Analog Devices ee-41 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-41
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
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SHARC Link Port Timing Notes
Last Modified: 6/19/97
This Engineer’s Note will show how to calculate for maximum skew allowed between LCLK and LDATA at a receiver link port, as well as how to calculate the maximum transmission delay between 2 link ports.
Updated 11/11/96 Changes to the datasheet dated 4/96: These specifications are "final" for rev. 2.0 ADSP-21062.
1x CLK Speed Operation: tLCLKTWL (tCK/2)+1.25 Max tLCLKTWH (tCK/2)-1.25 Min
2x CLK Speed Operation: tSLDCL 2.25 Min tLCLKRWL 4.5 Min tDLDCH 2.25 Max tHLDCH -2.0 Min tLCLKTWL (tCK/4)-1 Min, (tCK/4)+1 Max tLCLKTWH (tCK/4)-1 Min, (tCK/4)+1 Max
Calculation for maximum skew allowed between LCLK and LDATA at receiver:
At tCK = 25ns
Setup Skew 2x = tLCLKTWH (Min) - tDLDCH ­tSLDCL = (tCK/4)-1 - 2.25 - 2.25 = 2 ns
Hold Skew 2x = tLCLKTWL (Min) + tHLDCH ­tHLDCL = (tCK/4)-1.25 - 1.75 - 2.25 = 2.25 ns
Setup Skew 1x = tLCLKTWH (Min) - tDLDCH ­tSLDCL = (tCK/2)-1.25 - 2.5 - 3 = 9.5 ns
Hold Skew 1x = tLCLKTWL (Min) + tHLDCH ­tHLDCL = (tCK/2)-1 - 3 - 3 = 8 ns
Calculation for maximum transmission delay between two Link Ports:
- The maximum transmission delay (tPROP) only is affected by the time required for the receiver to bring the LACK~ pin low at the transmitter if a stall is needed. LACK~ can be brought high asynchronous to the transmitter so tPROP for that situation is not important.
- The transmission delay must satisfy this equation where tPROP is the one way transmission delay of LACK~ pin:
(7*tCK/2) >= tDLALC + tPROP + tSLACH + tPROP tPROP <= [(7*tCK/2) - tDLALC - tSLACH]/2 At tCK = 25ns
2x rate tPROP <= [(7*tCK/2) - tDLALC - tSLACH]/2 = [87.5-16-19]/2 = 26.25ns
1x rate tPROP <= [(7*tCK) - tDLALC - tSLACH]/2 = [175-16-19]/2 = 70ns
Setup Skew 2x = tLCLKTWH (Min) - tDLDCH ­tSLDCL = (tCK/4)-1 - 2.25 - 2.25 = 0.75 ns
Hold Skew 2x = tLCLKTWL (Min) + tHLDCH ­tHLDCL = (tCK/4)-1 - 2 - 2.25 = 1 ns
Setup Skew 1x = tLCLKTWH (Min) - tDLDCH -
At tCK = 30ns 2x rate tPROP <= [(7*tCK/2) - tDLALC - tSLACH]/2 = [105-16-19]/2
= 35ns 1x rate tPROP <= [(7*tCK) - tDLALC - tSLACH]/2 = [210-16-19]/2 =
tSLDCL = (tCK/2)-1.25 - 2.5 - 3 = 5.75 ns Hold Skew 1x = tLCLKTWL (Min) + tHLDCH -
tHLDCL = (tCK/2)-1 - 3 - 3 = 5.5 ns
At tCK = 30ns