Analog Devices EE187 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-187
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices' DSP components and development tools
Using the PCI Interface On The ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor in Host Mode
Contributed by Jorge Manguane April 17, 2003
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Configuration entails allocating resources (memory ranges, interrupt lines) to the various
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the user with the workings of the PCI interface on the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor.
The ADSP-BF535 Processor includes a Revision
2.2, 3.3V-compliant, 33 MHz/32-bit Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus interface. The interface can act as either a Host or a Device. In Host mode, an external arbiter is
devices. Once configured, devices will respond to transactions that fall within their allocated memory ranges.
Note: PCI bus arbitration is not built into the ADSP-BF535 PCI peripheral. An external PCI bus arbiter is required (See Momentum Data Systems Eagle-35 User Manual, Appendix B for example PLD equations).
required. The ADSP-BF535 Processor can master the PCI bus in both Host and Device modes. In addition, a dedicated bus is available on chip to allow an external bus master to transfer data directly to internal (L2 memory) or external memory spaces of the ADSP-BF535.
This document describes how to program the PCI interface to function in Host mode.

Configuration Accesses

Before it can configure other devices, the PCI core must initialize its PCI space registers appropriately for host operation. At a minimum, it must do the following:
1. Set bit 0 of the PCI Control Register (PCI_CTL) register to enable host mode

Host mode

In host mode, the ADSP-BF535 PCI peripheral acts as a system controller of the PCI bus and, as such, it is responsible for configuring PCI devices attached to the bus as well as arbitrating mastership of the bus. Most PCI agents (host
2. Write to the PCI Configuration Command Register (PCI_CFG_CMD) to enable response to memory accesses, bus mastership
3. Write to the PCI Host Memory Control Register(PCI_HMCTL) to tell PCI agents what ADSP-BF535 resources can be accessed
and/or devices) can master the PCI bus; a device can initiate a PCI transaction in the same way that a host can, which allows for peer to peer communications between different PCI agents. Essentially, what differentiates a device from a
4. Set bit 1 of the PCI_CTL register to enable PCI
To perform configuration accesses, the ADSP­BF535 PCI interface uses two resources:
host in a system is who performs the configuration of the various PCI agents.
Copyright 2003, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
1. Configuration Base Address Pointer Register (PCI_CBAP ) is used to address the
configuration space of the devices. The structure of the contents of this register depends on whether a Type 0 or Type 1 configuration access is being performed. If the device to be configured sits behind a PCI-to-PCI Bridge, Type 1 configuration accesses will be performed, otherwise, Type 0 accesses will be performed.
2. Configuration Data Port is a memory location (0xEEFF FFFC) that holds the data to be written to devices or returns data read from devices during configuration accesses.
When performing configuration cycles, the Host accesses a register set predefined by the PCI specification. The specification currently defines three Header formats:
Header Type Two: defined for PCI-to-
CardBus bridges
Header Type One: defined for PCI-to-PCI
Header Type Zero: defined for all other
bridges themselves may be on the same “primary” bus.
Alternatively, the primary bus of the second bridge may be the secondary bus of the first bridge, as shown in the figure below.
PCI Bus 0
PCI Device
PCI-to-PCI Bridge
PCI Device
PCI Bus 1
PCI Device
PCI Bus 2
PCI Device
Figure 1
The host must traverse some or all of the registers defined in the headers above. In this application note, we’ll only touch on the last two header types (header type 0, and header type 1) since we are only concerned with configuring PCI devices that sit directly on the PCI bus (primary bus: Type 0 configuration) or devices that sit behind a PCI-to-PCI bridge (secondary bus: Type 1 configuration). Note when more than one PCI-to-PCI bridge is present on the system, the “secondary” bus can be anywhere from bus #1 to bus #255 in the bus hierarchy. Each PCI-to-PCI bridge adds a bus number to the system. For example, if there’s only one bridge, devices on the other side of the bridge will reside on secondary bus #1, if there are two bridges, devices on the other side of the second bridge will reside on secondary bus #2, and so on. The
Using the PCI Interface On The ADSP-BF535 Blackfin

Type 0 Configuration Accesses

These accesses are directed to all PCI agents that reside on the primary bus, including devices and PCI-to-PCI bridges. The format of the data must be programmed into the PCI_CBAP register (Configuration Base Address Pointer register) as shown below.
31 11 10 8 7 2 1 0
Figure 2
rom the above figure,
Target configuration doubleword number
AD[1:0] = 00 to indicate a type zero access
indicate the target word to be accessed AD[7:2]
® Processor in Host Mode (EE-187) Page 2 of 6
DoubleWord Number
Type 0 access
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