ANALOG DEVICES EE-304 Service Manual

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-304
Technical notes on using Analog Devices DSPs, processors and development tools
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Using the Blackfin® Processor SPORT to Emulate a SPI Interface
Contributed by J.Galindo and Joe B. Rev 1 – November 10, 2006


The Blackfin® family of embedded processors supports numerous methods of booting application code, including serial booting from an SPI flash memory device. The Blackfin SPI interface is limited to a maximum clock rate of one-quarter the system clock (SCLK) rate. If the
SCLK is maximized to 133 MHz, this translates to
an SPI performance limitation of ~33 MHz. However, there are serial flash devices capable of speeds higher than this, and it is possible to achieve serial clock speeds of up to ~66 MHz if one of the Blackfin serial ports (SPORTs) is used instead, as the maximum SPORT clock frequency is SCLK/2.

Emulating the SPI Boot Process

If the intent is to boot from an SPI device whose operating frequency exceeds the maximum Blackfin SPI frequency of SCLK/4, the SPORT interface may be an attractive alternative, as it can run twice as fast as the SPI. However, since SPORT booting is not supported by the Blackfin processor boot ROM, the SPORT must be configured/connected such that it can successfully communicate with the SPI device and have the ability to execute the boot process normally automated by the boot ROM for the SPI interface. This requires specific use of hardware and configuration software, as well as modification to the boot process itself.
This EE-Note describes how to use the Blackfin SPORT to emulate an SPI interface and how to then use that emulated hardware to boot an application from an SPI memory device using the SPI boot mode of the Blackfin processor. To make the process work, one must first understand the boot process of Blackfin processors and have a fundamental understanding of the boot image
.ldr file) expected by the Blackfin boot ROM.
( These concepts are discussed in ADSP-BF533
Blackfin Booting Process (EE-240)
This application was tested using the VisualDSP++ 4.5® development tools and the ADSP-BF537 EZ-KIT Lite® evaluation system, but the concepts discussed apply to all members of the Blackfin processor family.
Copyright 2006, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices applications and development tools engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.

Configuring/Connecting the Hardware

The master SPI boot mode is used for this application. The master mode SPI interface requires four signals: data in (
MISO), data out
(MOSI), clock (SCK), and chip-select (/SPISS). Three of these four signals have evident correlation to SPORT pins:
MOSI is the transmit data (DTxPRI) MISO is the receive data (DRxPRI) SCK is the clock (TSCLKx/RSCLKx)
The Blackfin SPORTs support both primary and secondary transmit/receive data channels. The primary pins (denoted by the PRI suffix) are utilized when no secondary channel is required.
The Blackfin SPORTs also support dedicated clock sources for both the transmitter and receiver. In this application, the SPORT’s transmit and receive logic are interfaced to the same SPI memory device; therefore, the transmitter and receiver clocks are shared, and are thus connected together externally.
The pin in the SPI interface that has no equivalent pin on the SPORT is the chip-select signal, /SPISS. The /SPISS is the gating factor for the SCK. As a slave SPI device, action is only taken on SCK edges detected while the /SPISS signal is being held active low by the bus master. Most master SPI devices supply the SCK signal only when they are placing data on the MOSI line, but extraneous SCK transitions are ignored if the
/SPISS signal is transitioned to inactive high
before the extra SCK pulses are active. This built­in behavior is helpful because the SPORT employs a continuous clock once the hardware has been enabled and communications have begun. The challenge is to make the SPORT hardware handle the appropriate timing and control of the /SPISS signal. To address this need, the frame sync signals in the SPORT interface are used. Figure 1 depicts how the SPORT and SPI pins of the Blackfin processor should be connected to each other and to the SPI memory device.
If the SPORT is configured to generate an active low, late frame sync (as is required for every word transmitted), the behavior of the transmit frame sync pin (TFSx) is comparable to the
/SPISS signal. For internally generated, active
low, late framing, the
TFS signal is asserted low
in the same SPORT clock cycle as data is placed
DTxPRI, and the signal is held low for the
on duration of the word being transmitted.
TFSx is
then de-asserted unless new data is ready to be transmitted, in which case it is held in the active low state. This is precisely the way the /SPISS signal would be managed by an SPI master device. The following assembly source code can be used to configure the SPORT:
W[P1] = R3;
The equivalent C code would be:

Booting Via the SPORT Interface

As stated previously, there is no native support built into the boot ROM for booting over the SPORT. Achieving this functionality requires the boot sequence to begin booting over SPI, as configured by the
BMODE pins, and then transfer
control to the SPORT to continue the boot process over the faster SPORT interface.
To do this, there is a need for a secondary piece of software, called a second-stage loader (SSL). An SSL is simply a kernel that the boot ROM loads and executes in place to complete the boot process. This causes the boot ROM to load the SSL code over SPI, at which point the boot ROM is exited and execution starts at the beginning of the SSL code section in memory. In the
file, the SSL resides between any needed
Figure 1. SPORT/SPI Hardware Connections
Using the Blackfin® Processor SPORT to Emulate a SPI Interface (EE-304) Page 2 of 7
initialization code to set up external memory and the actual application code, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Loader File (.LDR) Content
In this particular application, the SSL consists of the required initialization code for the SPORT interface, as well as the SPORT version of the SPI boot code found in the boot ROM, which is required to proceed with booting the actual application that is still out in the SPI memory at the time the SSL is executed.
Ideally, this can be handled by placing all SPORT initialization code into the SSL and tagging it as an init block in the boot stream (as described in EE-240), such that it boots over SPI, executes in place, and then completes the boot process via the SPORT while executing the SSL on-chip. However, this is a problem because the boot process simply moves instructions/data via DMA from blocks of SPI memory to blocks of Blackfin memory, be it internal instruction/data RAM or external SDRAM.
When the boot stream gets to the input block destined for the top of on-chip Blackfin L1 instruction memory, the SSL that is currently executing this boot code will be overwritten. This behavior is usually not a factor because the on-chip boot ROM is in a protected memory region that is not writeable by the DMA sequence used to move the application code into on-chip memory. However, when executing init block code out of unprotected on-chip memory, this overwrite will compromise the boot process and result in an invalid processor state because the code that is booted in via DMA replaces the currently executing SSL code, which has not completed executing yet. This will cause undesired execution of newly booted instructions before the boot itself has completed.
A solution to this problem is to place the SSL in external SDRAM and to change the address where the boot kernel jumps to after completion from the top of L1 memory to the address of the SSL code itself. The nature of the boot ROM is to set a default reset address in the Event Vector Table location for the reset vector, which is stored in the EVT1 register. For some processors, this address is 0xFFA00000. For the smaller memory derivative processors, the reset address is 0xFFA08000. If the application wants to set an explicit address, an overwrite of the EVT1 register can be done in the code that is located in the init block. The code sequence to overwrite the EVT1 register is as follows, and it can be found in the SDRAM_InitCode.asm file in the associated .ZIP archive
p0.h = hi(EVT1);
p0.l = lo(EVT1);
r0.h = START_OF_SSL_H;
r0.l = START_OF_SSL_L;
[p0] = r0;
Using this scheme, the init block boots over SPI and executes on-chip, setting up the SDRAM interface timing appropriate for the application and reconfiguring the reset address to be the beginning of the SSL code. The SSL code is then booted and resolved to SDRAM, which spares the application from being forced to reserve valuable on-chip memory. After the init block and the SSL code are loaded, the boot kernel finishes and jumps into SDRAM, where the rest of the boot process is completed via the SPORT pins, as controlled by the SSL.
This boot process will not be corrupted
The SSL code is 925 bytes in size, and should reside in a portion of SDRAM that is guaranteed to be unused by the application being booted. An easy way to do this is by making a small change to the application’s
as long as the actual application does not overwrite the section of SDRAM that the SSL is resolved to.
.ldf file to reserve a
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