Arcam 882 User Manual

Arcam Model 882, 884, 886, 888 Loudspeakers
Instructions for use
Thank you for buying Arcani loudspeakers. These loudspeakers have been designed to produce a high standard of sound reproduction at an attordable price. Although suitable for use with any good quality hi-d equipment, the speakers are an e.xceUent sonic and physical match for the rest of the Arcana range of hi-fi electronics.
Installation Instructions
For optimum results these speakers should be positioned 15 to 40cms from a rear wall and at least 60cms (2 feet) from any side wall.
The final sound will of course depend on the acoustics of the listening room, and e.xperimentation with speaker positioning and furnishings is definitely worthwlaile. As a starting point we suggest that the speakers should be placed 2.4-3m (8-10 feet) apart with their backs lOcms (4 inches) from the rear wall. The bass output may then be raised or lowered by moving the speaken closer to or further away from the wall. Toeing-in the speakers, so that their axes cross just in front of the listener may also be beneficial to treble balance and stereo imagers'.
The more rigidly a speaker is held, the better it wiU sound. On floor standing models (886, 888) we reconunend fitting the threaded spikes provided into the loudspeaker base. For best performance, the smaller 882, 884 models should be used on stands wherever possible. Use rigid metal stands of30-60cms (12-24 inches) height. Properly damped types that do not "ring" when tapped with a pencil, either by virme of construction, or by filling with dry silver sand, wiU bring out the best in the loudspeaker.
It is also possible to obtain a good sound balance when shelf mounting. The rear of the loudspeakers should be no less than 5cm fi-om the wall to allow free flow of air firom the reflex port and it should be mounted at least 4cm from a comer and 60cm from the floor (these distances may be interchanged if more convenient).
Speaker Cables
The speaken should be connected to the amplifier using good qualit%% high purity copper cables \sath a cross sectional area of at least Inim^ per conductor. Solid core cables or those \sath surface only conductors are particularly suitable. Bell wire and ver\- cheap or giveawav speaker cables should be avoided - they are a false economy and can badly degrade the sound quahw. Neither do we recommend the use of fat, heavily stranded cables, as these often impart a harsh and hashy sound to the system.
The cable mns to the two speakers should be of roughly equal length and yet as short as practicable ( a long run of speaker cable always sounds worse than a short one). The usual care should be taken over speaker phasing. Both loudspeaken should be connected to the amplifier with the same phase (black to black and red to red). AH speaker cables will be colour coded or have some physical identification (such as a small "rib" along one wire) to aid correct phasing.
You must remove the links on the rear of the loudspeakers for bi­amping, otherwise you will damage your amplifiers. Care must also be taken to ensure that aU individual loudspeaker umn are connected in the same phase (i.e. connect temiinals FkED to P^D and BLACK to BLACK). If this is not done serious frequency response deviations will result.
Power Handling
Arcam loudspeaken are designed to reproduce recorded music under normal domestic conditions. We do not reconmiend nor w'arrant them for use in any form of sound reinforcement appUcarion or at discothèques, parties or other fomis of speaker demohtion contest.
Bearing this in mind the loudspeaker will perfomi well and safely with hi-fi amphfien rated at between approximately 40 and 150 watts per charmel. How>-ever care must always be taken to avoid amphfier overload or "chpping". If you hear distortion from the loudspeaken, then reduce the volume level at once, as this is a clear sign of overload. Apart from possible damage to the amphfier this can and does damage loudspeaken. In this respect, an overdriven low- powered amphfier is much more hkely to cause damage than a properly used high powdered one.
Bi-wiring loudspeaken is a cost effective way of improving the sound quality of lii-fi system. The bi-wdring principle involves electrically isolating the treble and bass sections of the loudspeaker's crossover network and bringing out the connections to the four terminals on the loudspeaker. The use of separate cables to each half of the crossover then enables the complete isolation of the signals fed from the amplifier to the treble and bass speaker units. A reduction in low level intemrodulation and crosstalk effects is acliieved, resulting in a cleaner sound ^^^th improved imaging and separation of instruments.
To bi-wire a loudspeaker you must remove the two hnks between the pairs of red and black terminals on the rear of the speaker and then connect two separate cable runs to the bass and treble inputs. These cables should then be connected together at the amphfier's output temunals. This may be done by connecting both cables into a single pair of 4nmi plugs or by making common bare wire or spade connections to the tenninals.
Bi-amping is a similar principle to bi-wiring, except that two stereo amphfiers are used to drive the loudspeaken instead of one. To bi-amp, connect the treble units to one of the amplifier's outputs, and the bass units to the other amphfier. Both amplifien must be fed from a common stereo signal and must be of equal gain. Arcani models such as the Delta 290 and Delta 290P are ideal for tliis application. Bi-amping offen a further improvement over bi-wiring, as separate amplifien are dedicated to treble and bass frequency bands, with less internal intemiodulation effects occurring in each amphfier.
Model No. Frequency range Drive unit system Sensitivity IW at Im Nominal Impedance Compatible amplifier Weight each Height (nun)
Width (nun) Depth (nun)
884 886
888 50Hz-22kHz 45Hz-22kHz 40Hz-22kHz 40Hz-22kHz 2 way 3 way 2 w'ay 88dB 85dB
88dB 88dB 6 ohms 6ohms 6ohms 40-120W 4C-150W 40-150W
5.9kg 8kg 11.2kg 381
216 216 247 247
3 way
6ohms 40-200W
13.7kg 966
216 299