Model 1700 Series
Installation Instructions
November, 2012

Model 1700 Series Installation Instructions
I. Model 1700 (Beverage Slider)/Model 1710 (Deli Slider) Frame Installation Instructions
1. Before beginning installation, check rough opening for plumb and square. Shim, if
necessary, to meet specified size. See price list for rough opening sizes.
2. Net opening should be plumb and square from left to right, top to bottom and front to
back of opening.
3. Snap rear cover plastic into back outer perimeter of net opening. (This is to finish off
back of net opening.) Rear cover must be installed before screwing frame to net
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Model 1700 Series Installation Instructions
4. Set frame into net openi ng.
5. Check frame for square as shown. Shim as necessary. Ensure that shims are placed as
close to installation holes as possible. When shimming is necessary, shim top and
bottom and/or left end and right end of frame to maintain square o f frame in net
6. Starting with frame sill, install mounting screws and tighten. First do sides, then top. (Do
not over-tighten top screws, as this will bow the frame!).
7. Insert removable bottom front and rear door tracks.
8. To remove frame from opening, reverse above instructions.
II. Models 1700-1710 Door Installation Instructions
Front View of Frame
2-Wheel Roller
Note: For K.D. Self-Closing Tubing: Attach hook on end of tubing to eyelet on
top side of frame and squeeze hood closed.
1. Starting with the rear door (the left side door), attach self-closer tube by circling the
rollers on top of door, and then attach end of tubing to adjustment plate on top of door.
2. Lift door up into top rear track and then let door down on bottom rear track. Follow same
instructions for rig ht fro nt door .
3. Do not over-adjust self closers to the point that allows the doors to slam shut!
99-13321-S002 Model 1700 Series Installation Instructions
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