Analog Devices EE174 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-174
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ADSP-TS101S TigerSHARC® Processor Boot Loader Kernels Operation
Contributed by Boris Lerner April 01, 2003


This EE-note explains the functional operation of the power-on booting procedure and the boot loader kernels for the ADSP-TS101S TigerSHARC® processor. A loader kernel is a program executed by the DSP that is appended to your application code by the linker utility (linker.exe) of the VisualDSP++™ development tools which is executed by the DSP at boot time to allow the processor to initialize its internal and external memory sections defined in the application code.
The loader kernel is a self-modifying program which is transferred into the DSP’s internal memory. The ADSP-TS101 supports three booting methods; EPROM booting (via the external port), host booting (via an external host processor or another TigerSHARC), or link booting (via the DSP’s link ports.) Therefore, there are three distinct loader kernels to support each of the processor’s booting modes.

Booting Procedure For The ADSP-TS101S

The booting mode is selected by the /BMS pin of the DSP. While the processor is held in reset, the /BMS pin is an active input. If /BMS is sampled low during reset, EPROM boot mode is selected; after the /RESET signal of the DSP is de­asserted, the /BMS pin becomes an output acting as the EPROM chip select. If /BMS is sampled high during reset, the TigerSHARC will be in an
Copyright 2003, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
IDLE state, waiting for a host boot or a link port boot to occur.
Additionally, there is a weak internal pull-down resistor on the /BMS pin, but it is important to note here that the pull-down may not be sufficient, depending upon the external line loading on this pin. Thus, an external pull-down resistor may be necessary to select EPROM booting mode. If host or link boot is desired, /BMS must be held high during reset and may be tied directly to VCC.
Each booting method is described in detail in the following sections.


When EPROM boot mode is selected, the TigerSHARC initializes its external port DMA channel 0 to transfer 256 32-bit words of code from the boot EPROM into the TigerSHARC’s internal memory block 0, locations 0x00-0xFF. The corresponding interrupt vector (for DMA channel 0) is initialized to 0. Thus, upon completion of the DMA, the TigerSHARC continues its program execution from location 0x00. It is intended that these 256 words of code act as a boot loader to initialize the rest of the TigerSHARC’s memory. Analog Devices provides a default boot loader kernel source file with the VisualDSP++ development tools, called “TS101_prom.asm”, which can be used as a reference.
The default EPROM boot loader works in conjunction with the loader utility (elfloader.exe)
supplied with the VisualDSP++ tools. The loader utility takes the user’s executable file (*.dxe) from their project and the boot loader executable file (default: TS101_prom.dxe) and produces the EPROM loader output file (*.ldr). This loader output file defines how the various blocks of TigerSHARC’s internal and external memory are to be initialized during the booting process. Its format is described in figure 1. The format of the block tag word is described in figure 2.
The supplied boot loader (TS101_prom.dxe) operates as described below:
1. After the boot loader kernel is loaded into the internal memory block 0 of the DSP, the DMA0 interrupt exits the TigerSHARC from its idle state. The DSP then begins execution of the boot loader at location 0x00000000. At this stage, the TigerSHARC is at the interrupt level of DMA0 and, thus, further DMA0 and global (PMASK[60]) interrupts are disabled.
2. The boot loader kernel sets the NMOD bit in the SQCTL register to ensure that the DSP will be running in supervisor mode. An RDS instruction reduces the current interrupt to a subroutine level. Next, DMA0 and global interrupts are enabled again.
3. DMA0 is configured to move data from the boot EPROM starting at address 0x0400 of the EPROM (0x0000-0x03ff was the boot loader) to the DSP’s internal memory starting at address 0x00000000. The DMA routine will start the DMA by programming the TCBs, advance the prom pointer and sit in IDLE until the DMA interrupt wakes it up and sends the program sequencer to point to the DMA0 interrupt vector. There, an RTI instruction returns to the DMA routine, which in turn, returns to continue execution of the boot loader kernel.
4. Since this is not a link port boot, all of the link port DMA channel control registers are reset and all of the link port DMAs are disabled.
Figure 1 EPROM Loader Format
5. The processor ID (for this processor) is computed and stored in register xR10.
6. Next, the boot loader kernel parses the blocks of data from the EPROM. Two words are
Type: 0=Final init, 1=Non-zero init, 2=Zero Init ID: ID of the processor to which the block belongs COUNT: Number of 32-bit words in the block
moved to memory locations 0x00000000 and 0x00000001. These are the tag words of the block to follow. In the first word, bits 31:30 are the block TYPE (0=final init, 1=non-zero init, 2=zero init), bits 29:27 are the processor
Figure 2 Tag Word Format
ADSP-TS101S TigerSHARC® Processor Boot Loader Kernels Operation (EE-174) Page 2 of 9
ID, bits 26:16 are reserved, and bits 15:0 are
the block COUNT. The second tag word is a pointer to the DESTINATION address.
7. The ID of the block is compared to the processor ID stored in register xR10. If the two IDs are not the same, then this EPROM block is skipped. The size of the block to be skipped is obtained using the values from TYPE and COUNT.
8. If the IDs are the same, then the TYPE is examined.
9. If the TYPE is 1, COUNT number of words are moved one word at a time via location 0x00000000 to the DESTINATION address. Once finished, the algorithm returns to step 5 and repeats.
10. If the TYPE is 2, COUNT number of zeros are moved to the DESTINATION address. Once finished, the algorithm returns to step 5 and repeats.
11. If TYPE is 0, the boot loader kernel performs the “Final Init”, i.e. it overwrites itself with the user application code. A final DMA of 256 words into addresses 0x00000000­0x000000ff with a wake up from an IDLE condition would do this, but in this case, this would begin execution of the user application code at interrupt level of DMA0. To avoid this scenario, the following algorithm is used:
a. The first four instructions of the user
application code (destined to reside in locations 0x00000000-0x00000003) are DMAed from the EPROM and stored in the registers xR11:8.
b. The following code is written into
locations 0x00000000-0x00000003:
RETI = 0;; NOP;; RTI (NP); Q[j31+=0] = xR11:8;;
d. The Branch Target Buffer is invalidated
(BTBINV) to clear any cached branches.
e. The DMA is setup to transfer 252 words of
user code destined to 0x00000004­0x000000ff.
f. The DMA is started by writing to the
TCBs; then processor goes into an IDLE state.
g. When the DMA is finished, the DMA
complete interrupt wakes the TigerSHARC up and the program sequencer jumps to the to code inserted at 0x00000000 in step b, and begins execution of this code.
h. This code executes the following
RTI (NP); Q[j31+=0]=xR11:8;;
which reduces the interrupt level to none, puts the user application code into locations 0x00000000-0x00000003, and the sequencer jumps to address 0x00000000 to continue execution (since RETI is set to 0x00000000). The user application code starts cleanly at 0x00000000, with no interrupt level. Note that the “no predict” (NP) option is necessary so that this RTI instruction does not cache into the BTB.
It is important to note if external memory which is being used in the system requires special initialization (such as SDRAM, for example), then this memory needs to be configured by the boot loader kernel. This memory configuration must precede its initialization in the boot loader kernel. Thus, the boot loader has to be modified by the user and re-built to their specific application and system requirements.

Host Boot

c. The DMA0 interrupt vector is set to
ADSP-TS101S TigerSHARC® Processor Boot Loader Kernels Operation (EE-174) Page 3 of 9
When a host or link boot is selected, the TigerSHARC enters an idle state after reset, waiting for the external host processor or link port to boot it. Host booting uses the
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