Angelcare AC6210 Instruction manual

Model AC210
Cord Safety
Ensure the Camera is at least 1 metre away from your baby’s cot.
For assistance, FAQs or guidance with your monitor please visit our Customer Support page at
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WARNINGS ..................................................................................................................................................3
SETUP REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................5
STEP 1 - Charging the Parent Unit (9 hours) .............................................................................................6
STEP 2 - Setting up the Camera ....................................................................................................................7
STEP 3 - Turning on your monitor ................................................................................................................8
STEP 4 - Testing and getting to know your monitor ..............................................................................9
STEP 5 - Activating and deactivating additional functions ................................................................11
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Limited warranty ...............................................................................................................................................18
Technical specifications .................................................................................................................................. 18
Adult assembly required. Keep small parts away from children when assembling.
We, at Angelcare®, stand behind all of our products. If you are not completely satisfied or have any questions,
United States and Canada: Please contact us at: Other countries: Please contact your local distributor.
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1. THIS PRODUCT CANNOT REPLACE RESPONSIBLE ADULT SUPERVISION. This produ ct is de signe d to aid in th e monitoring of your chi ld. Wh en using the mo nitor, you mu st still provide the s uper visio n necessar y for the contin ued safety of your chil d.
2. WARNI NG Stra ngula tion Hazard — Children have STR ANG LED in co rds. Ke ep ada pter cor ds
exposed end.
5. ALWAYS be sure that both the tran smitter and receiver are working properly and are within range of each ot her. Test the mo nitor before fi rst use, perio dica lly and when changin g location of the Camera.
6. ALWAYS be sure to immediately check o n baby whenever an alarm sounds.
7. DO NOT use monito r near wa ter (such as bath tub, sin k, etc.).
out of the r each of children (more th an 1 metre away).
3. Never use extens ion cords with adapters. ONLY use the a dapters provide d.
4. When an adapte r is plugged into an electrical outlet , DO NOT touch the
8. Keep mo nitor AWAY from heat source s (such as stoves , radia tors, e tc.).
9. A LWAYS place b oth the Camera a nd the Parent Unit on a f lat sur face i n an upright pos ition and allow for prope r ventila tion. D O NOT pla ce on sofas , cushi ons, b eds, etc. whi ch may block ventilation.
10. This mo nitor uses pub lic air waves to tra nsmit signa ls. Th e Parent Unit may p ick up si gnals o r interferen ce from other ca mera monitor s in your area. Your monito r may even be p icked u p by other househ olds . To protect yo ur privacy, make sure both units a re turn ed OFF when n ot in use.
11. This p roduc t is NOT a toy. DO N OT allow child ren to play with it.
12. This produ ct cont ains small pa rts . Adult assem bly req uired . Exercise care when un packing and assembling the product and keep small parts away from childre n.
13. When u sing the monito r, the room te mper ature shoul d be bet ween 10°C an d 40°C .
14. The Pa rent Un it battery is a re place able L i-Io n
battery. Only use the Angelcare recommended repla cement batte ry. Danger of exp losio n if the wrong batter y is used o r if repl aced incorre ctly.
Refer to yo ur user manua l for cor rect batter y insta llation. DO N OT shor t circuit suppl y terminals . Only us e the Ang elca re provided powe r adapter to charg e the bat tery. Re move the batter y from your Par ent Unit if prod uct is to b e stored for an extend ed per iod of tim e. Dis pose of batteri es accord ing to you r local ordinances . ALWAYS keep all bat teries away from ch ildre n.
15.1 Hee d all war nings – A ll warn ings on the
produ ct and i n the operatin g instr uctio ns sho uld be adhered to.
15. 2 Fo llow all i nstru ctions – All op erating and use ins tructions sh ould b e followe d.
15.3 Wate r and moisture - D O NOT use th is apparatus near water. For example, near a bath tub, was h bowl, kitchen sink, la undr y tub, in a wet enviro nmen t or nea r a swimm ing poo l and the like . Care should b e taken s o that ob ject s DO NOT fal l onto uni ts and that liquids are not spil led into eith er unit t hroug h its opening s.
15.4 Cle anin g - Disco nnec t all units before clean ing. D O NOT immerse in water any pa rt of the mon itor. Clea n only with dry cl oth.
15.5 Ventilation - DO NOT blo ck any ven tilation openings. Allow for prope r ventilation wh en unit s are in use. DO NOT cove r the Camera o r the Parent Unit wit h any obje ct suc h as a bla nket. DO NOT place it i n a drawer o r in any lo cation which wo uld muff le the so und or i nterfere with th e norm al flow of a ir.
15.6 He at sourc es - DO NOT instal l near a ny heat source s such as radiato rs, h eat registers , stoves , TVs or oth er app aratus (including a mplif iers) that pro duce heat. He at can d amag e the cas e or electrical parts.
15.7 Power cord protectio n - Protec t the adapter ’s power cord from being wal ked on or p inched by furniture or other ite ms – Power supply cords shoul d be route d so that th ey are not l ikely to be walke d on or pinched by items up on or against them, paying particular attention to cords and plug s, conve nien ce receptacle, and the poi nt where they exit f rom the produc t. The soc ket outlet shall be inst alled n ear th e equip ment a nd shall be eas ily acce ssibl e. Make sure to plug the adapter to th e socket o utlet neare st to the eq uipm ent and that is ea sily accessible. To disconnect from mains, unplug the adapter.
15.8 Accessories - Onl y use att achm ents/ access ories s pecif ied by th e manufactu rer. DO NOT plac e this pro duct on an uns tabl e cart, stand, trip od, bracket or t able . The pro duct m ay fall, c ausi ng seri ous injury to a child or a dult an d serio us damage to the p roduct. Use ONLY with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table recommended by the man ufac turer o r sold with the pro duct . Any mounting of th e product should follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
15.9 Unplug this appliance during lightning storms or when n ot used for long perio ds of time.
15.10 Se rvicing - DO NOT attemp t to serv ice this pro duct yourse lf as opening o r removi ng
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covers (except b atter y door) may expose yo u to dangerous voltage or other hazards.
15.11 Replacement parts - When replacement part s are req uired , be sure the replacem ent parts speci fied by th e manu fact urer have t he sam e chara cteri stic as th e original pa rt. U nauth orized substi tution m ay resul t in fire , elec tric shock or other hazards.
15.12 Usage - This baby mon itor is intende d as an aid. It is NOT a su bstitute for responsi ble and prope r adult s uper visio n and sh ould not be use d as such . Use this appliance O NLY for its intende d use as de scrib ed in thi s manu al.
15.13 Power Sources - Operate this p roduct only from the type of p ower sou rce ind icated on the type plate of the a daptor. If you are u nsure of the type of p ower sup ply to you r home , consu lt your deale r or loc al power compa ny.
15.14 Over loading - DO NOT overloa d wall outlet s, exte nsion cords or i ntegral conven ience recept acles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
15.15 Object an d Liqui d Entry - N EVE R push objec ts of any k ind into this product th rough casin g slots a s they may tou ch dan gerou s voltag e point s or short out p arts t hat could result in a risk of fire or electric sho ck. N EVER s pill liquid of a ny kind on the product.
15.16 Antenna - Th e anten na used for this transmitter m ust be instal led to provide a separ ation distan ce of at least 20 cm f rom all perso ns and must not b e collocated o r operating in conjunctio n with any oth er antenna or tr ansmi tter.
15.17 Power L ines - A n outsi de ante nna sys tem shoul d NOT be lo cated in the vici nity of ove rhea d power lines or oth er ele ctric l ight or p ower circuit, or whe re it can f all into s uch powe r line s or circu its as co ntact with them may be fat al.
16.7 DO N OT attempt to rejuve nate the batter y provide d with or identif ied for u se with this product by heating them. Sudden release of battery ele ctrolyte may occur, caus ing burns or irrita tion to eyes o r skin .
16. 8 If and when necessary, the battery must be repla ced with identic al new ones or eq uival ent (volts and s ize).
16.9 Reve rse polarity insta llatio n of the battery in the en d produ ct must be avoid ed. Reverse inser tion of b atter ies ca n caus e charg ing, a nd that may re sult in l eakag e or expl osion .
16.10 Remove the ba tter y from th e Parent Unit if you store the prod uct over 30 days be caus e the battery could leak and damage the product.
16.11 Dis card ‘d ead’ b atter ies as so on as possibl e since ‘dead’ b atter ies are m ore like ly to leak i n a produ ct. If a b atter y has leaked or ve nted, it shoul d be repl aced im medi ately using prote ctive gloves.
16.12 DO N OT store this product, or the bat tery provide d with or identif ied for u se with this product, in high-temperature areas.
16.1 Use O NLY the type a nd size of batter y
specified in the owne r’s man ual. T here is a r isk of explos ion if battery is repla ced with an incor rect type.
16. 2 C harge t he battery fo r 9 hours prior to f irst use. Be sure to have th e monitor in the OFF positi on duri ng this p eriod. ONLY use the adap ters included with your monitor.
16. 3 DO NOT use th ese ada pters with any other equipments.
16.4 Whe n unpl uggin g the adapter from the Came ra, be s ure it is sw itched to the OFF posi tion .
16. 5 DO NOT disp ose bat teries in fire . They may explod e. Che ck with lo cal regulati ons for p ossib le special disposal instructions.
16.6 Exe rcise c are in ha ndling batte ries in order not to sho rt out the batteries with cond ucti ng materi als suc h as ring s, bra celet s and keys . Overcharging, short circuiting, reverse charging, mutila tion, o r incinerati on of bat terie s must be avoided to p revent one or more of the following occurrences: relea se of toxic m ateria ls, release of hydroge n and/or ox ygen, gas and rise in su rfac e temperature.
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Model AC210
Baby Video and Sound Monitor
Parent Unit Camera Tabletop stand
2x AC adapter
(for Parent Unit and Camera)
Wall mount
(for Camera)
with hardware
Lithium ion battery pack
(for Parent Unit)
(Screwdriver required
for wall mounting)
(for Camera)
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1) Unlock the battery
compartment on the rear and remove the cover. Insert the provided rechargeable battery into the compartment. Contacts of the battery and the contacts in the compartment must be aligned.
2) Connect the adapter to the
Parent Unit and into an electrical outlet.
3) Charge the unit for 9 continuous hours (prior to first use).
To optimize your battery performance please refer to Battery Guidelines in the Troubleshooting section.
Power ON/OFF Indicator
3.5” LCD Screen
Battery compartment lock
VOX Indicator Sound & TIC Light Indicator
Zoom button
Zzz button (Video ON/OFF)
Brightness (+ or -)
UP/DOWN Button/Volume Control
Front Side
Right Side
Adapter Outlet
Speaker (not shown)
Battery door (not shown)
Power ON/OFF
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+ 14 hidden pages