ANALOG DEVICES EE-348 Service Manual

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-348
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Estimating Power for ADSP-214xx SHARC® Processors
Contributed by Ramdas Chary, Jeyant hi J e gadee san and Divy a Sunkara Rev 4 – February 22, 2011


This EE-Note discusses power consumption of ADSP-214xx SHARC® processors based on characterization data measured over power supply voltage, core frequency (CCLK), and junction temperature (TJ). The intent of this document is to assist board designers in estimating their power budget for power supply and thermal relief designs using ADSP-214xx processors.
Furthermore, the associated .ZIP file contains spreadsheets for ADSP-2146x, ADSP-2147x, and ADSP-2148x processors, all aimed t o a ssist in power estimation. The accompanying spreadsheets allow users to enter their application-specific operating conditions and system-level utilization of resources, and use these inputs to calculate the total power consumed by the processor.
The AD SP -214xx fa mily o f proc e s s ors is membe r of the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) SHARC family of processors, featuring the Analog Devices Super Harvard architecture and an enhanced SIMD VISA (variable instruction size architecture) core. Like other SHARC processors, they are 32-bit floating-point processors optimized for high-precision signal processing applications. They also contain dedicated hardware units for performing FIR (finite impulse response), IIR (infinite impulse response), and FFT (fast Fourier transform) algo rithms wit hout any co re intervent ion, ther eby providing an efficient saving of core MIPs.
Copyright 2010-2011, Analog Devices, Inc. All ri ghts reserved. Analog Devices ass umes no respons ibili ty for customer produc t design or the use or application of customers ’ produc ts or for any infri ngem ents of patents or ri ghts of others which may result from Analog Devices assis tance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respec tive holders. Informati on furnis hed by Analog Devices applic ations and development tool s engineer s is believed to be accurate and r eliabl e, however no responsibi lity is assumed by Analog Devices regarding tec hnical accuracy and topical ity of the content provided in Analog Devices Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
ADSP-2146x processors are offered in the commercial temperature range at core clock frequencies of up to 450 MHz, core operating voltage of 1.1V (V RAM) voltage of 1.8 V (V voltage of 3.3 V ( V
), a DDR2 (dual data
). They are also offered
), and at an I/O
in automotive and industrial temperature ranges at co re clock frequencies of up to 400 MHz, core operating voltage of 1.05 V (V voltage of 1.8 V (V
3.3 V (V
). For specific information
), and I/O voltage of
), DDR2
regarding operating temperature ranges and part
numbers, refer t o the pro cesso r da ta sheet
ADSP-2147x processors are offered in the commercial, industrial and automotive temperature r ange at co re clock frequencies of up to 300 MHz, core operating voltage of
1.2V (V (V
), and at an I/O voltage of 3.3 V
). For specific information regarding
operating temperature ranges and part numbers,
refer to the processor da ta sheet
ADSP-2148x processors are offered in the commercial, industrial and automotive temperature r ange at co re clock frequencies of up to 400 MHz, core operating voltage of
1.1V(V (V
), and at an I/O voltage of 3.3 V
). For specific information regarding
operating temperature ranges and part numbers,
refer to the processor da ta sheet
The total power consumption of the ADSP­214xx processors can be viewed as the sum of the power consumed for all of the power supply do mains ( V
, V
, and V
– DDR2