Outside Mount Doors
Model 6001/601B Series Doors

Outside Mount Doors
Mounted on Front
Surface of the Case
Anthony’s glass display outside mount
doors are the most energy-efficient
doors in the industry for merchandising
medium- and low-temperature
products. Available with patented heatreflective glass coatings, the outside
mount doors provide energy efficiency
and maximum product visibility.
These doors can be manufactured to
fit your newly-engineered or existing
refrigerated display areas, and are
suitable for a variety of applications.
Energy effi ciency
Maximum product visibility
Standard Features
NT/LT aluminum-framed doors
Non-reversible hinge
Narrow or wide door rail
Heated or non-heated glass
Heated door rail
Top and bottom brackets
Black, polished silver, satin silver or gold anodized fi nish
Slimline handle
Torquemaster and hold-open arm
Inboard or outboard magnetic gaskets
Cylinder locks
Trimline or latch handle
Door Rail Finishes
Optimax Pro 24 LED
Door Hold-Open
Slimline Handles
Edgemount hinges
Optimax Pro 24 LED
Starfi re LED
Wall-mounted shelving
Customized logos on glass
Model 6001 and 601B
Outside Mount Doors
Anthony’s aluminum outside mount doors
are designed for both cooler and freezer
applications. The aluminum-framed doors
come in a variety of fi nishes and handles to
coordinate with store lineups. Offering a choice
of top and bottom hinge hardware, these doors
are mounted with brackets on the front surface
of the case (no perimeter frame).
OMD 03-14
For more information, call 800-772-0900, visit www.anthonyintl.com or email sales@anthonyintl.com