Analog Devices EE191 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-191
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices' DSP components and development tools
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Implementing a Glueless UART Using The SHARC® DSP SPORTs
Contributed by Dan Ledger May 6, 2003


Using the synchronous serial ports (SPORTS) on the SHARC® DSP, it is possible to implement a full-duplex, asynchronous serial port to communicate with UARTs, EIA-232 (RS-232) devices and MIDI interfaces with minimal software overhead (less than 1 MIP for full­duplex, 115,200 bps operation).
This application note presents both the software and hardware to implement a full UART or RS­232 interface which has been extensively tested in hardware up to 115,200 bits per second. Because the serial ports on SHARC DSP operate well into the tens of megabits/second, the asynchronous interface can operate well beyond 115,200 bps.

Introduction to Asynchronous Serial Communications

The primary difference between synchronous and asynchronous serial communication is the presence of a clock signal, and possibly a frame sync signal. A synchronous serial port has both a clock signal and an optional frame sync signal while an asynchronous port does not.
In the absence of a clock signal, asynchronous ports must communicate at a predetermined data rate typically referred to as the bit rate, specifying the bits per second (bps).
In the absence of a frame sync, word framing information is embedded in the data stream. A start-bit and stop-bit typically mark the
Copyright 2003, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
beginning and end of a transmission. The word length is predetermined between the receiver and transmitter.
For more information on asynchronous serial communications, visit this website:

The Asynchronous SPORT Transmitter

The UART transmitter on the SHARC DSP serial port is quite simple. The transmit side of the serial port must be configured with a clock rate equal to the desired bit rate of the UART. This is done by setting the transmit portion of the clock divider register (DIVx) for that serial port. The formula for calculating the divider value can be found below or in the Serial Port chapter of the appropriate SHARC Hardware Reference Manual.
The clock is only used to synchronize the serial port to desired bit rate but the actual clock signal (TCLKx) does not connect to anything. The frame sync signal is also left floating.
The configuration of the transmit side of the SPORT and associated DSP software is presented in detail in the Software Overview portion of this document.

The Asynchronous SPORT Receiver

The receive portion is slightly more complicated than the transmit portion as the serial port needs to determine where a new work is beginning without the presence of frame sync signal. To accomplish this, the transmit pin of the UART connects to both the Data Receive pin (DRx) and the Receive Frame Sync (RFSx) on the SHARC DSP SPORT. The RFS pin is polled on the active edge of the internal RCLKx signal by the DSP. When RFS is asserted, the DSP begins receiving a new word and will not check the RFS line until all N (N is programmable in the SPORT control register) bits have been received. The SPORT will thus use the start bit as a frame sync to kick of the reception. As the SPORT has no way of guaranteeing any phase synchronization with the incoming bit stream, it is necessary to over-sample the incoming asynchronous data stream. To accomplish this, the receive clock on the SPORT must be set to three times the desired bit rate. So, for example, if the DSP is communicating with a UART device at 9,600 bits/second, the transmit clock on the SPORT needs to be set at 9,600 bits/second and the receive clock on the SPORT needs to be set at 3 * 9600, or 28,800 bits/second. Again, this is accomplished by calculating the appropriate divisors and programming the DIVx register.
The timing diagram below demonstrates how the SHARC DSP SPORT receives an 8-bit transmission from a UART device. The arrow indicates where the SPORT polls the RFS signal indicating the beginning of a new word.
presented in detail in the Software Overview portion of this document.

Hardware Overview: UART

The diagram below shows the connection between a SHARC DSP serial port and the TX (transmit) and RX (receive) pins of a basic UART port on another device.
Figure 2:SHARC DSP to UART Interface
No additional logic is required in this interface; however, the SHARC DSP with 3.3V I/O are not 5V tolerant. To connect a SHARC DSP device with 3.3V I/O to a 5V UART is often fairly simple. The DTx pin of the SPORT can often connect directly to the RX pin of the UART if it is a CMOS device as 3.3V is greater than the minimum high level signal in 5V CMOS. In the other direction (TX to DRx and RFSx), a series resistor or diode can be used to drop the voltage from 5V to 3.3V. The resistor value can be calculated using the high and low level input currents listed in the data sheet for both the UART device and the SHARC DSP.

Hardware Overview: EIA-232 (RS-232) Device

Figure 1: Over-sampling the incoming asynchronous data
The configuration of the receive side of the SPORT and associated DSP software is
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Connecting the DSP to an RS-232 port is very similar to a basic UART interface except an RS­232 interface will require an RS-232 interface device to boost the RX and TX signals up to 9V as well as provide the necessary RS-232 hardware handshake signals like CTS and RTS. The ADM3202 from Analog Devices is an RS-
232 interface device which provides a 3.3V interface to the DSP. It is shown in the schematics below.
Two flag pins can be optionally connected to the ADM3202 to manage the CTS and RTS control signals.
Figure 3 : SHARC DSP to RS-232 Interface
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Software Overview

The software required to manage the asynchronous data moving in and out of the SPORT is minimal. A full set of C-callable, hand-coded assembly functions is available at the end of this application note and included in the associated .zip file. All code examples in this section are included within the driver code.
On the transmit side, a start and stop bit must be placed into the N bit word to be transmitted. Thanks to the efficiency of the SHARC DSP architecture, this can be performed in 6 cycles per transmitted word.
R0 = dm(VALUE_TO_TRANSMIT); R2 = b#01111111100; R4 = b#10000000001; R1 = lshift R0 by 2; R1 = R1 and R2; R1 = R1 OR R4;
Listing 1: UART Transmit Byte
The receive side is slightly more complex as the SPORT is receiving over-sampled data. As the data is over-sampled by a factor of 3, the serial port must be programmed to receive 29 bit words. The first two bits received will be the second and third bits of the frame sync and the remaining 27 bits will represent 9 bits of data (8 bit-word and 1 stop bit) over-sampled by a factor of 3.
recovers an 8-bit word from the over-sampled data in 16 cycles.
R0 = dm(RX3B); // Word from DR R4 = fext R0 by 25:1; // bit 0 R1 = fext R0 by 22:1; // bit 1 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 1:1; R1 = fext R0 by 19:1; // bit 2 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 2:1; R1 = fext R0 by 16:1; // bit 3 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 3:1; R1 = fext R0 by 13:1; // bit 4 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 4:1; R1 = fext R0 by 10:1; // bit 5 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 5:1; R1 = fext R0 by 7:1; // bit 6 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 6:1; R1 = fext R0 by 4:1; // bit 7 R4 = R4 or fdep R1 by 7:1;
// r4 contains received word
Listing 2: UART Receive Byte
The software to support the UART functionality of the SPORT is very light weight. In fact, sustaining full-duplex transfers at 115200 bps requires only 0.4% of the available MIPS on an ADSP-21161N SHARC DSP clocked with 100MHz. The C-callable UART drivers included with this application note include buffer management functionality and context-save and restore within interrupts requiring about 1% of the available MIPS on an ADSP-21161N.
To extract the actual data from our over-sampled word, the
fext function can be used to process
this data efficiently. The following function
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Driver Function Prototypes

The following functions have been written for the ADSP-21161N SHARC DSP, however, are fundamentally compatible with all devices in the SHARC DSP family. By default, these functions are designed to work on 8-bit asynchronous data but can easily be changed to support other data widths.
Note : This code uses label.end: notations to terminate assembly functions and thus may generate errors when assembled under tools versions prior to VisualDSP++™ 3.0. Simply remove these declarations at the end of the assembly functions to assemble under earlier releases of the tools.

Function Prototype

float Setup_UART( float DSP_Frequency, float BAUD )


Setup_UART is used to configure SPORT1 and SPORT3 for UART emulation. DSP_Frequency is the internal clock frequency (In Hz, not Mhz) of the DSP. For most ADSP-21161N applications, this value will be 100000000.0. BAUD is the desired bit rate of the serial port. As the clock rate of the serial port is derived from the core clock frequency using a clock divider, it is not always possible to achieve an exact match to the baud rate; however, is most conditions the error is low enough that it should not impact the functionality of the UART. Only at very high operating frequencies (500kbits/second and up) will this pose a problem. This function returns a floating point value representing the deviation (desired bit rate – actual bit rate).
In addition, Setup_UART contains self-modifying code which will overwrite the SPORT transmit vector to point to a function called UartTx_Service. This function manages asynchronous buffer transfers in the background so the processor is not held up when transmitting a block of data.


#include “UART_driver.h” float err; err = Setup_UART(100000000.0,115200.0);
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Function Prototype

char UartRx();


UartRx returns the value received from the UART device. This function should be placed within a
SPORT receive interrupt service routine.


#include <signal.h>
#include “UART_driver.h”
void UART_RX_ISR( int sig_int ) { RX_Buffer[Rx_Indx++] = UartRx(); }
note : UART_RX_INTERRUPT and UART_TX_INTERRUPT are defined within UART_Driver.h and can be used to replace the interrupt definitions in the stock signal.h as seen in the example above.
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Function Prototype

void UartTx_Word( char word );


UartTx_Word copies the value,
word into the UART transmit buffer. If the transmit buffer is
empty, this function enables the transmit interrupt. The transmit buffer, which is setup as a
software circular buffer, facilitates data transmission and is managed by the UartTx_Service
function. This function is automatically attached to the transmit interrupt during the UART_Setup


#include “UART_driver.h” UartTx_Word(12); // clear terminal screen
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