Analog Devices EE208 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-208
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices' DSP components and development tools
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Considering the ADSP-21262 SHARC® DSP
Contributed by G. Linden September 25, 2003


The ADSP-21262 DSP is the latest member of the SHARC® family delivering new levels of speed, power performance and peripheral integration while maintaining code compatibility with the existing SHARC portfolio of products. This document is focused on helping existing SHARC designers who need information on evaluating whether upgrading systems to the new ADSP-21262 is right for them. This note will highlight the new features that the ADSP-21262 has to offer and detail the list of traditional SHARC peripherals that do not exist in this product. The ADSP-21161 will be used as the example for the traditional SHARC processor. For a more in depth analysis of each of the peripherals available on the ADSP-21262 the ADSP-2126x SHARC Hardware Reference Manual is an excellent resource.


The ADSP-21262 has a lot in common with the previous members of the SHARC family in terms of memory and core functionality. The serial interfaces and JTAG port are also largely the same as in the ADSP-21161 and other SHARC products.
The ADSP-21262 uses the SHARC SIMD core and runs at 200MHz, twice the speed of the ADSP-21161. Because the ADSP-21262 uses the traditional 2 core, existing code written for the core is 100% compatible to the ADSP-21262. The ADSP-
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generation SIMD SHARC
21262 also provides 2Mbits of on chip dual ported SRAM, twice what is available on the ADSP-21161. The efficient model for accessing data from memory using the core or IO processor also remains the same between both parts. In addition there is a 4Mbit secure ROM that can be programmed with your personal code at an additional fee.
While you will find that some of the peripheral options have been significantly changed, the serial interface protocols are similar to those that exist in the ADSP-21161. There are 6 serial ports available on the ADSP-21262 and they support normal mode, I2S and TDM as well as a left justified sample pair mode that is common to some older CODEC components. The SPORTs are connected to the pins on the DSP through a signal routing unit (SRU) which is part of the Digital Applications Interface (DAI) that will be discussed in more detail later in this document. The SPORTs will continue to run at half the core processor speed translating to 100Mbits/s on the ADSP-21262. Additionally, precision clock generators (PCG) now enable the DSP to generate a low jitter clock for use by external devices as well as the DSPs own serial ports.
In addition to serial ports, the ADSP­2262 supports the SPI protocol in a separate port. While the internal design of the SPI port is not identical to the ADSP-21161, the functionality is mainly the same. The major difference between the 2 ports is that ADSP-21262 now supports DMA chaining on the SPI DMA channel. The
transmit and receive DMA channels are shared on this part so DMA transfers are not full duplex, although they can be if the core is used or is used in conjunction with DMA. A hardware option for SPI master booting allows the DSP to boot from serial EPROM and FLASH in addition to the traditional SPI slave boot mode that allows an SPI host to control the booting process on the DSP.
The boundary scan and ICE/debug functionality provided is the same as in the previous SHARC family processor, save two functionality improvements: user defined hardware breakpoints and background telemetry channels (BTC). The user defined hardware breakpoints allow users to program hardware breakpoints from within their application code instead of manually through the emulator software. The BTC is an enhanced trace capability that allows the emulator to modify some buffers through JTAG without interrupting the core.

Important Differences

One of the goals for the ADSP-21262 is to provide a flexible and powerful SHARC in a smaller package that uses less power and real estate for a more attractive price. A number of major changes have been made to facilitate this philosophy.
One of the ways to meet this goal was to introduce a new way to effectively access a number of the peripherals through what we’ve termed a Digital Applications Interface (DAI). The DAI contains a signal routing unit (SRU) that allows 20 I/O pins to be configured for use by any of the peripherals in the DAI as well as used as general purpose I/O. The SRU also allows peripherals to be connected to each other internally without having to drive the signal out onto the pads of the DSP. A macro is provided that makes it quite simple to connect signals through the SRU, simplifying the underlying hardware. In addition to the serial ports and the PCG which are mentioned earlier in this
document, there is also an Input Data Port that can capture data from 8 serial channels and bring it into the internal memory via DMA. 3 I/O interval timers can be routed through the SRU as well. These timers are in addition to the programmable timer provided in the core. They support PWM, even capture and can handle watchdog timing. Each pin also has a status bit associated with it so all the pins can be polled. Inputs on these signals can also generate interrupts on the DAI port itself through a dedicated DAI interrupt controller that maps DAI interrupts to the core interrupt handler. The DAI also contains the Parallel Data Acquisition Port (PDAP) for bringing in synchronous parallel data. This configurable 20 pin synchronous port is only capable of data acquisition and cannot write data out of the DAI pins.
Another way to bring the pin count down is to reduce the external port width. Instead of a traditional external/host port ,the ADSP-21262 employs a Parallel Port (PP). The PP is a configurable 8 or 16 bit wide port that makes use of a total of 19 pins for data and addressing. The port allows you to access external SRAM via DMA and also allows for booting from an EPROM or FLASH. Because of the limited size of the external port and the associated time constraints that go with accessing packed instructions or data there is no support for external execution. The expanded internal memory space, possibility of using ROM code and the use of overlays from external memory will provide all of the memory requirements for instructions and data. There is also no support for multiprocessing as there was in previous SHARC families as this requires extensive use of a large external bus. The PP and the PDAP are the only ways for the DSP to acquire parallel data. The ADSP-21262 does not support the link port protocol that is supported in a number of previous SHARCs.
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