ANALOG DEVICES EE-351 Service Manual

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-351
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Using the ADS P-BF592 Blackfin® Processor Tools Utility ROM
Contributed by Andy Kettler Rev 2 – March 16, 2011


The AD SP-BF592 Blackfin® processor provides fast, low latency on-chip memory that includes 64K bytes of L1 instruction ROM, 32K bytes of L1 instruction SRAM, and 32K bytes of L1 data SRAM. The processor has no L2 internal memory, and it does not provide an external memory interface (L3 memory). Therefore an application might be constrained by the ava ilabilit y o f L1 in st ruc t ion S RAM . O ne wa y to address this would be to take advantage of the on-chip Tools Utility R OM.
This EE-Note describes the Too ls Utility ROM, it explains how to use it, and the implications involved. Also, this document assumes that applications are built using the VisualDSP++®
5.0 development tools (Update 9 or later revisions).
release of t he pro duct, t he VisualDSP++ development tools refer to the ADSP­BF592 pro cessor as t he ADSP-BF592-A processor.


The Tools Utility ROM is available with the ADSP-BF592 processor (in all silicon revisions except revision 0.0) and uses its 64K bytes of L1 instruct ion ROM to provide:
Compiler support functions, which are hidden
routines that the compiler knows about and
Copyright 2010-2011, Analog Devices, Inc. All ri ghts reserved. Analog Devices ass umes no respons ibili ty for customer produc t design or the use or application of customers ’ produc ts or for any infri ngem ents of patents or ri ghts of others which may result from Analog Devices assis tance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respec tive holders. Informati on furnis hed by Analog Devices applic ations and development tool s engineer s is believed to be accurat e and reliabl e, however no responsibi lity is assumed by Analog Devices regarding tec hnical accuracy and topical ity of the content provided in Analog Devices Engineer-to-Engi neer Notes.
re lies on to pro vide run-time services for the code that it generates (such as emulation of floating-po in t ar it hmet ic t hat is no t supported by the hardware ins truction set).
A set of C and DSP run-t ime lib r a ry func tio n s
including, for example, functions from
string.h and math.h, matrix manipulation
functions, and filter and FFT functions. Appendix A has a detailed description of the content s of the ROM .
The core of the VisualDSP++ Kernel (VDK)
referred to here as TMK.

Benefits of Using the Tools Utility ROM

The basic memory layout of the ADSP-BF592 proc essor is:
L1 instr uction SR AM 32K bytes L1 instr uction RO M 64K bytes L1 data SRAM 32K bytes L1 scratchpad SRAM 4K bytes
There is no support for external memory, and so expl oit ing t he T o ols Ut ility R OM may o ver co me shortages in L1 instruction SRAM (refer to the following section which describes the ROM’s L1 data SRAM requirements). For example, the linker know s tha t th e T ools U tility R O M c on ta ins a copy of the C library function strcmp. S o if an application calls that function then all the linker has to do is to r edirect all appropriate references to where the strcmp function is located in the ROM. Should an application decide not to link