New product information DV139 DVD player
• 105wpc Integrated Current Feedback amplifier
• Ultra Stable thermal management
• Hermetically sealed input switching
• Ultra wide band power amplifier
• Studio grade electronic volume control
• Menu driven advanced control system
• “Mask of Silence” & Stealth Mat EMC damping
• SDS resonance damped chassis
• Optional MM/MC phono stage
• Eight page CR90 learning remote control
• Class leading sound quality
f A38 Integrated Amplifier
A38 Integrated Amplifier
With over 30 years of audiophile engineering experience, Arcam is one of the UK’s most
respected audio companies. The new A38 stereo integrated amplifier is the latest in a long
family line of award winning HiFi.
The A38 design team was given a simple goal; to develop the best performing stereo
amplifier Arcam had ever produced. Although a huge task, the team dug deep into the basic
structure of amplifier design and the result was a remarkable improvement in fidelity.
An in-house research project yielded a wealth of information concerning the influences of
thermal conditions on power amplifier performance. As a result the A38 features a number
of new technologies which practically eliminate thermal modulation of audio signals and
ensure truly dynamic and enthralling reproduction. New Sanken output devices and
dramatically improved thermal coupling provide an extremely stable device temperature
resulting in much improved linearity.
The massive torroid based power supply delivers
effortless power with a new low noise topology
improving transient response. A new pre-amplifier
design, featuring hermetically sealed “reed” relays
from Arcam’s range topping C31 pre-amplifier;
deliver a wonderfully transparent signal to each
power amplifier. Reed relays offer extremely low
contact resistance and virtually infinite life span. An
all new volume control (Burr Brown PGA2320) gives unprecedented linearity and noise
performance allowing fine details to be reproduced in startling clarity.
The A38 replaces the A32 in the FMJ range and will be available in black or silver finish.
Price: TBA
E&OE (January 2008) Available Q1 2008