examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without express permission of Anthony Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Anthony products identified in this manual are design ed and certified to meet or for safety, and for sanitation
European products meet requirements.
Each customer is responsible for final site appr ov al.
2. PARTS REPLACEMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Model 101B & ELM Door Parts Placement ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Model 210X Door Parts Placement .................................................................................................................. 8
2.3. Frame Width Data ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1. Model 101X, 210X, ELM ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2. Single-Door thru Five-Door Full Flanged Frames......................................................................................... 9
2.4. Model 101X Frame Parts Placement .............................................................................................................. 10
2.4.1. Model 101X Frame Parts Placement Detail Diagram (Section A-A) .......................................................... 11
2.4.2. Model 101X Frame Parts Placement Detail Diagram (Section B-B) .......................................................... 12
2.4.3. Model 101X Frame Parts Placement Detail Diagram (Section C-C) .......................................................... 13
2.5. Model 101X ELS Fluorescent Lamp Assemblies ........................................................................................... 14
2.6. Door and Frame Assembly Diagram .............................................................................................................. 15
3. DOOR REMOVAL AND REVERSAL ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.1. Removing the Door Assembly from the 101X Frame ..................................................................................... 16
3.2. Reversing the Door Swing
4.1. Removing and Replacing the Door Gasket .................................................................................................... 21
4.2. Removing and Replacing the Door Rail Plastic Cover ................................................................................... 22
4.3. Replacing the Door Handle ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.4. Door Bumper Removal and Replacement ...................................................................................................... 26
4.5. Cylinder Lock Repair and Replacement ......................................................................................................... 27
4.6. Removing and Replacing the Torque Rod ..................................................................................................... 29
4.8. Replacing the Hold-Open Assem bl y ............................................................................................................... 31
4.9. Hold-Open Assembly Standard and Reverse Geometry ................................................................................ 31
4.9.1. Standard Geometry .................................................................................................................................... 32
4.10. Door Heater Wire Replacement ..................................................................................................................... 33
4.10.1. Splicing wire ends with solder and shrink tubing .................................................................................... 35
4.11. Removing and Replacing the Hinge Pin ......................................................................................................... 36
5. REPLACMENT DOOR INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................ 43
5.1. Installing the Door Assembly into the 101X Frame. ....................................................................................... 43
5.2. Torque and SAG Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 46
6. FRAME MAINTENANCE & PARTS PLACEMENT ................................................................................................ 47
6.2.1. ELS Lighting System .................................................................................................................................. 48
6.2.2. Standard Lighting System ........................................................................................................................... 50
6.3.1. ELS Lighting System .................................................................................................................................. 51
6.3.2. Standard Lighting System ........................................................................................................................... 53
6.4. Power Receptacle Rep lac e ment .................................................................................................................... 54
8.6. Table of AMP and BTU Charts ....................................................................................................................... 68
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
8.10. Model ELM Heater Amperages ...................................................................................................................... 76
8.10.1. Model ELM Low Temp Heater Amps @ 120V – 3-Pane Non-Heated ................................................... 76
8.10.2. Model E2 Normal Temp Heater Amps @ 120V – 3-Pane Non-Heated ................................................. 76
• Complete replacement of wire assemblies is recommended whenever required.
Splice wires only if necessary, using proper materials: such as electrical tape,
wire nuts, flux core solder and heat shrink.
• Apply liquid soap to rail plastic covers and gaskets upon installation to facilitate
insertion into mounting grooves.
• Keep doors and frames clean for product efficiency. This can also help reduce
energy consumption and potential health hazards.
• Whenever binding gasket or plastic parts, use food grade silicone.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
3.1. Removing the Door Assembly from the 101X Frame
1. Using a flat-head screwdriver, loosen the tension on the door by turning the
adjustment screw, located on the front of the torquemaster, to the right or
2. Test the door by opening it, and confirm that the torque tension does not retract
the door from open positi on.
3. If tension remains, continue adjusting the torquemaster until all tension has been
removed from the door.
4. Open the door to access the hold open device. Loosen and remove the holdopen bolt, using a phillips-head screwdriver.
5. Remove the hold open stud using a 7/16” hand w renc h.
6. Retract the door to a near-c l osed pos it ion.
7. Insert the top hal f of the needl e-nose pliers into the grip-hole, located in the hinge
pin spring-clip, and the bottom half of the pliers beneath the hinge pin shroud.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
8. Squeeze the pliers to clamp down on the hinge pin spring clip, allowing the clip to
release the hinge pin from the receptacle gib of the frame, while simultaneously
pulling the top of the door away from the frame. This will release and pull the hinge
pin out of the hinge pin receptacle and gib.
9. Continue pulling the top of the door assembly away from the frame until the top door
rail clears the frame.
10. Lift and remove the door from the torquemaster and carefully set the door aside.
3.2. Reversing the Door Swing
1. Using a flat-head screwdriver, loosen the torquemaster from its mount by turning the
center mounting screw counter-clockwise less than one-half (1/2) of a turn.
Remove the Torquemaster, exposing the mounting hole in the bottom frame rail.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
2. Locate the mounting hole at the opposite side of the door opening.
3. Using the flat-head screwdriver, carefully pry underneath the plug cap and remove it.
4. Place the Torq uemas t er on the newly opened mounting hole, aligning the flanged
corners of the mounting tabs.
5. Insert the Torquemaster mounting tabs onto the mounting hole with the hollow end
of the Torquemaster against the door frame.
6. Confirm that the mounting flanges on the bottom of the torquemaster align with the
corner mounting slots of the mounting hole in the frame.
7. Using a flat-head screwdriver, turn the Torquemaster mounting set-screw clockwise,
for 1/2 a turn, to tighten the mount and lock it in place. Confirm that the torquemaster
mounting is flush with the door frame.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
13. Loosen and completely remove the hinge pin assembly from the top door rail.
NOTE: Refer to “Removing and Replacing the Hinge Pin” for complete replacement
14. Usi ng a plastic mal let and a fla t-head screwdriver, remove the torque rod from
the bottom of the door assembly.
NOTE: Refer to “Removing and Replacing the Torque Rod” for complete Torque Rod
replacement instructions.
15. Swap placement of the Hinge Pin and Torque Rod to the other’s original
mounting hole in the door assembly hinge side rail.
16. Reinstall the hinge pin and the torque rod completely into the ends of the door
assembly hinge rail.
17. If necessary, lightly tap on the hinge pin and torque rod with a plastic or rubber
mallet until each is fully seated into the top and bottom of the door.
18. Reconnect the hinge in wires and confirm that all connections are secure.
19. Check and confirm torque rod and hinge pin are correctly and completely
20. Reinstall the door into the frame.
NOTE: Refer to “REPLACMENT DOOR INSTALLATION” for complete door
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
4.1. Removing and Replacing the Door Gasket
1. Begin removing the door gasket by lifting one corner of the gasket out of the groove.
2. Carefully pull the gasket out of the grove in the plastic rail covers.
NOTE: The gasket is composed of soft materials with welded miter joints. Use extra care
when manually extracting the gasket from the rail grooves to prevent damaging it as
well as the plastic rail.
3. Align the two corners of the replacement gasket onto the top mitered corners of the
plastic cover, with the gasket arrow facing the door rail and cover.
4. Press the gasket arrow into the groove in the center of the plastic cover corners until
the edges of the gasket arrow catch and the arrow is initially inserted into the groove
of the plastic cover.
5. Align the bottom two gasket corners with the bottom mitered corners of the plastic
covers, aligning the gasket arrow with the groove in the plastic cover and press the
corners into the groove until the arrow is fully inserted.
6. Press the gasket firmly against the top plastic cover, sliding from side to side and
applying full pressure against the gasket, forcing the gasket arrow into the groove in
the plastic top cover.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
7. Continue pressing the gasket arrow into the grooves of the remaining p la st ic co ver,
around the entire door rail perimeter (if necessary, a plastic or rubber mallet can be
used to facilitate the arrow into the groove by applying a swift stroke onto the gasketDO NOT damage the gasket or the glass).
8. Confirm that the entire gasket arrow has been completely inserted into the groove of
all four plastic rail covers.
4.2. Removing and Replacing the Door Rail Plastic Cover
1. Insert the end of a slot head screwdriver in between two plastic cover ends at the
corner miter.
2. Carefully twist the screwdriver to loosen the corner of the plastic cover lip from the
door rail.
3. Continue to pry the plastic cover from the door rail until the entire end of the plastic
rail is disengaged.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
4. Pull the plastic cover up and out of door rail grooves until the entire plastic cover is
removed from the door rail.
5. Repeat step 2 through st ep 4 to loosen and remove the three remaining plastic
6. To install the new, replacement plastic covers, begin by aligning the replacement
plastic cover evenly onto the door rail.
7. Insert the outer edge of the plastic cover into the outside groove of one of the door
8. Push the plastic cover down and inward, toward the center of the door.
9. Slide along the entire length of the plastic cover while firmly applying pressure
against it. Continue applying pressure along the length of the entire door rail,
inserting both the outside lip and the inside lip into the door rail grooves
NOTE: Carefully tap the plastic cover with deliberate strokes, using a plastic or rubber
mallet outward and away from the glass. This may help seat the lips of the
plastic cover into the grooves of the door rails.
10. Check the entire plastic cover and confirm that both the inside and outside lips are
fully inserted into the door rail grooves.
11. Repeat this procedure, aligning each mitered corner, with the remaining plastic
covers until all four plastic covers are properly installed onto door rails.
12. Confirm that each plastic cover is fully installed and the mitered corners properly
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
4.3. Replacing the Door Handle
1. Carefully remove the door gasket installed into the plastic cover over the door rail in
which the door handle is installed (leaving the gasket on the remaining door rail
assembly for easy reassembly is recommended).
2. Insert the end of a slot head screwdriver in between two plastic cover ends at the
corner miter of the plastic cover over the door rail with the handle.
3. Twist the screwdriver to loosen the corner of the plastic cover lip from the door rail
4. Pry the plastic cover from the handle side of the door rail until the entire end of the
plastic rail is disengaged and remove the entire plastic cover from the door rail with
the handle.
5. Insert a 5/32” hex key or Allen Wrench into the door rail openings and into the screw
head securing the door handle.
6. Turn the screw counter-clockwise to loosen and remove it.
NOTE: In the event that the screw heads are obstructed, refer to product notification
for instructions detailing the removal of the obstruction. Refer to “Appendix B-1:
instructions for more inf orma t ion.
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
4.4. Door Bumper Removal and Replacement
1. Using a phillips-head screwdriver, loosen and remove both self-threading screws
and washers at each end of the bumper assembly. Remove the bumper (leaving the
gasket on the remaining door rail assembly for easy reassembly).
2. If necessary, remove bumper mounting brackets.
• Remove plastic covers from the longer, side door rails.
• Using a razor knife, carefully cut the silicone adhesive.
• Loosen and remove bracket mounting screws.
• Carefully remove mounting brackets.
3. Replace door bumper assembly mounting brackets.
• Completely clean each bracket of silicone adhesive residue.
• Apply a generous amount of fresh silicone adhesive to the outside of each
mounting bracket.
• Insert new self-threading 10-32 X 3/8” screws into the bracket mounting holes
and into the door rail mounting
• holes.
• Using a phillips-head screwdriver, turn the screws clockwise until all four
screws are tightened and both mounting brackets are securely fastened.
• Apply silicone adhesive along the seams of each bracket to ensure a proper
101B, 210X, ELM, 101X Frame Installation & Service Manual
3. Insert a large phillips-head screwdriver into the lock access in the back of the door
NOTE: Once the lock screw has been removed, the screw washers and lock latch will
come loose. Be certain that these components are secure prior to the removal
of the lock screw, or they may become lost if dropped inside of the door rail.
4. Turn the lock screw counter-clockwise to loosen the screw.
5. Carefully remove the screw, lock washers and lock strike from the back of the lock
6. If necessary, replace the strike.
7. Remove the lock assembly, out from the lock housing and through the front of the
door rail.
8. Replace lock assembly into housing inside rail.
9. Replace the strike washer, strike, lock washer and screw to the rear of the lock
assembly and assemble in the correct order. Be certain that the strike is fully and
correctly seated onto the end of the cylinder.