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In-Circuit Programming of an SPI Flash with ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSPs
Contributed by Brian M. Rev 1 – March 2, 2004
Unlike previous SHARC® DSPs, ADSP-2126x
DSPs are able to boot from SPI Flash devices,
providing a cheap booting alternative to parallel
flash, SPI EEPROM, or host processor schemes.
Since the details of the general booting process
are discussed in the System Design chapter of the
ADSP-2126x SHARC DSP Peripheral Manual
[2], this EE-Note describes how to program the
desired code or data into the SPI Flash in-circuit.
Default SPI Settings
The defaults of the ADSP-21262 SHARC DSP
do not match those supported by most SPI Flash
devices. Two issues arise when interfacing an
SPI memory device to this DSP: word transfer
order and SPI mode.
The ADSP-21262 DSP defaults to transfer words
in least significant bit first (LSBF) format, while
most SPI memory devices transfer in most
significant bit first (MSBF) format. In most
applications, this will not be a problem because
the SPI of the DSP can be set up to transfer in
MSBF format. However, while booting, the word
format setting cannot be changed. Therefore, it is
necessary to program boot data into the SPI
memory device in a bit-reversed manner for
devices that support MSBF format only.
There are two ways to transfer bit-reversed
words to the flash. The loader tool included with
VisualDSP++® 3.0 SP1 has an option to
automatically bit-reverse the boot data. The SPI
Master and SPI Prom loader options both use this
format. This format should be used only when
the SPI memory will be programmed by a
dedicated memory programmer (such as those
used to program an SPI EEPROM).
Alternatively, it is possible to communicate with
the SPI Flash in an LSBF format, while bit
reversing the commands to look like they are in
MSBF format. For debugging purposes, this
format is much easier to read, since this matches
the format shown in the VisualDSP++ memory
windows. This is the method used in this
The other issue is much more problematic, but
does not apply to the ST M25P80 SPI flash used
in this example. By default, the ADSP-21262
SHARC DSP uses SPI mode 3 (the SPI clock
toggles at the start of the first data bit, and the
SPI clock is active-low). Some SPI memory
devices support SPI mode 0 only, or provide
only partial mode 3 support. If the device does
not support SPI mode 3 at all, the part can not
boot the ADSP-21262 DSP.
If partial support for SPI mode 3 is available (as
in the Atmel AT25F512 found on the ADSP21262 EZ-KIT Lite™ development board), a
workaround may be available. For the Atmel part
mentioned above, reading from the flash in SPI
mode 3 works correctly, but programming to the
flash exhibits a bit error on the last word of each
page if a certain pattern exists in the previous
word. This can be addressed in two ways. The
easiest way to avoid this problem is to append a
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of
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no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
final (8- or 32-bit) word, each bit existing
entirely of 1s (0xFF or 0xFFFFFFFF). If this
final word wraps around to the beginning of the
page, it will not overwrite what was previously
programmed there, nor does it waste that word,
since the flash cannot overwrite bits that are set
to 1 without an erase command. This method is
used by the Flash Programmer utility included
with VisualDSP++. The alternate method
presented herein avoids using problematic words.
Since the SPI Flash is programmed on a page-bypage basis, it is possible to shift the position of
the starting word to ensure that the offending bit
pattern will not be matched. For an example of
how to accomplish this, refer to the Atmel SPI
Flash Programmer code included with the
ADSP-21262 EZ-KIT Lite installation.
Flash Programmer Functions
An SPI flash operates by receiving commands
from the Master Out Slave In (MOSI) line, and
returning any response on the Master In Slave
Out (MISO) line. The following is a quick
discussion of the commands implemented in the
included example code. The code is attached in
the Appendix.
Write Enable (0x06)
This function enables modification to the status
register settings or contents of the flash. Since no
address or additional data is required, this
command is sent directly by the core as a 1-byte,
MSBF word. The Write Enable function is called
automatically by each function that requires the
Write Enable Latch bit in the flash’s status
register to be set to function properly. These
functions are the Write Status Register, Page
Program, and Erase (Bulk and Sector)
Write Disable (0x04)
This function disables modification of the status
register settings or the contents of the flash after
the Write Enable command has already been
registered. Since no address or additional data is
required, this command is sent directly by the
core as a 1-byte, MSBF word.
Read Status Register (0x05)
This function fetches the value of the byte-wide
status register. It is implemented as a 2-word
DMA using a 1-byte MSBF word. The first
returned byte corresponds to the command sent
from the DSP, and can be ignored. The second
returned byte contains the value of the status
register placed in the lowest byte of the
Write Status Register (0x01)
This function writes to the byte-wide status
register. It is implemented as a 2-word DMA
using a 1-byte MSBF word. The first byte sent is
the command from the DSP, and second byte is
the desired value of the status register. The Write
Enable command must be sent before using the
this command. Before calling this function, place
the desired value of the status register in the
second location of the status register buffer. This
is the same location that returns the value of the
status register in the Read Status Register
function. The first location in this buffer is
reserved for the command being sent to the
Read Data Bytes (0x03)
This function reads any number of words from
the flash. The destination address in the DSP's
internal memory, the source address in the flash,
and the number of 32-bit words to be read are
passed to the function using the dedicated
memory locations. It is implemented as an Nword DMA using 32-bit LSBF words, where N
is the number of words passed to the function.
The first word in the destination buffer will be
garbage corresponding to the 1-byte command
plus 3-byte address that must precede the data
(one 32-bit word).
In-Circuit Programming of an SPI Flash with ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSPs (EE-231) Page 2 of 18
Page Program (0x02)
This function complements the Read function.
The destination address in the flash, source
address in the internal memory of the DSP, and
number of 32-bit words are passed to this
function using the dedicated memory locations.
The flash requires that it be programmed one
page at a time. Before being sent to the flash, the
buffer referenced in the call is transferred into a
temporary buffer corresponding to the page size.
After each page has been sent, the lowest bit in
the flash’s status register, Write-In-Progress
(WIP), is tested in a loop to determine when the
flash has finished programming the new data into
The function included in this example also
verifies each page after completing the write by
calling the Read Data Bytes function and
comparing the result of the call to what was sent.
The number of 32-bit words that do not match is
Because this example programs the flash for
booting, which requires LSBF format, both the
Read Data Bytes command and the Page
Program command use LSBF format. Therefore,
the command and address need to be bit-reversed
before transfer so that the flash receives them in
MSBF format. (This is accomplished using the
BITREV instruction. See the ADSP-2126x SHARC DSP Core Reference Manual [1] for
more information.)
Sector Erase (0xD8)
This function erases one sector of the flash
according to the memory layout in the SPI
flash’s data sheet. An address in the sector to be
erased is passed to the function with the call.
This command uses a 1-byte command and 3byte address, comprising one 32-bit word. Since
the Page Program and Read Data Bytes function
use a function that joins the command and
address into a single 32-bit word, the Sector
Erase command is sent in LSBF format. After
sending the command, the status register is
polled until the WIP bit is clear.
Bulk Erase (0xC7)
This function erases the entire flash. No address
is passed to this function. Therefore, the function
is implemented as a 1-byte command sent in
MSBF format. After sending the command, the
status register is polled until the WIP bit is clear.
Deep Powerdown (0xB9)
This function puts the flash into a low-power
state. Since no address or additional data is
required, this command is sent directly by the
core as a 1-byte, MSBF word.
Deep Powerdown Release/Electronic Signature
This function returns the flash from the lowpower state. It is also used when the flash is not
in the low-power state to retrieve the electronic
signature of the part. It is implemented as a 5word DMA using a 1-byte MSBF word. The first
byte corresponds to the command from the DSP,
and can be ignored. The middle three bytes,
which are garbage returned by the flash, can also
be ignored. The final byte contains the value of
the status register placed in the lowest byte of the
destination. For the M25P80, the lowest byte is
Generating the Loader File
To generate a loader file compatible with this
example, it is necessary to use SPI Slave format.
Though it may seem logical to use the SPI
PROM format, SPI PROM format produces an
image that is bit-reversed. In addition, an SPI
PROM only uses a 16-bit address; thus, an extra
byte is prepended to the image to make the boot
stream compatible with the DSP. For details,
refer to the booting section in the ADSP-2126x SHARC DSP Peripheral Manual [2].
In-Circuit Programming of an SPI Flash with ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSPs (EE-231) Page 3 of 18
SPI Flash Programmer included with the ADSP21262 EZ-KIT Lite installation for the
This document provides an example project used
VisualDSP++ development tools.
to program the SPI flash. Each function included
in the example is described. To compare this
project to a similar example, refer to the Atmel
// NAME: main.asm (ST SPI Flash)
// DATE: 2/20/04
// PURPOSE: Program the SPI Flash for the ADSP-21262
// USAGE: Use this file to call the chip functions contained in SPIflash.asm.
// ---------------------------------------// Choose FLASH algorithms to run here.
// Reset the state of the device with a dummy read
call read_status_register;
// Check to make sure that the correct flash is being used
// Deep_powerdown_release also reads the electronic signature
// of the device.
call deep_powerdown_release;
r1=0x13; // For ST M25P80, electronic signature is hex13
if EQ jump (pc,2);
// Sector erase call
// Either use chip_erase for the entire device
// or use sector_erase to erase sectors individually
// This example uses sector erase.
r0=0; // Initialize address of sector to be erased.
call sector_erase;
// Bulk Erase Call
// call bulk_erase;
// Write to FLASH
// The flash_program subroutine requires the user to pass:
// write_base_addr - the base address to write to in the SPI Flash
// write_buffer_addr - the address of buffer holding the data to program
// write_buffer_length - the length of the buffer to program in 32-bit words
// This routine also returns a number of errors encountered in the programming
// process.
// This is stored in the verf_errors with units in 32-bit words.
r0=0; // Address to write to in the flash
r0=file_data; // Address of the buffer to write from the DSP
r0=@file_data; // Length of the buffer to write from the DSP
call flash_program;
// Read from FLASH
// The read_data_bytes subroutine requires the user to pass:
// read_base_addr - the base address to write to in the SPI Flash
// read_buffer_addr - the address of buffer holding the data to program
// read_buffer_length - the length of the buffer to program in 32-bit words
In-Circuit Programming of an SPI Flash with ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSPs (EE-231) Page 5 of 18
r0=0; // Address to read from in the flash
r0=file_data_verf; // Address of the buffer to read from in the DSP
r0=@file_data_verf; // Length of the buffer to read from in DSP
call read_data_bytes;
// ---------------------------------------// Use FLAGS to show that the process completed.
// Indicate whether the process was error-free
r0=pass r0;
if ne jump error_detected;
BIT SET FLAGS 0x55555555;
main.end: jump(pc,0);
BIT CLR FLAGS 0x55555555;
error_detected.end: nop;
// NAME: buffers.asm (ST SPI Flash)
// DATE: 2/20/04
// PURPOSE: Program the SPI Flash for the ADSP-21262
// USAGE: This file contains the buffer declarations for use in this project.