Analog Devices ee-121 Application Notes

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Engineer To Engineer Note EE-121
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
Porting Code From ADSP-218x To ADSP-219x
Last modified 5/17/01
This tech-note is intended for existing users of the ADSP­218x, who are familiar with the architecture and instruction set of the ADSP-218x, and plan to upgrade their design to the ADSP-219x. It is divided into two main sections - the first describes the enhancements and differences between the ADSP-218x family of DSPs and the ADSP-219x in terms of the DSP architecture and the instruction set, while the second section illustrates the new ELF assembler and linker formats with the help of an example.
One of the goals in designing the ADSP-219x has been to keep its instruction-set and assembly syntax as closely compatible with the ADSP-21xx family of DSPs as possible. The exceptions (which have been kept to a minimum and intended to be as minimally intrusive to the customer as possible) will be documented in this Application note. The changes allow for a DSP architecture that is more C-friendly, resulting in a more efficient C compiler. It also allows users additional instructions to improve efficiency of assembly code. These changes facilitate the increased core processor operating speeds.
The program sequencer will be able to fetch two data operands from any two memory blocks in a single cycle. While having a unified memory map allows for more flexible memory addressing, it’s important to understand that on the ADSP-219x, the addresses PM(0x0000) and DM(0x0000) access the same physical memory location. The first syntax fetches/writes 24-bit data, while the second syntax fetches/writes 16-bits of data.
A linker description file (LDF) provided at the end of this tech-note describes the memory map for the ADSP-2192.
Figure 1. ADSP-2192 memory map
1. Unified Memory Space
The ADSP-218x had two separate memory spaces – PM and DM. The ADSP-219x on the other hand, has a unified memory space with separate memory blocks to differentiate between 24 and 16-bit memory. For example, the first GP member of the ADSP-219x family, ADSP­2192 has dual DSP cores, with core 0 having 16Kx24 and 64Kx16 words of on-chip memory, and core 1 having 16Kx24 and 32Kx16 words of on-chip memory. A detailed description of the ADSP-2192 memory map can be obtained from the ADSP-2192 datasheet. Figure 1 shows the memory organization of the ADSP-2192.
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2. 16-bit DAG Registers and Memory Paging
The ADSP-219x has a paged architecture that uses 16-bit DAG Registers to access 64K pages. But since the address buses in the ADSP-219x are 24 bits wide, there are also two new page registers, DMPG1 and DMPG2, which are used to store the upper 8 bits of the 24-bit address. DMPG1 works with DAG registers I0-I3 and DMPG2 works with I4-I7, respectively. Page registers can be initialized as shown in the following example
I2 = 0x3456;
DMPG1 = 0x12; /* Page register can be set to an absolute page value…*/
DMPG2 = page(data_buffer); /* ..OR could also be initialized to a buffer */
L2 = 0;
: In terms of syntax, the ADSP-219x assembler
Note supports a new and more intuitive “C-style” format in addition to the existing format as shown in the table below. It is hoped that this new representation will make code more readable and easier to understand.
AX0 = DM(I5,M6);
AX0 = DM(I5 += M6);
AX0 = DM(I5,M6);
PM(I1 + -4) = MR2;
PM(-4,I1) = MR2;
4. Increased Variety and Types of Jumps and Function Calls (Relative and Absolute/Long)
AX0 = 0xaaaa;
AR = MR1 - AX0;
DM(I2,M2) = AR;
Note that program execution continues linearly through memory. Local jumps, loops, and calls within page boundaries do not affect page registers.
3. Increased variety in DAG Addressing Modes
The ADSP-219x architecture has been enhanced to provide added flexibility in DAG addressing modes. There are four new enhanced addressing modes such as
Pre-modify-without update addressing (in addition to the existing post-modify with update mode that existed on the ADSP-218x)
e.g., DM(M1,I0) = AR;
Pre-modify and post-modify with an 8-bit 2’s­complement immediate modify value instead of an M register
e.g., AX0 = PM(I5,-4);
DAG modify with an 8-bit 2’s complement immediate-modify value
e.g., MODIFY(I7,24);
The ADSP-218x with its 16K words of accessible space only required a single form of conditional/unconditional jump/call instruction of the form
[IF COND] CALL <address>;
The address could either be an absolute 14-bit value provided in the instruction, or could be an indirect address pointed to by one of the DAG2 Index registers (I4, I5, I6, or I7).
However, the ADSP-219x has an available addressable space of 64K words. Hence, it provides a wider variety of conditional and unconditional jumps and calls, which may be either delayed or non-delayed. The available options are:
13-bit non-delayed or delayed relative conditional jump
Conditional indirect jump or call with address pointed
to by a DAG register. In this case, the upper 8 bits of
the address are stored in a “Jump Page Register” called IJPG, which is new to the ADSP-219x. Note that any one of the 8 DAG registers can be used for jump address.
16-bit non-delayed or delayed relative unconditional jump or call
24-bit conditional non-delayed long jump or call
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Jumps, calls and returns can take up to 4 DSP clock cycles if the branch is taken and no penalty if the branch is not taken ( as explained in section 5)
Note that the use of delayed branches and jumps will effectively reduce the above latency by 2. This is because the two instructions following the jump are also executed.
Address Instruction
L: M: IF COND JUMP X (DB); N: O: P: Q:
5. The ADSP-219x Instruction Pipeline
The ADSP-219x has a six-stage Instruction pipeline, comprising the L(ook-ahead), P(re-fetch), F(etch), A(ddress), D(ecode), and E(xecute) stages. The pipeline is completely transparent from a user standpoint. Incorporated within the instruction pipeline is a two-stage memory pipeline. The additional depth in the pipeline means that memory is no longer double pumped leading to less power consumption. The added depth of the pipeline is also required to accommodate the increased operating speed of the processor. For a detailed description of the ADSP-219x pipeline, please refer to EE-Note EE-123 titled “An Overview of the ADSP-219x Pipeline”.
The added depth to the pipeline enables a programmer to use delayed branches and function calls. Figure 2 shows the pipeline structure for a delayed jump that is taken (Figure 2). Note that the two instructions immediately following the jump are executed, while the instructions further down, P and Q (corresponding to the F and P stages of the pipeline) are flushed. If the jump had not been taken, normal program execution would have continued without any lost cycles.
Figure 2
Q X Y Z : :
P Q X Y Z : :
O P nop X Y Z :
N O nop nop X Y Z
M N O nop nop X Y
L M N O nop nop X
Figure 3
There is a 4-cycle delay in servicing an interrupt (Fig 4). On receiving an interrupt request, the DSP completes execution of the present instruction, flushes the pipeline, and fetches the first instruction of the interrupt vector.
R j j+1 j+2 : : : Q R j j+1 j+2 : :
P Q nop j j+1 j+2 : O P nop nop j j+1 j+2 N O nop nop nop j j+1
M N nop nop nop nop j
Interrupt First instruction of occurs and interrupt vector is recognized loaded into top of pipeline
where j = first instruction of ISR
Figure 4
6. Base Registers For Circular Buffers (Removes
Restriction on Starting Addresses That Used To Exist On 218x)
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