Analog Devices EE180 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-180
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Using Code Overlays from ROM on the ADSP- 21161N EZ-KIT Lite
Contributed by C.Lam December 5, 2002
Software overlays are very useful in systems that have tight memory constraints. In the case where internal memory is limited and adding external RAM significantly increases cost, importing overlays from the boot ROM provides a feasible and relatively simple solution.
One of the main obstacles in accomplishing this is to determine the residing location of the overlay(s) in the ROM. Currently, the VisualDSP++ 2.0 linker does not provide this support. Therefore, the first of the three main parts of this application runs through the boot image in the ROM to decipher which sections of code are part of an overlay. After all the overlay sections are located, the second main routine parses all the information collected by previously. Finally, the third main routine, the overlay manager, is responsible for importing the correct overlay when called.
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whether each section of code belong to an overlay. Parsing of this collected information is handled in the next section. There are two main routines in this file:
Read boot info from PROM.
Check the boot info that was read.
The read_boot_info routine simply reads from the PROM and places three pieces of information into registers R0, R2, and R3. The tag info is placed in R0, and it identifies what type of data or code this section consists. The internal count info, placed in R2, holds the number of words this section takes up in internal memory. R3 holds the destination address info. This is the address at which the overlay has been defined to reside in (also known as live address). However, since we are not having the overlays reside in internal memory, the address generated by the linker and held in R3 will only be a “dummy” address.
Listing 1. Example memory definition of
“dummy address”
Locating Overlay Information
The code that locates the overlay information is
memsdram { TYPE(PM RAM) START(0x00600000)
END(0x006FFFFF) WIDTH(48) }
implemented in the file Ovl_Init.asm. Its objective is to run through the PROM to check
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In the example shown in Listing 1 above, the linker would generate an address in the range of 0x600000 to 0x6FFFFF for overlays defined in the memsdram section.
Knowing that all of our overlays are placed in this “dummy” location in the range of 0x600000 to 0x6FFFFF, we can check R3 each time after we read the boot info for a value within this range. When we find a section with a destination address in this range, we then know that it belongs to an overlay. This is done in the check_routine portion of the Ovl_Init.asm file.
Whenever an overlay section is discovered, three pieces of information are written into designated buffers:
the “real” live address that the overlay resides in ROM,
the section count size from R2, and
the section data or code type from R0.
In addition to determining whether a section belongs in an overlay, the check_routine code also has to know how much to increment by to read the next section’s information.
Figure 1. Illustration of info in PROM
0x4200E3A 0x4200E52
Tag = 0x15 Count = 0x4 Address = 0x60003C ...Code begins at 0x4200E3A… Tag = 0x19 Count = 0x14
Figure 1 above shows an example illustration of three sections’ info in the PROM. For this example, after the first time the check_routine is initiated, we will know 4 pieces of information:
R0 = 0x15 (Section Type)
R2 = 0xA (Section size)
R3 = 0x60003C (Section live address)
Current PROM address = 0x4200E2E
The current PROM address can be read from the External Memory DMA Index register (EIEP0). We see that the value in R3 corresponds to the “dummy” live address that we’ve assigned to overlays; therefore, we know that this particular section belongs to an overlay. By checking the type info in R0, we know that this section contains code. Therefore, accounting for the space that the tag, count, and address info takes up in the PROM (0xC locations), we know that code begins at 0x4200E3A (0x4200E2E + 0xC). At this point, we record the type (R0) in the total_sec_type buffer, size (R2) in the total_sec_size buffer, and “real” live address (0x4200E3A) into the total_live_addr buffer.
To read the next section’s info, the check_rout ine increments the EIEP0 to 0x4200E52. It calculates this address by using this formula:
(Addr. of code) + (size of code)(6)
Six 8-bit locations in the PROM make up one internal 48-bit instruction. The size of the code (read into R2) is the internal word size. Therefore to find the section size in the PROM, we multiply the internal word size by 6. Adding this to the beginning address of the code, we get the next section’s starting location in the PROM.
Using Code Overlays from ROM on the ADSP-21161N EZ-KIT Lite (EE-180) Page 2 of 9
Address = 0x600044 Tag = 0x15 Count = 0x8 Address = 0x60006C ...Code begins at 0x4200E6A…
Example 1. Locating the next section’s address from a code type
Type = 0x15 (Code) Code begins at 0x4200E3A
Internal size of code = 0xA
(0x4200E3A) + (0x4)(6) = 0x4200E52 To accurately locate the address of the next
section’s info, the section type must be correctly interpreted. For the example shown in Figure 1, the section tag beginning at address 0x4200E52 is 0x19 and the count is 0x14. This tag indicates a zero type, and the count indicates an internal word size of 0x14. This is an equivalent of 0x78 8-bit locations in the PROM. However, for zero types, the loader does not generate all the zeros and fill up the PROM with zeros. This would be a waste of valuable space. Instead, only the tag, count, and live address are provided. Later in the discussion of the overlay manager, we will discuss how to handle the zero type sections. For the purpose of the check_routine now, we only need to know that for zero type sections, we find the next section’s address by simply adding 0xC to the current PROM address (to account for the space that the tag, count, and address info takes up in the PROM).
account for the overlay id information that’s embedded in the loader file
To check how many sections are in each overlay, we compare the individual section sizes to the entire overlay size. In the check_routine of the previous file, we placed all the section sizes into the total_sec_size buffer. At run time, the linker also generates constants with each overlay’s total run size. Therefore, by comparing the individual section size to the entire overlay size, we can find out how many sections are in each overlay. This information is stored in the num_ovl_sec buffer.
When the loader file is created, th e overlay id is embedded after the tag, count, and address info. For overlays with multiple sections, the overlay id is embedded only once, after the overlay’s first set of tag, count, and address info. Figure 2 illustrates this.
Example 2. Locating the next section’s address from a zero type
Type = 0x19 (Zero)
Section info begins at 0x4200E52
(0x4200E52) + (0xC) = 0x4200E5E
The Ovl_Init.asm file checks every sections’ info until it reaches a tag of 0x0, which indicates that there are no more sections.
Parsing Overlay Information
Now that all the overlay sections’ information have been collected, the Ovl_Sec_Info.asm file parses it to determine:
the number of section types in each overlay
Figure 2. Illustration of overlay id embedded in section info in PROM
Ovl 1, Sec. 1 0x4200DDA
Ovl. 1, Sec. 2 0x4200E22
0x4200E2E Ovl. 2, Sec. 1
Tag Count Address Overlay ID 1 ….. Code ….. Tag Count Address ….. Code ….. Tag Count Address Overlay ID 2
Using Code Overlays from ROM on the ADSP-21161N EZ-KIT Lite (EE-180) Page 3 of 9
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