Analog Devices ee-34 Application Notes

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Understanding 21xx/218x EZ-ICE Theory of Operation To Aid In Designing An EZ-ICE Compatible Target
Last Modified: 4/14/98
This EE Note will give some insight into how an ADSP­21xx or ADSP-218x Emulator DSP is powered up when connected to an ADDS-21xx/ADDS-218x EZ-ICE. This document can be used as a debugging tool and may provide some clues into what is physically occurring in your system if you are experiencing EZ-ICE power up problems.
Block Diagram of a 21xx EZ-ICE
3 bytewide bi-directional
trancievers 74F652s
Emulator DSP
General EZ-ICE Theory of Operation
All ADSP-2100 Family emulators contains an Intel 80C31 ( or compatible 8051/8051 micro) host microcontroller that performs the RS232 communication to the PC as well as interpret the emulator commands from the host computer at the other end of the RS232 line. The handshake mechanism for the 80C31 and the ADSP-2100 Family DSP is done through the use of the emulator interrupt (/EINT), emulator memory select (/EMS), and the /BR and /BR pins.
The Bus Request (/BR) and Bus Grant (/BG) pins are used to provide a handshake between the 80C31 and the DSP. The ADSP-2100 Family instructions and data are fed by the host PC to the 80C31. This two way communication allows information to be passed from the host PC to the DSP and from the DSP to PC. The /BR and /BG handshake is used by the 80C31 allows for effectively single stepping the ADSP-21xx through emulator space code.
To achieve the actual data transfer, three byte-wide bi­directional latches are used as the communications port between the 80C31 host and the ADSP-21xx Emulator DSP. These latches are memory mapped into the data memory space of the 8031 and the EZ-ICE memory space of the DSP. The host can load or read each latch, one at a time to construct or read a 24 bit instruction or 16 bit data word. The DSP can read or write all 24 bits of the three latches at once.
Whenever the 8031 host needs to intervene and communicate with the DSP, it asserts the emulator interrupt (/EINT) of the ADSP-21xx DSP. Halting on breakpoints, single stepping, or halting the DSP from the PC’s keyboard will result in the emulator interrupt pin for the ADSP-21xx DSP to be asserted. When the DSP reacts to the interrupt it will then vector to location 0 of the emulator memory space while at the same time, the emulator memory select line (/EMS) is asserted. The 24 bit instruction or data is then fetched from the 3 byte wide latches. At the same time, interface logic between the host and the PC will detect the /EMS line’s assertion and immediately respond by asserting Bus Request. Once the transfer has completed, the DSP returns from emulator space. For software breakpoints, a TRAP instruction is placed at the PM location where the breakpoint had been set in the emulator software. The execution of a TRAP instruction also forces an emulator interrupt.
To summarize, the Intel 80C31 microcontroller on the EZ-ICE board provides RS232 communications between the host PC and the DSP. When sending instructions to the DSP, the microcontroller uses the /BR and /BG lines in conjunction with the emulator interrupt features of the DSP to effectively single step through code residing in the DSP’s Program Memory.
The Booting Sequence of the Emulator DSP in an EZ-ICE Compatible Target
What exactly occurs when the EZ-ICE tries to establish communications with a target system? This is important in understanding why some emulated target systems fail when an EZ-ICE is attached. The following steps describe what occurs whenever the EZ-ICE is powered up or reset:
1) At EZ-ICE power-up or reset (red/black button pushed), the Intel 80c31 microcontroller boots it’s monitor code from its EPROM/EEPROM to on board SRAM.
2) During booting and initialization of the monitor program, the DSP is still held in reset by the micro with the /RESET signal held low. The DSP is held low until the required 2000 CLKIN cycles and then released.
3) The DSP detects the EE ( Emulator Enable ) signal at a logic high level, and comes out of reset with it’s emulation circuitry enabled. The Emulator DSP immediately looks at the state of the MMAP and BMODE pins to determine how it will boot. For the ADSP-218x variants, the DSP will look at the MODEx pins.
Memory Space can be thought of as a 3rd memory space for the DSP, where the data is read/written to 2 memory locations which are physically bi-directional latches. The assertion of /EMS by the DSP indicates that the fetching of the 1st instruction for the emulator interrupt service routine is occuring.
7) The /EMS signal is also used to initial a bus request. The Microcontroller recognizes /EMS line going active and immediately asserts /EBR.
8) /EBG is given by the DSP when it recognizes /EBR.
9) The microcontroller downloads 24 bytes of test information in the 3 bytewide bi-directional transceivers ( the 74F652s). This is actually a 24-bit instruction that is loaded. A test NOP instruction is executed by the DSP as it is fetched from the 3 byte wide latches.
- If the EZ-ICE initialization is successful to this point, then this means the DSP has a clean CLKIN signal and /RESET circuitry, the DSP is active and responding to interrupts, and the /BR signal is functional.
4) The DSP will initiate its boot from an EPROM in boot ( or byte ) memory space, from the IDMA port ( ADSP-218x), or from the HIP ( ADSP-2111 and ADSP-
2171). The Intel 80c31 host microcontroller during this time holds /EINT low to assert an emulator interrupt so that it’s next test will be performed. The microcontroller will test the EZ-ICE handshake circuitry and verify the DSP communications are working correctly. The handshake process is done through the use of the emulator interrupt( /EINT), emulator memory select (/EMS) and the bus request (/BR) and bus grant (/BG) pins.
5) The DSP finishes booting and immediately services the /EINT signal from the Intel Microcontroller. The /EINT signal has the highest priority in emulation mode. The handshake test by the microcontroller begins. The /EINT signal is normally used for halting the DSP on breakpoints, single stepping, or haltin on user intervention.
6) The emulator DSP will recognize and respond to the interrupt by vectoring to Emulator Memory Space which causes the DSP asserts it’s /EMS signal. Emulator
10) The Emulator released /EBR.
11) The DSP Decodes and Executes the NOP instruction and fetches the nest instruction from the interface circuitry in Emulator Memory Space and it will halt.
12) The DSP writes a test value to the bi-directional transceivers.
13) The Microcontroller reads the value returned back and compares it to what it expects to see. The micro should see the expected value, it if does then everything is operational.
Thus, The DSP in Emulator Memory Space will:
- Fetch an instruction from latches
- Decode the instruction
- and write back to EM Space
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Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
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