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This document describes how to set up and use the ARM Integrator/CM940T core
Intended audience
This document has been written for experienced hardware and software developers to
aid the development of ARM-based products using the ARM Integrator/CM940T as
part of a development system.
This document is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1Introduction
Chapter 2Getting Started
Chapter 3Hardware Description
Read this chapter for an introduction to the core module.
Read this chapter for a description of how to set up and start using the
core module.
Read this chapter for a descr iption of the header’s hardwar e architecture,
including clocks, resets, and debug.
Chapter 4Programmer’s Reference
Read this chapter for a description of the header memory map and
Appendix A Signal Descript i ons
Refer to this appendix for a description of t he sign al s on the HDRA and
HDRB connectors.
Appendix B Specifica tions
Refer to this appendix for electrical, timing, and mechanical
The Integrator/CM940T core module provides you with the b a sis of a flexible
development system which can be used in a number of differ ent ways. Wi th power and
a simple connection to a Multi-ICE debugger, the core module provides a basic
development system. By mounting th e core mod ule onto a mo therboard , you can build
a realistic emulation of the system being developed. Through-board connectors allow
up to four core modules to be stacked on one motherboard.
The core module can be used in the following ways:
•as a standalone development system
•mounted onto an ARM Integrator/SP develo pm ent motherboard
•mounted onto an ARM Integrator/AP development motherboard
•integrated into a third-party development or ASIC prototyping system.
Figure 1-1 on page 1-3 shows the layout of the ARM Integrator/CM940T.
The major components on the core module are as follows:
•ARM940T microprocessor core
•core module FPGA which implements:
—SDRAM controller
—system bus bridge
—reset controller
—interrupt controller
—status, con f iguration, and interrupt registers.
•volatile memory comprising:
—up to 256MB of SDRAM (optional) via DIMM socket
•SSRAM controller
•clock generator
•system bus connectors
•Multi-ICE debug connector.
1.2.1System architecture
Figure 1-2 illustrates the architecture of the core module.
The FPGA provides system control functions for the core module, enabling it to operate
as a standalone development system or attached to a motherboard. These functions are
outlined in this section and descri bed in detail in Chapter 3 Hardware Description.
SDRAM controller
The SDRAM controller is implemented within the FPGA. This provides support for
Dual In-line Memory Modules (DIMMs) with a capacity of between 16 and 256MB.
See SDRAM controller on page 3-6.
Reset controller
The reset controller initializes the core and allows the core module to be reset from five
•reset button
•other core modules
For information about the reset controller, see Reset controller on page 3-8.
System bus bridge
The system bus bridge provides an interface between the memory bus on the core
module and the system bus on a motherboard. It allows the local processor access to
interface resources on the motherboard and to the SDRAM on other core modules. It
also allows access to the local SDRAM from the PCI bridge on the motherboard and
processors on other core modules (see System bus bridge on page 3-11).
The status and configuration space contains status and configuration registers for the
core module. These provide the following information and control:
•type of processor and whether it has a cache, MMU, or protection unit
•the position of the core module in a multi-module stack
•SDRAM size, address configuration, and CAS latency setup
•core module oscillator setup
•interrupt control for the processor debug communications channel.
The status and control registers can only be accessed by the local processor. For more
information about the status and control registers see Chapter 4 Programmer’ s
1.2.3Volatile memory
The volatile memory system includes an SSRAM device, and a plug-in SDRAM
memory module (referred to as local SDRAM when it is on the same core module as
the processor). These areas of memory are closely coupled to the processor core to
ensure high performance. Th e cor e mo dul e u ses s eparate memory and system buses to
avoid memory access performance being degraded by bus loading.
The SDRAM controller is implemented within the core module controller FPGA and a
separate SSRAM controller is implemented with a Programmable Logic Device (PLD).
The SDRAM can be accessed by the local processor, by processors on other core
modules, and by other system bus masters.
The SSRAM can only be accessed by the local processor.
1.2.4Clock generator
The core module uses two on-board clocks:
•CPU clock up to 160MHz
•memory bus clock up to 66MHz.
These clocks are supplied by two clock generator chips. Their frequencies are selected
via the oscillator control register (CM_OSC) within the FPGA. A reference clock is
supplied to the two clock generators and to the FPGA (see Clock generators on
page 3-17). The memory bus and system bus are asynchro nous. This allows each bus to
be run at the speed of its slowest device without compromising the performance of othe r
buses in the system.
The Multi-ICE connector enables JTAG hardware debugging equipment, such as
Multi-ICE, to be connected to the core module. It is possible to bo th drive and sense the
system-reset line (nSRST), and to drive JTAG reset (nTRST) to the core from the
Multi-ICE connector. See Multi-ICE su pport on page 3-21.
JTAG test equipment supplied by other vendors may also be used.
The core module provides one link and four surface-mounted LEDs. These are
illustrated in Figure 1-3.
1.3.1CONFIG link
Figure 1-3 Links and indicators
The core module has only one link, marked CONFIG. This is left open during normal
operation. It is only fitted when downloading new FPGA and PLD configuration
The core module provides two ground and five signal test points as an aid to debug.
These are illustrated in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 Test points
The functions of the test points are summarized in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2 Test point functions
T est pointNameFunction
TP3FCLKOUTClock output from the ARM940T microprocessor core
TP4LBCLKLocal memory bus clock
TP5Core clock Clock suppl ied to the ARM940T microprocessor core
TP6VDD940TOutput from voltage regulator
TP7ADJADJ pin of voltage regulator
This section contains safety information and advice on how to avoid damage to the core
1.5.1Ensuring safety
To avoid a safety hazard, only Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) equipment should be
connected to the JTAG interface.
1.5.2Preventing damage
The core module is intended for use within a laboratory or engineering development
environment. It is supplied without an encl osure which leaves the board sensitive to
electrostatic discharges and allows electromagnetic emissions.
To avoid damage to the board you should observe the following precautions.
•Never subject the board to high electrostatic potentials.
•Always wear a grounding strap when handling the board.
•Only hold the board by the edges.
•Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.
•Do not use the board near equipment which could be:
—sensitive to electrom a gnetic emissions (such as medical equipment)
—a transmitter of electromagnetic em issions.
To set up the core module as a standalone development system:
1.Optionally, fit an SDRAM DIMM.
2.Supply power.
3.Connect Multi-ICE.
2.1.1Fitting an SDRAM DIMM
You should fit the following type of SDRAM module:
•PC66- or PC100-compliant 168pin DIMM
•16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB or 256MB.
To install an SDRAM DIMM:
1.Ensure that the core module is powered down.
2.Op en the SDRAM retaining latches outwards.
3.Press the SDRAM module into the edge connector until the retaining latches
click into place.
The DIMM edge connector has polarizing notches to ensure that it is correctly oriented
in the socket.
2.1.2Using the core module without SDRAM
The core module can be operated without SDRAM because it has 256KB of SSRAM
permanently fitted. However, in order to operate the core module with ARM deb uggers,
you must change the internal variable
0x00080000 (= 512KB) to 0x00040000 (= 256KB) before running programs that are
linked with the standard libraries.
For further information about ARM debugger internal variables, refer to the Software Development Toolkit Reference Guide.
When using the core modul e as a s tandal on e de vel opm ent s yst em, y ou sho ul d conn ect
a bench power supply with 3.3V and 5V outputs to the power connector, as illustrated
in Figure 2-1.
Getting Started
Figure 2-1 Power connector
This power connection is not required when the core module is fitted to a motherboard.
When you are using the core module as a standalone system, Multi-ICE debugging
equipment can be used to download programs. The Multi-ICE setup for a standalone
core module is shown in Figure 2-2.
Multi-ICE unit
Power supply
Core module
Figure 2-2 Multi-ICE connection to a core module
Because the core module does not provide non-volatile memory, programs are lost
when the power is removed.
Multi-ICE can also be used when a core module is attached to a motherboard. If more
than one core module is attached, then the Multi-ICE unit must b e connected to the
module at the top of the stack. The Multi-ICE server and the debugger can be on one
computer or on two networked co mputers.
2.2Attaching the ARM Integrator/CM940T to a motherboard
Attach the core module onto a motherboard (for example, the ARM Integrator/SP) by
engaging the connectors HDRA and HDRB on the bottom of the core module with the
corresponding connectors on the top of the motherboard. The lower side of the core
module has sockets and the upper side of the core module has plugs to allow core
modules to be mounted on t op of one anot her. A maximum of f our core module s can be
stacked on a motherboard.
Figure 2-3 illustrates an example development system with four core modules attached
to an ARM Integrator/SP motherboard.