American Power Conversion Pro 350 - 500 User Manual

Back-UPS Pro
350 / 500
User’s Manual
990-2052B Revision 3 5/99
The UPS will not operate unless the steps below are performed.
a. Set the UPS at the edge b. Slide the battery c. Gra sp the tab attache d to the of a table. compartm ent cover dow n. battery a nd slide the battery partially out. Connect the black wire to the battery by pushing it all the way onto the term inal. Sma ll sparks are normal.
d. Slide the battery back in. e. Slide the battery compartm ent Avoid pinching the wires. cover back into place.
Place the UPS to avoid:
Direc t sunlight.
Excessive heat.
Exce ssive hum idity or conta ct with liquids.
Plug the UPS directly into a wall outlet.
The Building W iring Fault indicator m ay f lash
momentarily while being plugged in.
The UPS begins charging when connected to
utility power.
Four hours of charging should be suff icient to
achieve maximum battery capacity.
If the Building Wiring Fault indic ator on the pow er plug stays lit, one of the follow ing conditions e xis t:
Open or hig h re sist ance gr ound.
Hot and neutra l polarity re ve rsal.
Overloaded neutral circuit.
A lit indicator means that a possib le shock hazard exists. Improper building wiring should be corrected by a qualified electrician.
Note: Improper building wiring will not preve nt the
UPS from operating, but will lim it its protection capability. Improper building wiring could result in equipment damag e that is not cov ered by APC. Please refer to APC’ s Equipment Protection Policy for details.
Press the On/Test button.
You will observe the follow ing eve nts af ter pressing and relea sing the On/T es t button:
The gre en On Line indicator w ill flash.
The y ellow On Battery indicator will lig ht
while a battery test is perf ormed.
When the self test has successf ully complete d,
only the green On Line indicator will be lit.
The red Overload indicator may flash briefly
when the UPS is switched on. Following the test, if a red indic ator is lit or y ou want to perform a self test, consult the troubleshooting section.
Do not plug surge protectors or power s trips into Battery Backup outlets.
Battery Backup Plus Surge Protection outlets (4)
Data sensitive equipment suc h as a com pute r, monitor, and externa l drive s should be pow ere d by these outlets. Battery pow er is autom a tically provided in case of power outage. Power (utility or battery) is not supplied to these outle ts whe n the UPS is switched Off.
Surge Protection outlets (3)
Equipment such as a printer, fax machine, scanner, or even a desk lam p should be pow ere d by thes e outlets. These outlets do not pr ovide pow e r during a power outage. These outlets are always on (when
utility power is available) and are not controlled by the front panel switches.
Transformer Block outlets (2)
One Battery Ba ck up Plus Surge Protection and one Surge Protection outlet accept transformer blocks.
Your computer system must be On before starting this procedure. Hav e y our Window s 98 opera ting system CD ready.
Connect the USB cable end, with USB symbol facing down, to the UPS. Connect the other USB cable end directly to an av aila ble USB port on y our computer.
USB connection on rear panel of UPS:
External Drive
Typical Installation
Black Velcro Cord Straps (2 - not shown)
Straps can be used to m ana ge c ords.
1. After connecting the USB cable, the Windows 98 "A D D NE W H A RDW A RE WIZARD" dialog box is dis play ed. Inse rt your Windows 98 opera ting s y ste m CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive before proceeding.
2. Follow the installation instructions on y our computer screen.
During installation, Windows will need to
search for new driv ers . Whe n prompte d, make sure the CD-ROM drive box is checked.
3. After installation is com plete, a "W indow s 98 CD-ROM" dialog box m ay appe ar. I f this happens, just close the box.
4. Remove the W indow s 98 Ope rating Sy ste m CD from the CD-ROM drive.
5. Insert the APC Power Management Extensions for Window s 98 CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive. The software user guide is a file on the CD. Its filename is User’s Guide.pdf.
The UPS can protect up to tw o telephone lines on one phone cable. Connec t y our m ode m /f ax /phone as shown with the release tab facing up for the ends connected to the UPS.
6. Follow the installation instructions on y our computer screen.
If the software does not automatically ins tall, your Windows 98 auto run feature may have been disabled.
To install:
a. Click “Start”. b. Click “Run”. c. Enter the path to the setup.exe file on the CD-ROM drive: CD-ROM drive letter:/setup.exe d. Click “OK”.
7. After installation is com plete, the A PC plug Task Bar icon will appe ar on y our T ask Ba r (near the clock). To start the Power Management a pplication D ouble-c lick on the APC plug Task Ba r icon or s tart the Power Management a pplet in the Window s 98 control panel.
There are four indica tor lights and a speake r grille on the front panel to indicate UPS stat us.
On Line (green) - This indicator is lit whenever
conditioned utility power is pow ering the Batte ry Backup outlets.
Single Beep - This alarm is sounded w henever the On/Test button is pressed.
On Battery (yellow) - This indicator is lit
whenever utility pow er is outside saf e limits and the UPS battery is powering the Battery Backup outlets. If the outage is extended, APC software can close software a pplications, and the n shut down the oper ating system and the UPS.
Four Beeps Every 30 Seconds - This alarm is sounded wheneve r the UPS is running On
Continuous Beeping - This alarm is sounded
whenever a low battery condition is reached. Battery runtime is ve ry low. Prom ptly sav e your da ta, exit all applications, and then s hut down the opera ting system.
Overload (red) - This indicator is lit whenever
equipment connected to Battery Backup outle ts is drawing more power than the UPS can provide. Move one or more pieces of equipment to the Surge Protection outlets.
Continuous Tone - This alarm is sounded whenever the Battery Backup outlets are
Circuit Breaker - The circuit breaker button will stick out if an overload condition forces the UPS to disconnect itself from utility pow er. If the
button sticks out, disconnect non-essential equipme nt and reset the c ircuit breake r by pushing the button in.
Replace Battery (red) - This indicator is lit
whenever the autom atic diagnostic test ha s determined the battery is near the e nd of its useful lif e. The battery should be replaced within two weeks (see Order Replacement Battery). Failure to replace the battery may result in insuff icient runtime during a power outage.
Chirps for 1 Minute Every 5 Hours - This alarm is sounded w henever the battery ha s
failed the automatic diagnostic test.
APC and Back-UPS Pro are regis tered trademar ks of
American Power Conve rsion.
Use the table below to s olve minor UPS installation or operation proble ms. Consult A PC Online Tec hnical Support or call APC Technic al Support for ass istance w ith problems tha t cannot be solve d using the table be low:
Possible Cause Procedure
Battery is not connec ted properly . Check the battery connections. Cons ult “Connect batter y
wire” under “Se tup” on the front pa ge w hich shows how to access the battery and connect the wire.
UPS not connected to AC powe r supply. Check that the UPS power plug is securely connecte d to the
wall outlet.
UPS circuit breaker “trippe d”. Disconnect non-essentia l equipment f rom
the UPS. Reset the circuit breaker (on back of UPS) by pus hing the button back in. If the breaker resets, sw itch the UPS On and reconnect equipm ent one at a time. If the breaker trips again it is likely that one of the connected devices is responsible for the ove rload.
Very low or no utility volta ge. Check the wall outlet, that supplies pow er
to the UPS, with a table lamp. If the lamp is very dim, hav e the utility v oltage checked by a qualified electrician.
Utility overvoltage . Connect the UPS to another wall outlet or hav e a qualifie d
electrician check the building wiring.
UPS’s circuit breaker “ tripped”. Disconnect non-essentia l equipment f rom
the UPS. Reset the circuit breaker (on back of UPS) by pus hing the button back in.
The specific wall outle t the UPS is connected to does not supply utility voltage.
Connect the UPS to another wall outle t or have a qua lified electrician check the building wiring.
The UPS is excessiv ely loade d. Unplug non-essential Batte ry Bac k-Up connect ed
equipment, such as printer s. They can be plugge d into Surge Protection outlets.
Note: Devices that have motors or dimmer switches (laser printers, heaters, fans, lamps, and vacuum cleaners for example) s hould not be connected to the Battery Backup
Plus Surge Protection outlets. The UPS’s battery is weak due to recent outage and has not had tim e to recha rge.
Battery requires replacement. If the Replace Battery LED is lit, the battery should be
Charge the battery. The battery charges whenever it is
connected to utility pow er. Ty pically, si x to eight hours ar e
needed to fully charg e the battery from tota l discharge. UPS
runtime is reduced until the battery is fully charged. You can
perform a self test after the battery is fully recharged by
pressing and holding the On/T est button for m ore than 1
second, then releasing it.
promptly replaced. If the UPS is operated with a
weakened ba ttery, runtim e will be significa ntly redu ced.
Battery capacity decreases with frequent power outages or
when the UPS is operated at elevated temperatures. Batteries
typically last 3-6 y ears.
The Overload indicator is lit if e quipment connected to Battery Bac kup outlets is drawing more power than the UPS can provide. The Replace battery indicator is lit if the battery is near the end of its useful life .
The On Line and Overload indicators are flashing alternately.
Move one or more pieces of equipment to the Surge
Protection outlets.
The battery should be replaced within two w eeks (see Order
Replacement Battery). Failure to replace the battery may
result in insufficient runtime during a power outage.
The UPS has entered slee p mode. This lasts for 16 s econds
during a power outag e and is norm al.
UPS failure Call APC for service.
Battery is not connected. Check the battery connections. (See “Connect battery wire”
under “Setup” on the fr ont page.) PC and/or monitor is plugged into a Surge Protection outlet.
Move PC and/or monitor to the Batte ry Bac kup plus Surge
Protection outlets.
If the UPS needs to be store d for exte nded pe riods of tim e, the batte ry nee ds to be c harg ed per iodically to maximiz e ba ttery c apac ity . Bef ore storing , char ge the UPS for at lea st 10 hours . Store the UPS cove red and upright in a cool, dry loca tion.
The recomm e nded peri od of tim e the unit c an be s tored w ithout per iodic c hargi ng is de pende nt on the storage temperature:
Extended Storage
Storage Temperature Recharge Frequency Charging Duration
5 to 86oF (-15 to 30oC) Every 6 Months 10 Hours 86 to 113oF (30 to 45oC) Every 3 Months 10 Hours
The typical batte ry life time is 3-6 y ears ( depending on numbe r of discha rge cy cles and oper ating tempe rature). A replacement battery can be ordered from local retailers, APC, or the APC web site.
The APC part number for the APC Back-UPS Pro (350 or 500) Replacement Battery Cartridge is RBC2.
Battery replacement is a safe procedure. You m ay leave the UPS On and equipment connected during this procedure. Do not replac e the battery when the UPS is On Battery.
Please consult the “Connect ba ttery w ire” diag rams (a through d) on the f ront page during this procedure.
1. Set the UPS at the edge of a table (diagram a).
2. Slide the battery com partme nt cover down (diag ram b).
3. Grasp the tab atta ched to the battery and slide the battery partially out. Then grab the batte ry firm ly and pull it out. The battery wi res will disconne ct as the battery is pulled out (diagr am c).
4. Carefully insert the new battery halfw ay into the UPS, avoid pinc hing the wire s (diagram d).
5. Connect the wire s to the new ba ttery:
Red wire - to red terminal Black wire - to black term inal
Small sparks at the battery te rm inals are norm al during connec tion.
6. Carefully insert the battery fully into the UPS (diagram d).
7. Slide the battery compartment cover back into place (diagram e). The old battery m ust be recycl ed. Deliver the batte ry to an appropriate recycling facility or return it to APC in
the packing carton that came w ith your new battery . Additional recy cling inf ormation is provide d with your new battery.
If the unit arrived damaged, notify the carrier. If the UPS requires service, do not return it to the dealer. The
following steps should be taken.
1. Consult the Troubleshooting se ction to elimina te comm on problems .
2. Verify that the c ircuit break er is not tripped. A tripped circuit brea ker is the m ost com mon UPS problem .
3. If the problem per sists, consult A PC Online Technica l Support or call A PC Technical Support.
4. For Return:
When ca lling APC Tec hnical Support, have the model num ber of the UPS, the se rial number a nd
the date purchased rea dy. Be prepa red to troubleshoot the proble m over the telephone w ith an APC Technical Support representative. If this is not successful, APC will issue a Return Merchandise Authorization numbe r (RMA#) a nd a shipping addre ss.
A UPS under warranty will be repa ired at no cost. The standard warranty is 2 yea rs from da te of purchase. A PC's standard procedure w ill be to replace
the original unit with a factory reconditioned unit. APC will ship out the replacement unit once the defective unit has been received by the repair departm ent or cross ship upon the receipt of a valid credit card numbe r. The cust omer pay s for the shipping to A PC and APC pay s ground fr eight transportation costs back to the customer.
Customers who must have the orig inal unit back due to assigned as set tags a nd set depreci ation
schedules must de clare such a ne ed at firs t contact with a n APC Technic al Support repres entative.
If the warranty has expired, there is a repair charge.
Disconnect the black wir e from the UPS battery. D epartme nt of Tra nsportation (DOT) regulations
require that the black ba ttery w ire be disconne cted before shipping the UPS back to A PC. Refer to “Connect battery wire” instructions and g raphics on the f ront page for how to dis connect the bla ck wire from the ba ttery.
Pack the UPS in its original packaging. If the original packing is not available, contact APC
Technical Support to obtain a ne w set. Pack the UPS properly to a void dama ge in transit. Never use Styrofoam™ beads for packaging. Damage sustained in transit is not covered
under warranty (ins uring the pack ag e f or f ull va lue is re com m ende d).
Write the RMA# on the outside of the package.
Return the UPS by insured, pre paid carri er to the addres s given to y ou by T echnica l Support.
Acceptable Input Voltage 0 - 160 Vac, Single Phase Input Voltage (on line) 90 - 133 Vac Output Voltage 103 -133 Vac Frequency Li mits (on line) 47 - 63 Hz (autosensing) Maximum Load Typical Rec harge Tim e 6 to 8 hours from total disc harge Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature Operating and Storage Relative
Humidity Size (H x W x D ) 9.4 x 5.0 x 7.9 in (23.9 x 12.7 x 20.0 c m) Weight Shipping Weight EMI Classification FCC/DOC Class B certified
Note: Detailed UPS product specif ica tions ar e av aila ble online a t the A PC w eb site or throug h the A PC
faxback sy s tem ( 800-347-3299).
350 VA - 220 W 500 VA - 315 W
32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)
5 to 113°F (-15 to 45°C)
0 to 95%, non-condensing
350 VA -14.2 lb (6.4 kg) 500 VA - 15.4 lb (6.9 kg) 350 VA - 16.2 lb (7.4 kg) 500 VA - 17.8 lb (8.1 kg)
USA/Canada ……………. Mexico…………………… Brazil ……………………. Worldwide ………………
Web site……………………
Online Technical Support…htt p://support.apcc.c om
292.0253 / 292.0255