6MasterTools Features
8System Requirements
9Installing and authorizing MasterTools
15Setting up MasterTools
18Basic Operation
29The UV22 Process
34Impressive comments from critical listeners on UV22
85CaractŽristiques de MasterTools
88Configuration recommandŽe
89Installation et autorisation de MasterTools
95Configuration de MasterTools
98Principes de fonctionnement
109Le procŽdŽ UV22
115Quelques commentaires d'auditeurs d'UV22
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Your Digidesign TDM system consists of many digital mixing buses
capable of incredible audio detail. In the world of digital audio, the
ability to maintain detail is measured in bits Ð more bits equals more
resolution and a more accurate digital representation of the audio we
It is hard to escape the grainy and noisy sound of the older Mac's 8-bit
audio. The improvement when we step up to CD quality 16-bit audio
is a revelation.
The Digidesign TDM bus is a full 8 bits more resolution than 16-bit
systems. These extra 8 bits beyond the familiar 16-bit CD preserve the
dynamics when we mix a few or a lot of sources together as we would
when doing a vocal compilation or a mixdown to the Þnal master.
As we process even one source through digital compressors, EQs,
gates and so on, the resultant digital audio contains additional resolution. Even if the source was 16 bits, the output contains information
well beyond 16-bit resolution, (unless it is truncated to a lower resolution).
The Problem:
How to capture the Þne resolution available on a TDM or ProTools 24
system with popular media such as CD and DAT which are 16 bit.
The Solution:
Apogee MasterTools¨ with UV22¨. How, you may ask, does a sunblock lotion give me better sound? UV22 is not a rating for protection
from the sunÕs UV rays, it is Apogee ElectronicsÕ revolutionary Super
CD encoding process for improved sonic accuracy. UV22 has been
overwhelmingly adopted by the elite and critical CD mastering community. ItÕs very unusual for this community as a whole to embrace a
new technology. Their choice of equipment is usually as individual as
their personalities. Despite this fact, virtually all Major Mastering Facilities have one or more Apogee UV22 Super CD Processing Systems
such as our UV1000 or AD-8000.
English Ð 3
The Reason:
Apogee UV22 captures information, detail and resolution beyond 16
bits onto 16-bit media. The resulting sound is natural and Þnely detailed while maintaining an ÒanalogÓ quality without any of the
ÒharshÓ digital shortcomings.
The Tool:
English Ð 4
We created Apogee MasterTools to enable you to take a page from the
mastering engineersÕ secret cookbook and add the Þnal touch of UV22
encoding to your Digidesign creations. It works even if the source is
only 16 bits because UV22 enhances the quality of any digital-to-analog
playback Ð from boom boxes to esoteric audio systems. A UV22 license
and royalty waiver are included in the purchase price of your MasterTools software.
The Vision:
To deliver an end product, you use your Digidesign system to massage
and manipulate the audio to improve what you hear. Apogee has added
an extra dimension to what we hear with a unique new way of looking
at sound. The display element of MasterTools conveys a vast array of
information in one quick glance. This multi-function stereo metering
system displays peak and average levels simultaneously along with
peak and average hold. Digital ÒOversÓ are displayed in attention grabbing red. Phase correlation between left and right signals is indicated
between the left and right channel level displays. As if this wasnÕt
enough, a Þve second history (ÒHistogramÓ) of Level, ÒOversÓ and
Phase Correlation is displayed in color, creating a window you wonÕt
want to put away. The ÒOverÓ history shows not only that you went
over but how hard you hit the stops. The Over list displays how many
ÒOversÓ occurred during the session and logs them against time code to
easily go back and Þx the mix.
The Finishing Touch:
Apogee MasterTools palette provides you with the essentials to apply
the Þnishing touch to your audio creations. Thank you for choosing
Apogee MasterTools.
About This Manual
This manual explains the operation of MasterTools in detail. We recommend you take the time to read it completely to get the most out of
this unusual Plug-In. The chapter "Installing and authorizing MasterTools" on page 9 lists the steps to install MasterTools. If you have already installed MasterTools, you can go directly to the chapter
"Setting up MasterTools" on page 15 for setup and basic operation
guidance, followed by a detailed explanation of each control and function. The chapter "The UV22 Process" on page 29 explains the remarkable UV22 process.
English Ð 5
MasterTools Features
UV22 Process
By utilizing UV22 encoding you preserve 20-bit (and above) resolution and detail onto 16-bit mediums without the need for special decoding equipment for playback. Apogee UV22 Encoding adds an
inaudible, high frequency ÒbiasÓ to the digital bitstream, placing an algorithmically-generated ÒclumpÓ of energy around 22 kHz. Much as
the bias on an analog tape recorder smoothes out magnetic tape recording non-linearities, UV22 silently captures resolution up to and
even beyond 20 bits on a standard, 16-bit CD.
In addition, this inaudible carrier smoothes the rough edges of even
the most inexpensive boom boxes. Apogee UV22 makes your recordings sound better on all listening systems, delivering sonic improvements that any user can realize on equipment they already own.
UV22 is a very special information carrier: it is not a new ßavour of
dither noise. The truly unique statistical properties of UV22 guarantee
a constant white noise ßoor, very similar in character to analog tape
noise, no matter what the input source.
In listening test after listening test, mastering engineers unanimously
choose UV22 over all other systems. With thousands of CD Titles already mastered using UV22, the Þnishing touch to your CD, CD-R or
DAT is just a mouse click away with Apogee MasterTools. The chapter
"The UV22 Process" on page 29 explains the UV22 Process in detail.
English Ð 6
DC Removal for Silent Edits
Some analog to digital converters have a small residual DC on the digital output. When DC is present on a digital signal, it means the digital
audio is not evenly centered around zero, or digital Òblack.Ó When
playing a track with DC, many digital meters will display a reading
that would appear to be an audio level, but it is inaudible. More importantly if you edit signals with different levels of DC on them, you can
get clicks and pops at your edit points. If you change the gain with DC
Offset present, the output is not faithful to the input. MasterTools can
automatically remove any DC Offset in real time. In MasterTools, digital offsets are displayed as a percentage of full scale (0 dBfs) on the
left and right channels independently.
Smart Meter Ballistics
Some users prefer average reading meters while others like peak reading meters. MasterTools gives you not only a choice, but both simultaneously. Presented in a clear fashion, both the average and peak levels
are displayed in real time. Most screen-based meters suffer from poor
resolution and signiÞcant delays from when the event occurred to
when it shows on the screen. For those of you waiting for an accurate
meter for ProTools, both in timing and level, MasterTools has it. In addition to the metering choices, the ballistics of the meters take into account the dynamics of the input signal. A signal with a fast decay will
cause the meter to decay faster.
This added level of information helps you distinguish between buzzes,
hums and other signals that would normally be obscured by conventional metering systems.
Memory Lane Ð The Histogram
Perhaps the most visually striking feature of MasterTools is the unique
level monitoring system. This allows users to observe level, phase and
balance information presented, both in real time and through history
so you know when youÕve got it ÒJust Right.Ó
Phase Meter
This feature indicates the phase correlation of stereo programs. If the
signals of both stereo channels are in phase, i.e. with identical signals
on both channels (mono), the indication of the scale will be to the right
indicating a positive correlation. If one channel is reversed in polarity
(180 degrees out phase) the scale will be toward the left (Ð). Without
any, or with only one signal at the inputs, the indication would be in
the center. Typical stereo information with correct phase correlation
will move between the center and the right (+).
This function eliminates the possibility of outputting an ÒOverÓ when
operating. It does this by reducing the level of samples that are at digital full scale by one LSB (Q-unit) at the 16-bit level.
English Ð 7
Over List
The Over list keeps track of any digital ÒOversÓ and logs them against
timecode. You can scroll through the list and edit the waveforms or use
ApogeeÕs Nova to automatically remove any digital ÒOversÓ. The Over
list can be printed, saved and is cumulative until cleared. The time and
number of consecutive ÒOverÓ samples are shown for the worst ÒOverÓ
during that period. Depending on the system you use and its workload,
the minimum time it takes for the system to update the Over list is approx. one sixtieth of a second. The deÞnition of an ÒOverÓ (as 3 to 6
consecutive full-scale samples) can be changed in the Setup menu.
ÒOversÓ Explained
An ÒOverÓ is the digital equivalent of clipping in the analog world.
When you clip an analog power amp, youÕve used up all the dynamic
range. The output goes up to the clipping point and squares off at the
maximum level. Rather than calling it ÒNo more digital headroom,Ó or
Òdigital clippingÓ we call it an ÒOverÓ, if we clip several samples in a
row. In other words, itÕs not an ÒOverÓ if we clip for one or two samples, but it is if we clip for 3, 4 or more. It is not universally agreed
what constitutes an ÒOverÓÐwe have set the default to the de facto
standard of 4, but you make a different setting.
System Requirements
MasterTools can operate on TDM equipped Macintosh systems that
have the following hardware and software capabilities:
¥ ProTools 4.0, DAE 3.3 (or higher)
¥ System 7.5 or higher
¥ Power Macintosh computer
¥ In addition, at least one megabyte of free disk space and one available DSP
chip are required.
English Ð 8
Installing and authorizing MasterTools
MasterTools works within the TDM Plug-In architecture of Digidesign systems. Installation is aided by an automatic installer included
on the MasterTools disk.
Before installing MasterTools, please check your MasterTools disk for
a possible additional Installation Instructions document. This might
cover any changes to this manual or changes in hardware or software
¥ Please carefully follow the steps outlined below to ensure a suc-
cessful installation.
¥ If you have previously used an earlier version of MasterTools, then
you should locate the following files, move them to the trash and
empty the trash:
LocationFile to trash
System folder: DAE:Plug-Ins:The old MasterTools version
System Disk:'Outdated MasterTools Files' folder
System folder: Preferences:MasterTools Prefs
System folder: Preferences:MasterTools Connections
¦ If you have previously used an earlier version of Apogee MasterTools, please
note that the program you are about to install is not just a simple upgrade. It
is a completely new written program, and as a result, authorization keys provided with previous versions of MasterTools cannot be used to authorize this
¦ Please also note, that with this version you do not need the Administrator and
MIDI Administrator anymore. You can therefore remove them from your
hard disk.
¦ Check to be sure you only have the most current version of MasterTools in
the Plug-Ins folder!
English Ð 9
Proceed as follows to install and authorize the current MasterTools
1. Quit all other applications so that you return to the Finder and insert the MasterTools floppy disk into the corresponding drive of
your computer.
A window will open. If it doesnÕt, double click on the icon of the installation
2. Double click on the MasterTools Installer symbol to load the installation software.
MasterTools must be installed on the hard disk that holds your TDM system
files and your Digidesign Plug-Ins folder.
English Ð 10
3. Click the Install button to start installation and hard disk authorization.
A dialog will inform you of what is currently installed. The installation program will place all the necessary files in the appropriate folders. MasterTools
will be placed in the Plug-Ins folder located in your System folder. If it did not
exist previously, the Plug-Ins folder will be created.
4. During installation you will be asked to personalize your
MasterTools copy. Please do so.
The installation program will now install an invisible copy protection on your
hard disk and thereby authorizes it to run MasterTools.
5. When installation and authorization have successfully been completed, this dialog will appear. Click ÒQuitÒ to quit the installation
program and restart your computer.
¦ If you see any error messages during installation, check your hard drive to
make sure you have enough available space to install MasterTools (Approximately 1 MB minimum.) Repeat the installation procedure and make sure to
double-check that you have met all the system requirements, see page 8.
English Ð 11
Information on the copy protection
The MasterTools Plug-In uses a copy protection system in which your
authorization disk plays a vital role. It contains two authorization
counts that you can use to twice authorize a hard disk to run MasterTools.
The second authorization count is meant as a back-up, in case you accidentally lose the Þrst.
During the installation process, an invisible authorization Þle has been
installed on your hard disk. Please do not move or delete this Þle,
since it might make you lose an authorization count!
If necessary, you can remove an authorization count from the hard
disk and copy it back to the installation disk. See ÒDeauthorizing the
hard diskÓ on page 13 for more information. This way, you can reinstall MasterTools on another hard disk at any time.
Please observe the following points:
¥ If you should accidentally delete the MasterTools program files, donÕt worry.
Just install again. Even if you have deleted the files, the hard disk is still authorized to run MasterTools and you do not lose an authorization count.
¥ You can safely defragment (sometimes called ÒoptimizingÓ) your hard disk.
Copy protection is not affected by defragmentation.
¥ If you experience a hard disk crash, you may lose your installation. Please
use the second authorization count on the MasterTools installation disk if this
happens, or contact your dealer.
¥ Never re-format or partition your hard disk without deauthorizing it first (see
below), otherwise you will lose an authorization count.
¦ The MasterTools disk is your verification that you have purchased the pro-
gram. Please keep it in a safe place.
English Ð 12
Deauthorizing the hard disk
Should you ever need to permanently move MasterTools to another
computer, or wish to re-format or partition your current computer, you
need to deauthorize the hard disk where you have installed the program.
During this process the authorization count will be copied back from
your hard disk to your authorization disk. Proceed as follows:
1. Write-enable your authorization disk, insert it into the disk drive
and double click on the Deauthorizer icon.
This dialog box will appear.
2. Click ÒSetup...Ó to bring up this dialog box.
English Ð 13
3. First select ÒRemoveÓ from the Authorization pop-up menu and
click on the desired drive. Then click on the Remove button.
This will activate the Deauthorization process.
4. The authorization count will be removed from your hard disk and
restored on your authorization disk. The following box will appear
and inform you of the number of installation counts that are now
available on your authorization disk.
5. Install MasterTools on the new or changed hard disk as previously
English Ð 14
Setting up MasterTools
Launch ProTools, create a new session or open an existing one Ð
MasterTools should now be available as an insert on a stereo master or
stereo aux return fader. If you are doing a ProTools III session and you
want MasterTools on your Þnal output, insert it on a stereo master. Setting up MasterTools as an insert in ProTools is also described in this
¦ If MasterTools doesn't appear, move your other Plug-Ins from the System
folder: DAE folder: Plug-Ins folder to the desktop, leaving only the Mixer
Plug-In and the MasterTools Plug-In and launch ProTools again. Once MasterTools is operating properly, move your other Plug-Ins back to the Plug-Ins
folder one at a time and launch ProTools again each time to observe any possible conflicts with other Plug-Ins.
We recommend you read the entire manual before using MasterTools,
but then again we never expect anyone to take us seriously. If you are
anxious to get started, you will Þnd the operation is intuitive. We suggest, however, that you take the following steps Þrst:
1. After opening your ProTools Software, establish your tracks. Select the
mix window and make sure that the Inserts are visible in the mix window.
2. Under the File Menu, select ÒNew Master Faders...Ó If you donÕt
want to process all of your tracks with MasterTools, select ÒNew
Auxiliary Inputs...Ó instead. This will bring up a dialog box. In this
box, you can define the number Master Faders/Auxiliary Inputs
that should be created. Type 1 and click the radio button next to
ÒStereo inputÓ. Then click OK.
¦ If you created an Auxiliary Input, please skip to step 4.
3. If you selected a Master Fader, it will default to output 1&2. If
youÕre using another pair of outputs that go to your stereo storage
device. i.e. DAT, CD-R, or other storage medium, click (and hold)
the ÒOutputÓ button on the Master Fader and select the pair of
outputs youÕre using. You can now skip to step number 8.
English Ð 15
4. If you selected an Auxiliary Input, youÕll need to assign the input and
output parameters of the Auxiliary input as well as route the various
audio channels into the Auxiliary input for processing. This is accomplished by using the bus assigns and the Insert Points of the mix window.
5. Choose a pair of TDM buses to route all signals that you want to
process with MasterTools. LetÕs assume you have chosen buses 15
& 16 for this purpose. To route signals to these buses, click and
hold down the output button in the I/O section of each channel
you want to route to the selected bus pair by dragging to the bus
pair. Continue this for each subsequent channel that you want to
6. Now that all of the channels that you want to process are routed to
the stereo TDM buses, you then need to make the connection from
the buses into the Stereo Auxiliary input that will do the MasterTools
Processing. This is done by pressing the input button on the Stereo
Auxiliary input you created and selecting (as an example) bus 15-16.
This has now made the inputs of the stereo aux input bus 15-16.
7. The next step is to route the output of the stereo auxiliary send to
the main outputs. At this time you might want to run up a rough
mix just to confirm that all of the routing is correct. After all this,
only one more step is required to activate MasterTools.
8. If you havenÕt done so already, select ÒShow Inserts ViewÓ from
the Display menu. MasterTools is a Stereo Plug-In that can be active on any Stereo Master Fader or Auxiliary Return. While you
can use any of the five inserts to assign MasterTools, to get maximum benefit from UV22 it is best to have MasterTools as the last in
the chain i.e. the bottom Insert ÒEÓ. To accomplish this, press the
last of the five insert buttons on the Master Fader/ Auxiliary Input
and select MasterTools from the list of Plug-Ins and release.
You will now be presented with the MasterTools window which should look
similar to the one on the next page.
English Ð 16
9. If you start playback you should see audio levels reflected on the
main metering located on the left and right of the display at the
sides of the Òcorridor.Ó These levels march into the distance as
time goes by until they disappear over the horizon.
10.Now you can continue to read about the functionality of each of
the controls and displays, or put the manual down and begin pressing buttons. You probably* wonÕt hurt anything.
* ÒProbablyÓ has been put in so that a disclaimer can be made in case something
gets fouled up.
English Ð 17
Basic Operation
The MasterTools window consists of two main sections. The Þrst is
the display area located in the upper part of the window. This includes
the metering for level, phase and DC Offset. Below the metering displays are control buttons for the various parameters affecting the displays and other functions. The buttons seen at the top of the window
belong to ProTools and are described in its documentation.
Location and Functions: The Displays
The front of the Òcorridor wallsÓ to the left and right reßects the signals of the left and right inputs of the stereo auxiliary input or master
output that MasterTools is inserted into.
English Ð 18
Over Indicators
Each channel has an Over indicator that lights red when an ÒOverÓ occurs. This state is held until the Reset Overs button is clicked. This
will reset both indicators. To individually reset an over indicator, simply double click on it.
Left Channel Over Indicator
If NOVA is active the Over indicator becomes blue to show that
ÒOversÓ have been corrected by this process. The ÒOversÓ in the Histogram, however, are still displayed in red.
The length of the Over segments in the Histogram (displayed in the
top lane on each of the HistogramÕs Òcorridor wallsÓ) indicates, how
many ÒOversÓ have occurred within a certain time span: The higher
each red bar, the more consecutive ÒOversÓ have occurred.
Level Indicators
The narrow bar indicates the peak level and the wide bar
shows the average (RMS) level.
If peak hold is on, then the highest value that both the
Peak and Average reach will be held for two seconds (or
whatever is selected in the Setup dialog) or until a higher
level is achieved.
The Þve ÒLEDsÓ at the bottom of the scale divide the
range between Ð41 dB and ¥ (or in fact Ð138,47 dB) in
linear fashion, where ¥ represents the lowest Bit and
therefore starts to light up as soon as a signal is detected.
This meter display example shows the average level at Ð12 dB
and the Peak level at Ð5. The Peak Hold is at Ð2 and the
Average Hold is Ð10. There have been ÒOversÓ. The scale has
been set to Digital. In Analog mode, +20 dBfs is shown at the
top of the scale.
English Ð 19
DC Offset Display
These displays indicate the DC level as a percentage from Ð10% to +10%.
A reading of zero indicates that no DC level is
If DC Correct is active, the reading in the DC
Offset display is shown in blue, if it is inactive
the reading is displayed in red.
This display shows that a DC Offset of 5% is being
detected on the incoming signal.
Phase Meter
Between the two level meters is a Phase Meter display. This feature indicates the phase correlation of stereo programs.
English Ð 20
The Phase Meter display and its Histogram
If the signals of the two stereo channels are 100% in phase, i.e. an
identical signal on both channels, the indication of the scale will be to
the right indicating a positive correlation (+). If one channel is reversed in polarity (180 degrees out phase) the scale will be toward the
left (Ð). Without any signal, or with only one signal at the inputs, the
display will be in the center. Typical stereo information with correct
phase correlation will move between the center and the right.
Location and Functions: The Control buttons
The buttons that control MasterTools are of three types: On/Off buttons, selector buttons and buttons that start an action each time you
click on them.
The Þrst type is typical of a normal button. It switches the respective
function On or Off and affects both stereo channels.
In MasterTools, the buttons UV22, Normal/Low, Peak Hold, Phase
Meter, Auto Black, Mono, SwapChannel, Setup and Over list are of
this type.
When the button is backlit, the function is active. When it is pale, the
function is not active.
Functions OnFunctions Off
The second type of button looks like a collection of three buttons and
act in perfect unison. These buttons give you the ability to select either
the left or right channel or both channels to be dealt with.
Pressing on the main bar will toggle the function On or Off for both
channels. Pressing either the Left or Right button will only select that
channel and will leave the other channel at its previous setting.
If either the right or left channel is On, the main button will also toggle
to On. These buttons include Nova, DC Correct, Phase Invert and
The third type of button is the Reset Overs button that Ð when pressed
Ð resets the Overs List.
English Ð 21
UV22 Ð (On/Off)
The Encode control is a toggle selector that enables or disables the
UV22 function. When highlighted, this signiÞes that the UV22 process is active.
UV-22 is On.
When the UV22 process is disabled, the unprocessed signal is passed
through without UV22 processing. When UV22 is active, UV22 Encoding will be embossed on the Gold Pyramid in the Main Display.
Normal Ð (Normal/Low)
The Level control toggles between two modes of UV22 operation,
Normal and Low. It is therefore highlighted if UV22 is active. You can
switch between the two modes Normal or Low by clicking on it. The
selected mode is shown on the button.
Normal is On.
Normal mode is the typical setting. The Low mode captures almost as
much resolution, but uses a lower level of the UV22 signal. A more
detailed description of the process and recommended settings is included in the section "UV22 Process Caveats" on page 33. For now
leave the selector on Normal.
English Ð 22
NOVA Ð (On/Off)
Mixes can get rejected if they contain digital ÒOversÓ. When NOVA is
enabled, it automatically reduces the level of any Sample that is
ÒOverÓ to one Least SigniÞcant Bit (LSB) below digital full scale.
With this setting NOVA reduces ÒOversÓ on the left channel.
Samples that are not ÒOverÓ will not be effected. Corrected ÒOversÓ
are indicated in blue in the Over display.
¦ The ÒOversÓ in the Histogram will continue to be shown in red, see page 19.
DC Offset Removal Ð (Left On/Off, Right On/Off)
MasterTools provides a comprehensive DC Offset removal system.
Once DC Offset is detected by observing the DC Offset meters, this
feature can be engaged to efÞciently remove it.
DC Correct is On and activated for the left channel.
Auto Black Ð (On/Off)
This control arms the Automatic Black function. Auto Black functions
like a gate. When the audio drops below a certain threshold for a given
time period, the signal is muted until activity at the input occurs again.
Auto Black is On.
The Auto Black function allows automatic insertion of digital silence.
It triggers when no signal at the 20-bit level occurs for 128 consecutive Sample pairs, (Left and Right) and the signal doesnÕt exceed Ð42
dBfs. Auto Black automatically Òopens the gateÓ again as soon as a
stronger signal occurs on either the left or the right channel.
English Ð 23
SwapChannel Ð (Normal/Reversal of Left and Right)
This selector maintains polarity and reverses the Left and Right channels to check for correct stereo placement, i.e. left could be on the
right side.
SwapChannel is Off.
When engaged, the left and right channels will be swapped, with the
right channel coming out of the left output and vice-versa.
Phase Meter Ð (On-Off)
This selector activates the Phase Correlation Meter. When the Phase
Meter is Off, the display centers around zero.
When the Phase Meter button is activated...
English Ð 24
...the Phase Meter display shows the phase correlation of the audio that is
played back.
Phase Ð (Normal/Invert for Left, Right or Both)
At times it can be useful to check the absolute polarity of a signal. Listening to music with the phase reversed can be quite audible.
If the audio is inverted, a kick drum ÒthumpÓ will become a Òsuck.Ó By
selecting the Phase Invert button, the signalÕs polarity is reversed.
Phase Inversion is set to Off.
If reversing the polarity of only one channel is desired, (to conÞrm
phase relationships, etc.) clicking on either the left or right button located directly below the Phase button will accomplish this.
Mono Ð (Stereo-Mono)
If this button is inactive (not backlit), then you will hear the Stereo signal.
When engaged, the left and right channels are summed to mono to
check compatibility. The phase meter, if active, still displays the correlation between the left and right channels for reference.
Because this sum-to-mono function occurs after the phase invert,
when these two functions are used in conjunction with each other it is
possible to monitor the left-minus-right signal.
This is a common mastering technique used to reveal any out-of-phase
elements of a mix.
Do this:
1. Activate the Mono and Phase Invert buttons.
2. Then use the Left and Right Channel buttons below the Phase Invert button for comparison.
English Ð 25
Reset Overs
Any digital ÒOversÓ will be held until either MasterTools is removed
from the active screen or the Reset Overs button is pressed.
The Reset Overs button
This button is a momentary action type and clears the digital Over Indicator located above the real time meter display.
¦ To delete the list of Overs in the Over List dialog, click the Over List button,
then click ÒClearÓ.
Peak Hold
Peak Hold is On.
The MasterTools level meters default to a Peak Hold type display.
In this mode, the highest signal attained by both the average and peak
meters is held for approximately two seconds, or whatever is selected
in the Setup Dialog Box.
English Ð 26
If a higher level overrides the peak hold level, the peak hold will now
represent the higher level.
Over List
This button brings up the ÒOver ListÓ dialog. The OverList keeps track
of any ÒOversÓ that have occurred during the session. It can be cleared
or saved to a Þle for printing or reference.
Clicking on the Over List button É
Éwill bring up the Over List dialog
As each ÒOverÓ is a number of clipping samples, the ÒTimeÓ value
shown in the list represents the time at which the
of these clipping
samples occurred.
The ÒCountÓ value shows the number of samples that were clipping.
¦ The frame format used here is the same that you have set in ProToolsÕ Dis-
play menu (ÒShow Session Setup WindowÓ). It is also displayed in the top left
of the MasterTools window.
English Ð 27
Mute Ð (Left On/Off, Right On/Off)
Press the Left, Right or Mute button to mute the associated channels.
Mute is Off.
This selector calls up a dialog box with several secondary parameter
adjustments for the visual displays as seen below.
Click on the Setup buttonÉ
Éto bring up this dialog.
English Ð 28
Setting this......has this effect
Peak Hold Time Determines how long the highest indication of peak and
average level will be held. ÒLatchedÓ will hold the indication indefinitely.
Headroom Scale Determines what type of scale the meters show. This de-
faults to + 20. Changing the scale will alter the resolution
of the meters, +12 yielding the greatest resolution at the
top of the scale. Checking the Digital Scale box puts 0 dB
at the top of the meter, more like a typical digital meter
on a DAT machine.
ConsecutiveDetermines how many consecutive full level samples will
trigger an ÒOverÓ indication.
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