Analog Devices ee-46 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-46
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D or (781) 461-3881, FAX: (781) 461-3010, EMAIL:
SHARC Internal Power Consumption Measurements
Last Modified: 6/6/96
There have been many customer inquiries concerning typical power consumption of the SHARC processors. As you all know we only supply a maximum Pint which is based on experimentation. Iddin is measured while executing a radix-2 FFT butterfly with instruction in cache, one data fetch from each block of memory and a DMA transfer from internal memory to internal memory. A similar method of experimentation to try to determine "typical power".
The first issue was to determine what "typical" instructions would be so "typical" power can be determined. A guess was taken. The following is a description of the test cases:
Test Case 1 executes an addition, a subtraction, a PM data access and a DM data access.
Test Case 2 executes a multiplication, an addition, a PM data access and a DM data access.
Test case 3 executes a multiplication, an addition, a subtraction, a PM data access and a DM data access.
Test Case 4 executes a multiplication, an addition and a subtraction.
Test Case 5 executes an addition and a subtraction. Test Case 6 executes a PM data access and a DM data
Test cases were selected assuming "typical" instructions would be associated with number crunching. A jump statement was used to sustain these instructions.
The experiments where performed on an ADSP 21062 rev
2.0 using 3 separate clock rates, 25MHz, 33 MHz, and 40 MHz. (A rev 0.6 part with a 24 MHz clock was also tested. The results were almost identical to those of the rev 2.0). Vddin was fixed at 5.25v. The following table describes the results:
Test CaseIddin @ 24 MHz Iddin @ 33 MHz Iddin @ 40 MHz 1 380 mA 410 mA 470 mA 2 400 mA 440 mA 500 mA 3 400 mA 440 mA 510 mA 4 280 mA 330 mA 370 mA 5 280 mA 320 mA 360 mA 6a 320 mA 380 mA 420 mA (50% Switching) 6b 390 mA 440 mA (100% Switching)
The following is a copy of the program used. #include "def21060.h"
#define N 22
.SEGMENT/DM seg_dmda; .VAR buffdm[4] =0x00000000,
0x55555555, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xAAAAAAAA;
.SEGMENT/PM seg_pmda; .VAR buffpm[N] =0x4AA14B47,
0x8DF675D4, 0x43D49B8A, 0xD14BA018, 0x406E4387, 0xCDE5483D, 0x83C36DCA, 0x113A7239, 0x805D15C7, 0x363B3B7C, 0xC3B24032, 0x799065C0, 0x07076A2F, 0x762A0DBC, 0x03A1122C, 0x72C3B5B9, 0x28A1DB6F, 0xB618E025, 0x6BF705B2, 0xF96E0A21, 0x6890ADAF, 0x1E6ED365;
jump start;
.ENDSEG; .SEGMENT/PM seg_pmco; start:
l0=@buffdm; b0= buffdm; m0= 0x1;
l8=@buffpm; b8= buffpm; m8= 0x1;
r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); r8=dm(i0,m0), r12=pm(i8,m8);
call addsub; addsub:
r7=r0+r4, r15=r0-r4, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); jump addsub (db); r7=r0+r4, r15=r0-r4, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); r7=r0+r4, r15=r0-r4, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8);
mulacc: r7=r0*r4(SSFR), r15=r8+r12, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); jump mulacc (db); r7=r0*r4(SSFR), r15=r8+r12, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); r7=r0*r4(SSFR), r15=r8+r12, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8);
mas: r7=r0*r4(SSFR), r15=r8+r12, r14=r8-r12, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); jump mas (db); r7=r0*r4(SSFR), r15=r8+r12, r14=r8-r12, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8); r7=r0*r4(SSFR), r15=r8+r12, r14=r8-r12, r0=dm(i0,m0), r4 =pm(i8,m8);
EE-46 Page 2
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D or (781) 461-3881, FAX: (781) 461-3010, EMAIL: