Apple Media Manager for PSP User Manual

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For use with the PSP®PlayStation® Portable
Game Console
1) GETTING STARTED a) Requirements
To use GameShark Media Manager for PSP you must have a PC running Windows 2000, or XP. It is advisable to have over 300MB of disk space free for storing the various file types that are available via GameShark Media Manager for PSP. You will need a CD-ROM drive and one free USB port.
A PC modem and an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a dial-up Internet con­nection is required to use GameShark Media Manager for PSP online features.
b) Setting up GameShark Media Manager for PSP for the first time
1. Insert the GameShark Media Manager for PSP disc into the CD-ROM drive of your PC and close the drawer.
2. After a few seconds, the installation launch panel will appear. If the launch panel does not automatically appear, double-click on the My Computer Icon, then double-click on the CD-ROM icon, and lastly double-click on the SETUP.EXE file to bring up the launch panel.
3. Follow the onscreen prompts to install GameShark Media Manager for PSP onto your PC.
c) Connecting your PSP™ Console to your PC
1. Ensure you have a Memory Stick inserted into your PSP console, and that it has been formatted in the PSP.
2. Using the supplied USB cable, connect the smaller USB connector into the top of your PSP console.
3. Insert the larger USB connector into a spare USB slot on your PC.
4. Turn on your PSP console. Use the D-Pad to scroll to the left.
5. Scroll up or down and select the “USB Connection” option. The PSP is now connected to your PC.
d) Starting-up the GameShark Media Manager for PSP Interface
Make sure you have your PSP™ console connected via the supplied USB cable, and that the console is in “USB Connection” mode. Double-click the GameShark Media Manager for PSP icon on your PC desktop to start.
When you first start your GameShark Media Manager for PSP software, you will be presented with an interface consisting of 2 different panels as shown below. Details of each panel and its functions are explained in more detail below:
a) PC Panel
This is the left panel that displays all the Gamesave, Photo, Music and Video files stored on your PC. The files are stored in Group Folders so you can identify and manage your own files by simply grouping them together.
b) Memory Stick Panel
This is the Panel on the right and displays the files that are stored on your Memory Stick that is in the PSP console.
c) User Interface
1. FILE - This is the File menu option. It consists of the
following sub options: Create folder- Creates a new folder Add PC File- Adds a file to the selected folder Delete- deletes the selected item Refresh- refreshes the selected window Minimize- minimizes the application Close- closes the application
2. EDIT - This is the Edit menu option. It consists of the
following sub options: PC FILES- allows you to edit the name/ information on a file RSS URL- Allows you to edit the URL which the RSS feed
pulls from
3. ADVANCED - This is the advanced menu option. It consists of the following sub option:
User Configuration- allows you to enter details to logon to the online database.
4. HELP: This is the Help menu option. It consists of the following sub options:
About - Displays contact details and information on the product Help - Displays a help diagram.
5. WEB BANNER- This is the Web Banner. It displays images, animations or messages from
the GameShark website. It may also be used to display offers that are available from .
6. BACKGROUND- This is the background of the interface.
7. MINIMIZE - This button will minimize the application to the taskbar.
8. CLOSE - This button will close the application.
9. FILES/ FOLDERS ON MEMORY STICK - These are the files/folders on the PSP Memory stick.
10. MEMORY STICK PANEL - This panel displays the contents of the Memory Stick folders. To
view the Music files, click the My Music Folder on the PC Panel; to view photos, click the My Photos folder, and so on.
11. CAPACITY BAR - This is the capacity bar and shows the amount of space available on
the Memory Stick.
12. COPY TO PC BUTTON - The Copy to PC button copies the selected file over to a pre
selected folder in the PC Window.
13. FILE INFORMATION - This is the File Information panel. When you click on a File or Folder
so it is selected, the information for that file appears here.
14. WEBSITE LINK - This button links through to the GameShark website.
15. COPY TO MEMORY STICK - This is the copy to Memory Stick button and copies a
pre-selected file/folder from the PC to the Memory Stick.
16. RSS FEED - The RSS Feed keeps the user updated with the latest news.
17. PC PANEL - This panel displays the folders and files that are stored on the PC.
18. PC FILES – These are the files that are stored on the PC.
19. PC FOLDERS - These are the default folders for the application, they consist of:
My GameSaves, My Music, My Pictures and My Videos. These folders are used to manage one type of file at a time; for example clicking on My Music will display the Music contents of the PSP Memory Stick, and you can only copy MP3 files to the My Music folder.
20. INTERNET DOWNLOADS BUTTON- This button opens the Internet downloads panel.
GameShark Media Manager for PSP allows you to manage convert and download media files and game saves. The application allows you to manage ONE category of files at a time. The different categories are: VIDEOS, MUSIC, PHOTOS, and GAMESAVES.
To select the type of file you want to manage click on one of the folders in the PC Panel that cor­responds to the type of file you want to manage. So if you want to manage Music files, click on the “My Music” folder in the PC Panel; the Memory Stick panel will now display the MP3 files that are on your Memory Stick. If you want to convert and transfer video files to your PSP, click the “My Videos” folder, and so on:
See diagram below-
Once you have chosen the type of file you want to manage, you can use the various functions. The fur file types of Video, Music, Photos and GameSaves are explained below.
GameShark Media Manager for PSP can convert your PC video files so they can be played back on your PSP console! The PSP only plays MPEG 4 videos that are named correctly; GameShark Media Manager for PSP takes care of this for you.
a) Video Conversion
GameShark Media Manager for PSP can convert the following types of video file for playback on PSP:
• MPEG 1
• MPEG 2
• MP4
The video files are converted automatically when copied across to the PSP. Copying and con­verting files is easy, and is explained below.
b) Adding Video files to the “My Videos” folder
The Video files on your PC need to be added to the “My Videos” folder before they can be copied to the Memory Stick.
1. To add a video file to the “My Videos” folder, select the “My Videos folder with a mouse click so it is highlighted (to confirm the destination folder).
2. Now select the “File” menu option.
3. Select “Add PC File”.
4. Browse your PC directories until you find the video file you want to add to the folder.
5. Click OK and the video file will be added to the “My Videos” folder in GameShark Media Manager for PSP.
6.Repeat these steps to add as many files as you wish to the My Videos folder.
Or if you are familiar with PC techniques, you can “drag and drop” video files into the “My Videos” folder.
1. To drag and drop a video file into the My Videos folder, first select the “My Videos” folder with a mouse click so it is highlighted (to confirm the destination folder).
2. Now open the Windows folder that the video file is in (ensuring you can see the GameShark Media Manager for PSP interface and the video file folder).
3. Now drag and drop the video file over the “My Videos” folder in the GameShark Media Manager for PSP interface.
4. The file will now be added to the “My Videos” folder.
5. Repeat these steps to add as many files as you wish to the My Videos folder.
c) Converting and copying video files to the PSP Memory Stick
When video files are copied over to the Memory Stick, they are automatically converted into the PSP compatible format, and renamed so the PSP will play them. Below are ways to copy files to your PSP Memory Stick:
1. Ensure your PSP is in USB mode and connected to the PC.
2. Double click on the “My Videos” folder to open it. The video files available for copying and converting will be shown.
3. Select the video file you want to copy to your PSP Memory Stick so it is highlighted (ensure you have enough free space on your memory Stick by checking the Capacity bar).
4. Click the “Copy to Memory Stick” button on the GameShark Media Manager for PSP interface.
5. The conversion and copy process will now take place, so a progress bar will appear.
6. You will now see the file appear in the Memory Stick panel with the new name “M4V0001.MP4”. The file must be called this to be viewed on the PSP.
7. To watch your newly converted video, close the GameShark Media Manager for PSP interface and remove the PSP safely from your PC using the “Unplug or Eject Hardware” option of Windows.
If you are familiar with PC techniques, you can “Drag and drop” video files from the PC panel to the Memory Stick panel to convert and copy them across:
1. Ensure your PSP is in USB mode and connected to the PC.
2. Double click on the “My Videos” folder to open it. The video files available for copying and converting will be shown.
3. Select the video file you want to copy to your PSP Memory Stick so it is highlighted (ensure you have enough free space on your memory Stick by checking the Capacity bar).
4. Drag and drop the video file from the My Videos folder over to the Memory Stick panel.
5. You will now see the file appear in the Memory Stick panel with the new name “M4V0001.MP4”. The file must be called this to be viewed on the PSP.
6. To watch your newly converted video, close the GameShark Media Manager for PSP interface and remove the PSP safely from your PC using the “Unplug or Eject Hardware” option of Windows.
After the conversion of a video file, an MP4 copy of the file will be left in the “My Videos” folder with the same file name as the original file. If you delete the MP4 file from your Memory Stick, and want to copy the file over again it does not have to be re-converted.
If you have transferred files to the Memory Stick, you MUST close the application and use the Unplug or Eject Hardware option of Windows (usually found on the Taskbar). If you do not do this then your file may not be saved to your Memory Stick. This is due to Windows and not the GameShark Media Manager for PSP application.
d) Organizing Video Files
You do not have to store video files in the “My Videos” folder. You can create your own specific folders and store certain video files in them.
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