Analog Devices EE210v02 Application Notes

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-210
Technical notes on using Analog Devices DSPs, processors and development tools
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SDRAM Selection Guidelines and Configuration for ADI Processors
Contributed by Maikel Kokaly-Bannourah Rev 2 – August 13, 2004


This EE-Note is intended to help the user select and configure a suitable Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) device to interface with Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) processors and DSPs.
The different factors involved in choosing the appropriate memory component depending on the Processor or DSP used will be discussed in this document. Additionally, some programming examples on how to configure the SDRAM controller will be shown.
Please note that, although the concepts explained throughout this note apply to all ADI processors and DSPs that have an On-Chip SDRAM Controller, the programming examples described in this document are based on the ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC® and the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® processors.

Table of Contents

Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................... 1
Listings ....................................................................................................................................................2
ADI Processors and DSPs ................................................................................................................ 3
SDRAM Specifications........................................................................................................................3
Choosing the appropriate SDRAM................................................................................................ 3
The ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC Processor On-Chip SDRAM Controller..................... 3
SDRAM Controller Features .......................................................................................................3
Setting up the SDRAM Controller.........................................................................................4
SDRCON................................................................................................................................................. 4
The ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Processor On-Chip SDRAM Controller ............................8
SDRAM Controller Features .......................................................................................................8
Setting up the SDRAM Controller.........................................................................................9
EBIU_SDGCTL................................................................................................................................... 10
EBIU_SDBCTL................................................................................................................................... 14
EBIU_SDRRC...................................................................................................................................... 15
EBIU_SDSTAT................................................................................................................................... 16
Summary..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Document History...............................................................................................................................20
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.


Figure 1. ADSP-TS201S SDRAM Control Register (SDRCON) ........................................5
Figure 2. ADSP-BF533 SDRAM EBIU_SDGCTL Register – Upper 16-bits ..............10
Figure 3. ADSP-BF533 SDRAM EBIU_SDGCTL Register – Lower 16-bits ..............11
Figure 4. ADSP-BF533 SDRAM Bank Control Register (EBIU_SDBCTL).................14
Figure 5. ADSP-BF533 EBIU_SDRRC Register...................................................................... 15
Figure 6. ADSP-BF533 SDRAM Status Register (EBIU_SDSTAT)............................... 16
Table 1. ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC Processor and SDRAMs compatibility......... 4
Table 2. SDRAM “A” CAS Latency................................................................................................ 5
Table 3. SDRAM “A” Specifications ........................................................................................ 6
Table 4. Relevant SDRAM “A” Timing Specifications.................................................. 7
Table 5. ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Processor and SDRAMs compatibility ................9
Table 6. SDRAM “D” CAS Latency.............................................................................................. 11
Table 7. Relevant SDRAM “D” Timing Specifications................................................ 12
Table 8. SDRAM “D” Specifications ...................................................................................... 15
Table 9. TigerSHARC Processors with On-Chip SDRAM Controller...................... 19
Table 10. Blackfin Processors with On-Chip SDRAM Controller........................ 19
Table 11. SHARC DSPs with On-Chip SDRAM Controller.............................................. 20
Code 1. SDRCON Settings using header file defts201.h........................................... 7
Code 2. SDRCON Settings without the use of header files.................................... 8
Code 3. SDRAM Control Registers Settings using header file defBF532.h 17
Code 4. SDRAM Control Registers Settings without header files................... 18
SDRAM Selection Guidelines and Configuration for ADI Processors (EE-210) Page 2 of 20

ADI Processors and DSPs

Several Analog Devices processors and DSPs have been designed with an on-chip SDRAM controller:
The ADSP-21065L and ADSP-21161N
TS202S and ADSP-TS203S TigerSHARC processors.
BF533 and ADSP-BF535 Blackfin processors.
Having an On-Chip SDRAM Controller allows to gluelessly interface to SDRAM memory devices without the necessity of incorporating additional components to the system, resulting in a cost-effective solution.

SDRAM Specifications

There are several factors that need to be considered when selecting an SDRAM device to interface with ADI’s processors or DSPs, which are common across all families:
Supported operating voltage
Maximum supported operating frequency
Maximum supported memory
I/O size and number of banks
Column Address Strobe (CAS) latency
Refresh rate
Burst length
Page size
Initialization sequence
All these characteristics are defined in the SDRAM device datasheet and must meet the specifications of the on-chip SDRAM controller of the processor being used in order to be able to gluelessly interface to it.

Choosing the appropriate SDRAM

As an example, let’s examine the ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC and the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin processors and their compatibility with different SDRAM devices.
The ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC Processor On-Chip SDRAM Controller
Before an SDRAM device can be selected, the user needs to understand the features and specifications of the chosen processor.

SDRAM Controller Features

With the factors previously explained in mind, these are the relevant ADSP-TS201S processor on-chip SDRAM controller characteristics for choosing the appropriate memory device:
Supported operating Voltage o 3.3 and 2.5 V
Maximum supported operating Frequency o 125 MHz
Maximum supported memory o 256 Mbytes (64 M x 32 bits or
32 M x 64 bits) per external SDRAM bank
Number of internal SDRAM banks o 2 or 4 banks.
Column Address Strobe (CAS) latency o Programmable value: 1 to 3 system clock
cycles (SCLK)
Refresh rate o Programmable value: 32 to 64 ms.
Burst Length o Full page burst
Page size o Programmable value to: 256, 512 or 1024
Initialization sequence o Programmable sequence: MRSÖREF, or
SDRAM Selection Guidelines and Configuration for ADI Processors (EE-210) Page 3 of 20
For the aid of this example, devices A and B have been selected. Are these two SDRAM devices compatible with the ADSP-TS201S
SDRAM Features
Max. Frequency
Max. Mem. Size
Supported I/O
Number of
CAS Latency Refresh Rate
Burst Length
2.5 or 3.3 V 3.3 V 125 MHz 143/166 MHz
64 Mx32 or 32 Mx64
(256 Mbytes) per external
SDRAM bank
x32, x64
2 or 4 banks 4 banks
1 to 3 cycles 1 to 3 cycles
32 and 64 ms 64 ms
Full-page burst
TigerSHARC Processor? Let’s look at the different specifications to be met:
1 Meg x 32 x 4
16 Mbytes
1,2,4,8 or Full-page
9 9
9 9 9
9 9
4 Meg x 32 x 2
3.3 V
100/133 MHz
32 Mbytes
2 banks
1 to 3 cycles
64 ms
9 9
9 9 9
Page Size
Init. Sequence
Table 1. ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC Processor and SDRAMs compatibility
As it can be seen from the table above, device B does not meet all specifications: it only supports burst length of one (and not full page burst) and its page size is 2048 words (which is bigger than the maximum supported page size of 1024 words).
On the other side, it can be seen that device A meets all requirements, and therefore, it can be properly interfaced to the ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC Processor.

Setting up the SDRAM Controller

Now that a compatible SDRAM device has been selected (SDRAM A), the next step is to properly configure the SDRAM control register
256, 512, and 1024 256
(SDRCON) according to the memory specifications given in Table 1.


The initial value of the SDRCON register after reset is zero, meaning that the SDRAM is disabled. The bit descriptions for this register are shown in Figure 1. Note that although this is a 32-bit register, only the lower 16-bits are shown. The upper 16-bits are reserved and should always be set to zero.
For more details, please refer to SDRAM
Interface chapter of the ADSP-TS201 TigerSHARC Processor Hardware Reference.
9 9
SDRAM Selection Guidelines and Configuration for ADI Processors (EE-210) Page 4 of 20
Figure 1. ADSP-TS201S SDRAM Control Register (SDRCON)
So how do we correctly set up the SDRAM Control register (SDRCON)? Let’s have a look at a typical SDRAM device datasheet to determine the settings for the different bits:
SDRAM ENABLE. This bit must be set
when SDRAM is present in the system (SDRCON_ENBL).
To use the above bit definition
SDRAM Selection Guidelines and Configuration for ADI Processors (EE-210) Page 5 of 20
(SDRCON_ENBL), the file defTS201.h should be included in the source code (see Code 1 ). This file comes with the VisualDSP++™ 32-bit Tools and can be found in the directory:
CAS LATENCY. This parameter specifies
Table 2. SDRAM “A” CAS Latency
the delay between a read command and the time data becomes available. It does not apply to write accesses. CAS Latency is generally specified in the datasheet as shown in Table 2.
Assuming the external port runs with a 100MHz system clock (SCLK), the selected CAS LATENCY is 2 (SDRCON_CLAT2).
Note that, as specified in Table 1, the maximum supported SCLK frequency by the ADSP-TS201S is 125 MHz. The selected frequency for this example, 100 MHz, corresponds to the default value of the ADSP-TS201S EZ-KIT Lite™.
Some SDRAM timing specifications
PIPE DEPTH. In systems where several
PAGE BOUNDARY. These bits define the
(CL, tRAS, tRP, etc) may vary depending on the speed grade of the SDRAM being used.
Settings in this particular example are optimized for a dedicated operating frequency (100 MHz) and speed grade part (-6). Variations in the clock frequency and/or speed grade of the SDRAM device also require modifying the parameter settings.
SDRAMs are used in parallel, and external buffers are needed, this bit should be enabled.
This is valid if the nominal capacitive pin loading is exceeded (30 pF/pin). In this particular example (ADSP-TS201S EZ-KIT Lite), there are only two SDRAMs where no buffering of the signals is needed (SDRAM pin capacitance 2x5 pF+10 pF (PCB) 20 pF). Therefore, this bit should be cleared (SDRCON_PIPE1).
page size, in number of words, of the SDRAM’s banks. This number corresponds to the number of addressable columns.
Table 3. SDRAM “A” Specifications
As it can bee seen in Table 3, the maximum number of addressable columns is 256 (A0-
7). Thus, the page size should be configured to 256 (SDRCON_PG256).
REFRESH RATE. These bits select the
refresh counter to coordinate the Processor’s SOC clock rate (SOCCLK) with the SDRAM device’s required refresh rate.
The refresh count is provided in Table 3 as 4 K, and is also generally listed under the SDRAM features list as:
64 ms, 4,096-cycle refresh (15,6 µs/row)
With this in mind, the refresh rate is calculated as follows:
⎜ ⎝
Where: SOCCLK = 250 MHz (default
ADSP-TS201S EZ-KIT Lite value)
tREF = SDRAM refresh period Rows = number of row addresses
Refresh rate = 250 MHz × 15,6 µs
= 3900 cycles
In order to be able to guarantee that this number is met, a refresh rate equal to or smaller than 3900 cycles should be selected. In this case, and since the processor’s controller supports up to 3700 cycles only, this should be the selected refresh rate (SDRCON_REF3700).
⎞ ⎟
SDRAM Selection Guidelines and Configuration for ADI Processors (EE-210) Page 6 of 20
PRC TO RAS DELAY. This parameter
determines the Precharge to RAS delay, which is typically given in the datasheet as tRP.
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