Analog Devices ee-54 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-54
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D or (781) 461-3881, FAX: (781) 461-3010, EMAIL:
Last Modified: 5/12/98
This Engineer’s Note will cover the AD1819A's variable sample rate support. One advantage the AD1819A has over other AC `97 codecs is that it can support any sample rate between 7 kHz and 48 kHz with one Hz precision. Two different sample rates may be used, and either may be assigned to any of the four converter channels in the AD1819A. In addition, one of the sample rates may be multiplied by a constant factor of 10/7 or 8/7 for generation of irrational sample rates used in V.34 modems. The variable sample rate support in the AD1819A eliminates the burden of digital re-sampling imposed on DC `97 controllers by the AC `97 specification, without any loss in audio performance.
Sample rate changes take effect immediately after either register is written.
Miscellaneous Control Bits Register
Register 76h contains four bits which assign one of the two SRGs (Sample Rate Generators) to each conversion channel, and two bits to enable the 10/7 or 8/7 multipliers for irrational modem rates.
Bit Name Description
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­0 ARSR ADC right sample rate generator select 2 DRSR DAC right sample rate generator select 5 SRX8D7 multiply SR1 rate by 8/7 6 SRX10D7 multiply SR1 rate by 10/7 8 ALSR ADC left sample rate generator select 10 DLSR DAC left sample rate generator select
Other bits are reserved or used for other purposes, so this register should be read, the result modified as necessary, and then written back.
If the ALSR, ARSR, DLSR, or DRSR bits are zero then the corresponding converter channels are assigned to SRG0, and use the sample rate in register 78h. If any of those bits are ones then corresponding channels are assigned to SRG1, and use the sample rate in register 7Ah. The default state of all of these bits is zero in the AD1819A, but that may change in later parts. Hence, software should always set these bits instead of assuming they are reset to a fixed value.
Four vendor-defined registers in the AD1819A control its pair of sample rate generators (SRGs). Two (78h and 7Ah) contain the sample rates to be generated. Another (76h) assigns one of the two sample rates to each conversion channel, and enables the 10/7 or 8/7 multipliers for modem support. The last (74h) enables DAC request bits, which are required for proper transfer of DAC data at sample rates less than the 48 kHz serial frame rate.
Sample Rate registers
Registers 78h and 7Ah contain the sample rates currently assigned to each SRG in Hz. Behavior of the SRGs is undefined if sample rates less than 7 kHz (1B58h) or greater than the default rate of 48 kHz (BB80h) are used.
If the SRX8D7 or SRX10D7 bits are set then the sample rate generated by SRG1 is multiplied by a constant factor of 8/7 or 10/7, respectively. The rate generated by SRG0 is unaffected by these bits. The result is undefined if both bits are set. Care must be taken to ensure that neither the base sample rate (if both SRX bits are clear) nor the multiplied sample rate (if one of the SRX bits is set) are ever outside of the allowed 7 kHz to 48 kHz range; this should not be a problem for any of the V.34 irrational rates.
Serial Configuration register
Register 74h contains one bit to enable DAC requests, and six read-only bits for the DAC request bits themselves.
Bit Name Description
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­0 DRRQ0 Master codec DAC right request 1 DRRQ1 Slave 1 codec DAC right request 2 DRRQ2 Slave 2 codec DAC right request 8 DLRQ0 Master codec DAC left request 9 DLRQ1 Slave 1 codec DAC left request
10 DLRQ2 Slave 2 codec DAC left request 11 DRQEN Enable DAC requests in serial frame
Other bits are reserved or used for other purposes, so this register should be read, the result modified as necessary, and then written back. If there is only one codec in the system then it is the master codec; multi-codec systems are covered elsewhere.
DAC request bits are asserted whenever the associated DAC channel is able to accept data in the next serial frame. This information is required because it is possible to provide more samples to a DAC channel than it can accept when the DAC channel is running at a rate less than the serial frame rate of 48 kHz. If a DAC request bit is deasserted then the controller should not send a DAC sample for that channel in the next frame.
If the DRQEN bit is set then the AD1819A produces DAC request bits at two different points in the input serial frame. Those two points are in the bottom half of the status address slot, and in the status data slot.
The DAC request bits in the status address slot are compatible with the recently released AC `97 2.0 extensions. They are active-low (send sample if zero), and are output in the same order as the output slots for the corresponding DAC channels.
Slot Bit SDATA_IN Controls slot
---­1 19 0 1 18:12 status address 1 11 DLRQ0# 3 1 10 DRRQ0# 4 1 9 DLRQ1# 5 1 8 DRRQ1# 6 1 7 DLRQ2# 7 1 6 DRRQ2# 8 1 5:0 0
DAC requests are also produced in the status address and data slots by emulating register reads of register 74h. Once DRQEN is set, every input frame (except those following an output frame containing a read command) will contain 74h in the status address slot and the contents of register 74h in the status data slot. This mode is provided for use with controllers that cannot propagate data from the low half of the status address slot. It is preferable to use the DAC request bits from the status address slot instead of those from the status data slot, because the latter are obscured whenever a real register read
command is issued.
AND AC `97 2.0
Many features of the AC `97 2.0 variable sample rate extensions are based on features introduced by Analog Devices in the AD1819A, but there are some differences with which systems using the AD1819A must cope.
First is the sample rate registers themselves. The AD1819A's sample rate registers are at indices 78h and 7Ah instead of at 2Ch through 34h, and there is no fixed mapping of converter channels to SRGs. Also, the AD1819A relies on the user not to write sample rates outside of the acceptable range to the sample rate registers; AC `97 2.0 codecs handle invalid settings by forcing the register to the nearest acceptable value.
AC `97 2.0 codecs require that a bit (VRA, register 2Ah) be set before sample rates may be changed, while the AD1819A's variable sample rate support is always enabled. VRA also enables DAC request bits in the status address slot on AC `97 2.0 codecs, while the AD1819A uses the DRQEN bit in register 74h to enable DAC requests in both the status address and status data slots.
Future AC `97 codecs from Analog Devices will comply with the AC `97 2.0 variable sample rate extensions, while retaining as much compatibility with the AD1819A as possible.
Some controllers or applications require that all stereo ADC or DAC samples be delivered in (left, right) pairs. The AD1819A will deliver ADC samples and DAC requests in pairs as long as some simple rules are followed.
The ADCs will deliver samples in pairs as long as both ADC channels are assigned to the same SRG (ALSR = ARSR in register 76h) and loopback mode is disabled (LPBK = 0 in register 20h). The ADCs must be powered down and back up again whenever ALSR and ARSR are changed or LPBK is cleared in order to guarantee that samples will be delivered in pairs.
DAC requests will be issued in pairs as long as both DAC channels are assigned to the same SRG (DLSR = DRSR in register 76h), loopback mode
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Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
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