APG warrants its products to be free from defects of material and workmanship
and will, without charge, replace or repair any equipment found defec ve
upon inspec on at its factory, provided the equipment has been returned,
transporta on prepaid, within 24 months from date of shipment from factory.
No representa on or warranty, express or implied, made by any sales
representa ve, distributor, or other agent or representa ve of APG which is
not specifi cally set forth herein shall be binding upon APG. APG shall not be
liable for any incidental or consequen al damages, losses or expenses directly
or indirectly arising from the sale, handling, improper applica on or use of the
goods or from any other cause rela ng thereto and APG’s liability hereunder, in
any case, is expressly limited to the repair or replacement (at APG’s op on) of
Warranty is specifi cally at the factory. Any on site service will be provided at
the sole expense of the Purchaser at standard fi eld service rates.
All associated equipment must be protected by properly rated electronic/
electrical protec on devices. APG shall not be liable for any damage due
to improper engineering or installa on by the purchaser or third par es.
Proper installa on, opera on and maintenance of the product becomes the
responsibility of the user upon receipt of the product.
Returns and allowances must be authorized by APG in advance. APG will
assign a Return Material Authoriza on (RMA) number which must appear
on all related papers and the outside of the shipping carton. All returns are
subject to the fi nal review by APG. Returns are subject to restocking charges as
determined by APG’s “Credit Return Policy”.
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Ultrasonic sensors use a transducer to transmit bursts of ultrasonic sound
waves. Each burst contains a series of pulsed sound waves that emit in the
shape of a cone, refl ect off the target, and are detected by the sensor. The me
required for the sound waves to travel to and from the target is converted into
a distance measurement by the sensor. Ultrasonic sensing is aff ected by several
factors including the target surface, distance, size, and angle. The following
considera ons will help ensure the best possible target condi ons.
The ideal target surface is hard and smooth. This type of surface will refl ect a
greater amount of signal than a so or uneven surface. Sound wave absorbent
materials, such as granules and powders, will reduce the opera ng range of the
sensor and decrease measurement accuracy.
Sound wave a enua on increases as the distance traveled increases.
Therefore, targets at longer ranges require be er refl ec ve characteris cs than
targets that are closer to the sensor.
A large object will have a greater surface area to refl ect the signal than a
smaller one. Therefore, a large target will be detected at a greater distance
than a small target. The surface area recognized as the target will generally be
the por on closest to the sensor.
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
The inclina on of the object’s surface in rela on to the sensor face will aff ect
the strength of the refl ected sound waves. Surfaces perpendicular to the
sensor will refl ect more signal directly back to the sensor. If a surface is more
than a few degrees off perpendicular, enough of the signal will be refl ected
away from the sensor that the target will not be detected. Generally speaking,
a target angle greater than 5 degrees off perpendicular will not be detected.
The target angle becomes increasingly cri cal as the distance to the target
Environmental Condi ons
Temperature, humidity, vapors, dust, and pressure can aff ect the sensor’s
performance. APG ultrasonic sensors are designed to compensate for many of
these condi ons. However, if the condi ons are extreme, sensor performance
can be degraded enough to require the use of a longer-range sensor than
normal condi ons would require. Ultrasonic sensors may not be suitable for
applica ons with heavy chemical vapors (such as solvents or gasoline), heavy
dust or when signifi cant surface foam is present.
DO NOT mount the sensor
where the beam will intersect
objects such as fill streams,
pipes, ladder rungs, wall seams,
or corrugated tank walls.
Installa on
The LOE must be mounted in a loca on with an unobstructed column of air to
the target. The beam-spread chart on the previous page can be used as a rough
guide to determine the required diameter of the air column for ranges of 10
feet or less. A 3 to 4 foot diameter air column is typically suffi cient even at the
maximum range of the sensor.
The sensor should be mounted to ensure the target does not come closer than
the minimum sensing range (blanking distance).
The sensor should be mounted so that the sensor face is perpendicular to the
target surface. Even just a few degrees off -perpendicular can cause a loss of
echo condi on. Proper alignment becomes increasingly important as the range
to the target increases.
Stand Pipe Moun ng
When using a stand pipe to raise the sensor above a tank, use a single seamless
piece of pipe to provide the sound waves a smooth path to propagate into the
tank. Because the sound waves becomes concentrated along the pipe walls,
even small sharp edges, such as seams or burs, can cause errant readings.
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Sensor Setup via DHCP (automa c IP confi gura on)
Connect the LOE to a network that provides access to the internet, and apply
power to the sensor. The COM LED should begin to fl ash once every 30
seconds, indica ng the DHCP is a emp ng to establish communica on with the
web site. Once communica on is established, the COM LED will illuminated.
NOTE: see Troubleshoo ng DHCP if COM LED con nues to fl ash from more than
2-3 minutes.
Accessing the Internal Web Pages
To access the sensor’s se ngs, open an Internet browser, and in the address
bar enter: loe_# where # is the sensor’s serial number beginning at the
fi rst whole number. For example if the serial number is L000001275, then
you would enter loe_1275 into the browser address bar. The following screen
should appear:
NOTE: if typing the loe_# does not work, it may indicate the DHCP has saved
a previous name for the IP assigned. Power down the sensor and have the
System Administrator delete this name from the DHCP server.
Next, click the “Home” bu on and use the following default login when
Username: admin Password: password
NOTE: use the Security link on the main page to set the desired Username
and Password.
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
Chick the “Home” bu on again to enter the main page. The sensor parameters
are described in the ensuing pages.
Network Se ngs
The Network Se ngs are provided for advanced users only and shouldn’t nor-
mally require changes. The LOE comes defaulted with DHCP enabled, meaning
the sensor only requires access to internet and it will automa cally connect to
the www.levelandfl ow.com website and confi gure its own Network Se ngs.
NOTE: refer to page
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications
18 for a descrip on of the Alarm Filter func on.
Automation Products Group, Inc.
Rev. B, 1/12 LOE Series
Security Se ngs
The Security Se ngs allow the user to set the username and password required
to access the sensor se ngs. The default Username is admin and the Password
is password.
Allows the user to assign custom labels to the Main Display. Labels apply only
to the internal webpage--labels on the www.levelandfl ow.com website must be
set through the website.
Basic Parameters
Automation Products Group, Inc.
APG...Providing tailored solutions for measurement applications