A.R.I. D-050 User Manual

Installation and Maintenance of
A.R.I.’s D-050 Combination Air Valves
A. Installation
A.1 The air valve will be mounted on a riser,
A.2 An isolating valve will be installed below the air
B. Basic, Periodic, Maintenance
B.1 Shut the isolating valve below the air valve. B.2 Unscrew the body of the plastic air valve (1). B.3 Remove the Clamping Stem (3) and the float (4),
B.4 Check to make sure the Rolling Seal is
B.5 Unscrew the bolts (11) that connect the main
B.6 Wash the body and the cover in clean water in
B.7 Reinstall in reverse order and fasten and tighten
First, insert half the length of the rolling seal tail
B.8 Open the isolating valve beneath the air valve.
connected to the top of the pipe.
and wash the inside of the body, the Clamping Stem, the float, and the Rolling Seal (2), with clean water.
unharmed (not torn or cracked) and is attached precisely in the middle of its groove in the float.
valve cover (7) to its body (13).
order to remove coarse grime or accumulated scale. Wash the nozzle seal and the float too.
all bolts. Make sure to re-assemble the upper air valve correctly:
into its groove in the body (1), and then, push the rest of the way, to the end of the groove, using the Clamping Stem (3). Make sure the Rolling Seal is set in place.
Parts Specification
1. S-050 Body
2. Rolling Seal
3. Clamping Stem
4. Float
5. Base
6. O-Ring
7. Cover
8. Nozzle Seat
9. Nozzle Seal
10. O-Ring
11. Bolt & Nut
12. Float
13. Body
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