Your Music, Your Photos, Your Videos lu au Ultra Miui aud Affordable Music aud
Video Player
A ^eek and ^yUsh design mni media ^ayer
2GB of storage for clip videos, music and photos
A 1.8" OLED color screen
The ability to create playlists, watch videos and view photos
Avadable in 3 trendy colors: Wack, red and Sver
The ARCHOS 105, the ^tra mni music ^ayer, movie and photo Vewer, gves you 2GB of
Sorage for carryng Vdeo, music and photos dong Wth you. Featuring a 1 color screen to
Vew your favorite Vdeos and photos, ,t puts a new face on MP3 payers wth Vdeo payback.
Your videos
Sore and pay movies or cp vdeos. Wach your vdeo in WMV format on the buUt-in 1.8" OLED
color screen.
Your photos
Transfer your photos from a PC &th the USB 2.0 Mgh-speed irterface - Sore and Uew up to 20,000
photos* (JPEG). Enjoy your photos on the 1.8" OEED color screen. Easdy organize your fes wth
iaUive browse.
Your music
• Sore and lisen up to 1,000 songs
• Pay the most popular music fes such as MP3, WAV, WMA and proected WMA
• Easdy organize songs wth the enhanced ARCEibrary
• Customze your Vew by artis, albium, type of music, title and create your paytist on the go.

Charge and synchronize w ith your PC
Charge your ARCHOS 105 your computer's USB 2.0 port. Eashy transfer your songs and ^ayh^s
from your PC.
Display: 1.8' OLED color screen, 160 x 128 dpi, 262 000 colors. Intuive menu &th icons.
Video playback:
Music playback: Sereo MP3 decoding @ 30-320 kb/s CBR B VBR, WMA, Proected WMA and WAV (PCM) - ID tag 3
2GB Hash memory to sore up to 10 hours of vdeo(1), 20,00 photos(1) or 1,00 songs(1)
WMV - 160 x 128 @30 fps Encoded at maximum 250 Kbit/s for Vdeo and 128 KbSs/s for audio
Photo viewer:
Audio connections:
Battery life:
Pow er source:
Scalability: Download firmware updates from www.archos.com or from the ARCHOSLINK software avattable for free
Hgh-speed USB 2.0, compatible USB 1.1 (at a lower speed), PC & Mac
Sereo analog earphones/ Lne Out jack
Up to 18 hours2 in audio payback
Internal: Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery. External: Charges va USB 2.0
on www.archos.com
Dimensions &
Package includes: ARCHOS 105, USB 2.0 cable, headphones, quick sart guide (full manual is included on ARCHOS 105
45 x 85 x 7 mm / 1.8" x 3.3" x 0.3" , 50 g (1.8 oz)
1Gb = 1 ^^ion bytes; actual formaed capacCy is less.
*19 On average; Based on WMV at 250 Kbb;s/s for Udeo and 128 Kbb;s/s for audio, based on 3.5 mns/song B 64 kbks/s WMA and for photos on JPEG, VGA.
Rechargeable batteries have a limted number of charge cycles and may eventuaUy need to be replaced. Battery Hfe and number of charge cycles vary by use
and settings.