Access Audio Ltd
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Product Launch
FCT –PL 001 DO
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Access Audio Ltd

GSM FIXED CELLULAR TERMINAL (F151s).................................................................................3
UNIT DESIGN..................................................................................................................................4
CONFIGURATION OF KITS............................................................................................................ 4
THE FD10 FAX DATA ADAPTER................................................................................................... 5
THE FI12 ISDN ADAPTER..............................................................................................................6
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................... 9
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Access Audio Ltd

The fixed cellular terminal is a GSM terminal to which conventional fixed telephony
equipment can be connected in such a way that access to the switched telephone
network is established via the GSM network.
The F151s units incorporate a standard telephone interface to which any conventional
telephone equipment can be connected – just like plugging in the telephone to the
traditional fixed analogue network. The units include the best of both worlds, fixed and
mobile telephony. As far as the end-customer is concerned, it is simply a telephone
plug...with a little extra!
Additionally, the F151s can be connected to a PBX. When Low Cost Routing (LCR) is
programmed onto the PBX, calls to mobiles made from the desktop will be charged at
the prevailing mobile-to-mobile tariff. This could enable the customer to make significant
cost savings on their telephone bill.
Excellent quality of voice is guaranteed thanks to E
nhanced Full Rate CODEC. In
addition, the unit’ s intelligence allows it to carry out automatic network searches and can
operate on DUAL bands. The possibility of using a safeguard battery should there be a
failure in mains power yields maximum telephone network access in any circumstance.
These units are adaptable and can be installed anywhere within a building, or wherever
the fixed telephone connection is eventually needed. They have been designed to be
extremely easy to install in order to keep associated start-up costs to an absolute
As these are GSM terminals, they provide the entire range of subscriber services that
the network supports, such as pre-pay subscriptions, Call Line Identification presentation
(CLIP) through the a/b line, SMS, Call Waiting, Call Barring, Call Forwarding, MultiConferencing or Alternate Line Service.
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Access Audio Ltd

The F151s is designed for internal installation only. Its size mak es installing more than
one F151s unit simple, rapid and versatile.
The F151s fixed cellular terminals have no keyboards or screens, since their natural user
interface is a telephone connected to the unit. All of the functions of the device are
operated via this telephone.
Two light indicators on the front panel, green and red,
supply users with information on the status of the fixed
cellular terminal. The level of the incoming signal, AC or
battery function and other status information can be
obtained via these indicators. The front cover of the unit
can be removed, revealing a space inside for inserting a
power fail standard lead battery.
F151s terminal kit includes all the required equipment to
make installation as easy as possible.
F151s TERMINAL KIT consists of:
F151s terminal
AC/DC adapter
AC cable
Wall installation base
Installation material
Internal antenna
F151s user guide
BT type RJ45 phone
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Access Audio Ltd