fill and eviction queue
L2 cache
data RAM
L2 cache and preload engine
Instruction and Data DMA arbitration
IFetch IDecode IExecute Load store
Decode & sequencer
Load s
L1 cache interface
FT/Test Debug
L2 cache tag RAM
NEON unit
Decode control
Issue and
forward control
NEONload dataqueue
NEON Integer
T H E C O RT E X - A 8 M I C R O P R O C E S S O R
The Need
Next-generation digital entertainment and mobile
communications devices are driving the need for flexible
high-performance processing solutions that can meet the
needs of the low-power, cost sensitive markets. Smart phones
are becoming the center of your life, combining
entertainment, gaming, internet services and seamless
connectivity to digital entertainment devices. In a competitive
communications devices are converging, the need for a high-
performance processor that can meet both the demanding
performance requirements of leading-edge consumer
entertainment devices and the tight power requirements for
advanced mobile products is clear.
The Solution
The Cortex™-A8 processor is the highest performance, most
power-efficient processor ever developed by ARM. With the
ability to scale in speed from 600MHz to greater than 1GHz,
the Cortex-A8 processor can meet the requirements for
power optimized mobile devices with a power budget of less
than 300mW and for performance optimized consumer
applications requiring 2000 Dhrystone MIPS. The Cortex-A8
processor is ARM’s first superscalar processor featuring
NEON™technology for multimedia and signal processing,
Jazelle®-RCT (Realtime Compilation Target) technology for
efficient support of ahead-of-time and just-in-time compilation
of Java and other bytecode languages and Thumb®-2
technology for enhanced code density and performance. The
Cortex-A8 processor also supports TrustZone™technology for
security and the AMBA 3 AXI bus, making it the next natural
step up in performance for next-generation applications.
What enables it
The ARM Cortex-A8 processor’s sophisticated pipeline
architecture is based on dual, symmetric, in-order issue, 13-
stage pipelines with advanced dynamic branch prediction and
static scheduling achieving 2.0 DMIPS/MHz.
NEON media engine operates as a data processing engine
attached to the end of the main processor pipeline and is able
to process demanding applications such as VGA H.264 30fps
video decode with a clock frequency as low as 400MHz. Both
the main pipeline and the NEON engine are supported directly
by integrated high-performance Level 1 and Level 2 caches
that work together to minimize access latency, minimize
external bus traffic, and support high bandwidth data
streaming to NEON media engine. The Cortex-A8 processor’s
industry-leading performance and power efficiency is
enabled by combining advanced technology such as the
Artisan®AdvantageHS library with enhanced design
flows supporting pure synthesis, as well as structured, and
custom design.
Easy to use
The Cortex-A8 processor, supported by ARM’s complete
ecosystem of technology; makes the Cortex-A8 processor
easy to use in complex systems. Innovative new products
supporting the Cortex-A8 processor include: RealView®SoC
Designer (which provides cycle accurate ESL models for
architectural exploration), System Generator (which provides
fast instruction accurate simulation models for software
development), , RealView Development Suite 3.1 with optional
Vectorizing Compiler, AMBA®Designer interconnect design
tool, CoreSight™debug and trace, RealView Hardware
Platforms providing implementations of Cortex-A8 on FPGA for
evaluation of the technology and early software development
and SoC prototyping. and ARM Artisan AdvantageHS libraries
and RAMs.
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Fea tur e Ben efi t
ARMv7 architecture featuring: NEON, Jazelle-RCT,
Thumb-2, TrustZone technologies and the AMBA 3
AXI system bus
High-Performance Superscalar Pipeline Dual-issue, in-order execution pipeline hardware works in conjunction with a power optimized load store pipeline to
Dynamic Branch Prediction Dynamic prediction enabled by branch target and global history buffers achieve 95% accuracy across industry
NEON Media Engine Separate SIMD execution pipeline and register file with shared access to L1 and L2 memory provides flexible media
Optimized Level 1 Caches Performance and power optimized L1 caches combine minimal access latency with hash way determination to
Combines the key architecture features to enable a flexible high-performance, low-power architecture and widespread
support from operating system and applications software.
deliver 2.0 DMIPS/MHz for power sensitive applications.
benchmarks. Replay mechanism minimizes mispredict penalty.
acceleration and system wide design simplification.
maximize performance and minimize power consumption.
Integrated Level 2 Cache An optional integrated, size configurable (128K - 1M) L2 cache provides optimal access to larger data sets; supports
data streaming for NEON applications, and minimizes external bus traffic.
Thumb-2 Technology Thumb-2 architecture delivers a 30% reduction in code size while maintaining almost the same performance of 32-bit
ARM code.
TrustZone Technology Ensures reliable implementation of security applications ranging from digital rights management to electronic payment.
Broad support from technology and industry partners.
Jazelle-RCT Technology
Provides up to 3x reduction on code size for just in time and ahead of time compilation of bytecode languages. Benefits
a wide range of emerging languages. Broad industry adoption.
64/128-bit Configurable AXI Bus
High bandwidth, configurable 64 or 128-bit data bus with dedicated read, write, and address channels provides for up to
23 outstanding transactions with out-of-order completion.
High Frequency Operation
Capable of 1GHz operation in performance optimized 90nm and 65nm implementations. Optional advanced
implementation style supported by reference structured netlists.
Low Power Operation
Low power design optimizations, ARM Artisan AdvantageHS Libraries, and IEM technology enables less then 300mW
operation on low-power 65nm process technology.
ARM, ARM Powered, StrongARM, Thumb, Multi-ICE, Micropack, ModelGen, Move, PrimeCell, PrimeXsys, RealView, Jazelle, ARM7TDMI, ARM9TDMI, ARMulator and The Architecture for the Digital World are registered trademarks of ARM Limited. AMBA. AMBA2, AMBA3, AXI,ARM7, ARM7TDMI-S,ARM7EJ-S,ARM720T,ARM740T, ARM9, ARM9TDMI,ARM920T,ARM922T, ARM940T, ARM9E, ARM9E-S,ARM926EJ-S,ARM946E,ARM946E-S, ARM966E-S,ARM10,ARM1020E, ARM1022E,ARM1026EJ-S,ARM11, ARM1136J-S,ARM1136JF-S,ARM1156T2­S, ARM1156T2F-S, ARM1176JZ-S, ARM1176JZF-S,EmbeddedICE, EmbeddedICE-RT,AMBA, ARM Developer Suite, ETM,ETM7, ETM9, ETM10, ETM10RV,ETM11, Embedded TraceMacrocell, EmbeddedTrace Buffer, ETB, ETB11,Embedded Trace Kit,Integrator,JTEK, MultiTrace, MPCore,MOVE, OptimoDE,SecurCore, SC100, SC110,SC200, SC210, TrustZoneare trademarksof ARMLimited. Javais atrademark ofSun Microsystems, Inc.XScale isa trademark ofIntel Corporation. Allother brandnames orproduct names arethe propertyof theirrespective holders. "ARM" isused torepresent ARM holdings plc (LSE: ARMand NASDAQ: ARMHY); itsoperating companyARM Limited andthe regional subsidiaries ARM,INC.; ARM KK; ARM Korea Ltd.;ARM Taiwan; ARM FranceSAS; ARM Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.;ARM Belgium N.V.; andARM Embedded Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Neither the whole nor any part ofthe information contained in, or the productdescribed in, this documentmay be adapted or reproducedin any material form exceptwith the prior written permission of the copyright holder. The product described in this document is subject tocontinuous developmentsand improvements.All particularsof the productand its usecontained inthis document are givenby ARM in good faith.All warrantiesimplied or expressed, including butnot limited toimplied warrantiesof satisfactoryquality or fitness forpurpose are excluded. Thisdocument is intendedonly to provideinformation tothe reader about theproduct. To theextent permittedby local lawsARM shall notbe liablefor any lossor damage arising fromthe use ofany informationin this document orany error oromission in such information.
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RVML Cortex-M3 CA DS|ARM DOI 0278-1/03.08