Audiophile products
from A&R Cambridge
Delta 170 CD transport handbook
Delta 70.2 CD player and

The Arcam Delta Compact Disc playing systems have been
designed to provide the best possible sound quality from Compact Disc.
Combine the Delta 70.2 CD player or Delta 170 CD transport
with an Arcam Delta range amplifier, tuner and digital to analogue
converter, plus a pair of Arcam loudspeakers to complete a formidable,
British made hi-fi system.
The Delta 70.2 CD player is a direct development of the
widely acclaimed Delta 70 and offers the excellent sound quality and
comprehensive range of features expected of a machine with such a
pedigree. Mew features include twin transformer power supplies, an
improved display (which can be switched off or dimmed) plus a remote
control handset which includes volume and direct track access facilities.
The Delta 170 CD transport is a top quality CD player
without the D/A converters and analogue output stages. It is perhaps
analogous to a top quality turntable motor unit to which an arm and
cartridge of the user's choice are added. It is simply designed to provide
a digital output signal of the highest quality and integrity. The Delta 170
must be used with an outboard D/A converter or with DAC equipped
amplifiers or pre-amplifiers.
With the exception of the remote control volume facility, the
Delta 170 includes all the features found on the Delta 70.2. To obtain
the very best performance the Delta 170 also includes a CDM1 Mk 2 die
cast transport and twin digital outputs (one optical and one co-axial), fed
from their own transformers and power supplies. To ensure the best
possible isolation from external vibration the Delta 170 comes complete
with a set of AudioQuest sorbothane feet.
Please study this manual carefully to ensure you get the best
results from your CD machine. Remember that your dealer is there to
help you. He has a full knowledge of all Arcam products and
considerable experience of their use in a variety of systems. If, however,
he is unable to answer your query then please do not hesitate to contact
us at the factory.
Important Notice
1 Prior to installation it is essential to remove the two large
metal transit screws which protrude from the base of your machine.
These can be safely stored in the holes provided on the back panel of
both the Delta 70.2 and the Delta 170.
DO NOT transport either machine without re-fitting and
tightening up the transit screws.
2 Please retain the carton and all packing materials (including
the transit screws) provided with your player so that it may be re-packed
correctly if it ever becomes necessary to transport the unit or to return it
for service.
3 If servicing is required then the equipment should be fitted
with its transit screws, properly packed and returned to the dealer from
whom it was purchased. It is essential to include a covering letter, giving
your name and address and a brief but thorough description of the fault.
Installing and using your
Delta 70.2/Delta 170
Mains Supply
The Arcam Delta 70.2/Delta 170 may be supplied to work on
any of the following a.c. voltages; 240\/, 220V, 120V, 11OV, 1OOV.
Check that your local mains supply voltage agrees with the voltage
setting indicated on the back panel of the player. If not, please contact
the factory or your national distributor for details of how to proceed
A detachable mains lead is supplied with the player. The
cores of this lead are coloured in accordance with the following code;
Green and Yellow - Earth
Blue - Neutral
Brown - Live
Note: Export units for certain markets have moulded mains
plugs fitted as standard.
As the colours in the mains lead may not correspond with the
coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug proceed as
The wire which Is coloured GREEN AND YELLOW must be
connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter E or
to the safety earth symbol or coloured GREEN or GREEN AND YELLOW.

The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal
which is marked by the letter N or coloured BLACK or BLUE. The wire
which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which I:
marked by the letter L or coloured RED or BROWN.
If the mains plug is fused fit a 3 amp fuse. All versions of the
Delta 70-2 and Delta 170 are fitted with an anti-surge mains fuse, rated
at 3 f 5mA for 220/240V players and 630mA for i 00/ II0/120V players.
Should a mains fuse fail, SWITCH OFF THE PLAYER AND
DISCONNECT IT AT THE WALL SOCKET. The fuse always remains live
when the machine is plugged into the mains. Remove the top plate from
the player by unscrewing the two screws at the top of the rear panel
using a No 1 ‘Posidriv’ screwdriver. Lift the top plate vertically and pull it
backwards slightly to release it. Fit a new fuse of the same type and
value in the fuse holder close to the mains inlet.
You should find a spare mains fuse in the spares kit provided
with the player or, alternatively, fitted inside the machine dose to the
mains inlet.
If the new fuse fails we recommend that you return the
player to your dealer for investigation and possible repair.
Interaction with other equipment
Although the transformers used in the Delta CD machines
have a low and well controlled level of magnetic field radiation it is
possible that they may occasionally interfere with nearby sensitive
equipment, such as the cartridge inputs of an amplifier or the replay
circuitry of a cassette recorder. This interference normally manifests itself
as a low level background hum, present when using the appropriate
equipment, but which disappears when the CD machine is turned off. If
this situation occurs and is annoying it can be eliminated by changing
the relative position of the interacting items or, in extreme cases,
switching off the CD player when other items are in use. (It may be
useful to know that the transformers in the Delta 70.2 and Delta 170 are
located to the right of the unit).
A CD player may also radiate some r.f. (radio frequency)
signals, derived from its digital circuitry. Although within statutory limits
this can cause interference with nearby tuners and radios, especially on
the AM (Medium and Long) wavebands. To solve this problem move the
aerial of the tuner or radio away from the CD player, or re-orient it for
minimum interference pickup. In extreme cases switch off the CD player
when using your tuner or radio.
Disc Maintenance
Treat your CDs with care. If you always pick up a disc by its
edge and put it back in its case after use, cleaning should not be
necessary. Should fingerprints, dust or dirt appear, you can rerrrove them
with a soft, lint free cloth, wiping the disc in a straight line from centre to
edge. Breathe on the disc lightly if necessary but do not use detergent,
abrasive cleaning agents or solutions designed for use on records.
Never write on the disc label; this can cause irreparable
damage as corrosive components present in inks can etch their way
through and destroy the information layer of the disc.
Player Maintenance
Clean the cabinet, when necessary, with a soft, damp cloth.
Do not use cleaning agents containing alcohol, spirits, ammonia or
abrasives. (For stubborn stains or fingermarks we have found the careful
application of ‘Windolene' to be particularly effective). Keep the disc tray
free of dust. With the exception of changing a fuse, do not attempt to
adjust or modify anything inside the player - this will void your
In Case of Difficulty
Although the Arcam Delta CD machines have been
manufactured to the highest standards, the possibility remains that a
fault could appear. However the cause of a problem will not always be
the player - apparent faults can arise because you are not yet fully
familiar with a complex new product, or simply from faulty discs.
There follows a list of possible faults and their causes (see
pages 10-11). If you are unable to solve a problem after following our
guidelines, stop your investigation, disconnect your machine from the
mains and contact your dealer.

Delta 70.2 Rear Panel Connections
Audio Outputs
Two pairs of audio outputs to your amplifier are available via
standard RCA type phono sockets, marked left and right. A pair of phono
to phono leads should be used to connect the player to your amplifier. A
basic cable of reasonable sound quality has been provided with the Delta
70.2 to "get you going' (but see notes on connecting cables below).
The average output level of both audio outputs is SOOmV (2V
RMS peak). You should connect the Delta 70.2 output to the CD or AUX
input of your amplifier.
The direct outputs on the Delta 70.2 offer the most direct
path from the internal D/A converter circuitry and hence give the best
sound quality.
The variable outputs, by offering a remote control volume
facility, give convenient armchair command over a useful but limited
range of 2 i dB with only a slight loss in audio quality.
Note: A set volume level will be lost when the power to the
player is switched off. When the player is switched on again the volume
will be set at normal full output level. Any other required listening level
will therefore need to be reset using the remote handset.
Digital Output
This single phono socket allows the Delta 70.2 user to reap
the sonic benefits achieved by using the player with an outboard D/A
converter, for example the Delta Black Box, or perhaps with a digital
pre-amplifier or amplifier equipped with its own internal DACs.
DO NOT connect the digital output of the Delta 70.2 to the
conventional inputs of any audio amplifier.
Connecting Cables
With high quality CD sources, such as the Delta 70.2 and
Delta 170, the quality of the cables which carry the analogue signals
between the player and the amplifier becomes of paramount
importance. Remember a hi-fi system is only as good as the weakest
link in the chain!
We strongly recommend that only first class interconnect
cables be used with your hi-fi system. (Of course the same
importance should also be attached to loudspeaker cables).
We have found interconnect and loudspeaker cables from
the AudioQuest LiveWire range to be particularly suitable.
We suggest that you discuss the question of cables with
your dealer. As a rule of thumb you might budget to spend between
5% and 20% of the price of your system on cable. This can be one of
the most effective upgrades you can carry out on your system.