Engineer to Engineer Note EE-6
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
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ADSP-21xx Serial Port Startup
Last Modified: 2/27/97
This Engineering Note will describe issues that can arise
when starting up an ADSP-21xx Serial Port.
Engineer #1:
I'm using the 2181 for video processing. I am having
some trouble reading in a clocked serial stream on
SPORT0. I set up the SPORT to alternate unframed
mode, which means it expects a frame signal only at the
first bit of a continuous transmission. But, it looks like
the first two bits of my data are always getting swallowed;
after that it's fine. If I change to normal unframed mode,
the first *three* bits get swallowed; so at least the
unframed mode is correct. Anyone with experience on
this stuff?
Engineer #2:
Yup, read the manual very thoroughly. Also I do invert
the frame sync. Setup times are very generous, on the
order of several uS. I have heard from one other 2181 user
that the first two bits get swallowed in frameless mode.
By generating two initial bits on the data stream,
everything works out fine. Looks like an undocumented
"feature" of the 2181 SPORTs
The SPORT was designed this way to synchronize the
enable signal to the asynchronous serial clock. What
happens in your case is that there are no SCLK cycles
without the frame signal being asserted. To the clocked
serial port, it appears that any cycle could be the start of
your frameless data stream; there is a valid frame signal
every cycle. This causes the SPORT to skip the data on
the first two or three cycles of SCLK if you are not
giving any cycles without the frame signal, since it
ignores the frame signal until the SPORT becomes active.
This situation can happen to anyone using frameless
modes with the clock only operating when data is being
The solution of sending a couple dummy bits will work
fine if the SPORT is enabled long before the SCLK
starts, but could cause trouble if the enable bit is written
at about the same time as the first SCLK cycle. An
alternate solution would be to have the frame signal deasserted for 2 or more SCLK cycles, and than asserted
when the data starts. Some other processors have a
special asynchronous start mode to better support the
"toggle the clock only when there is data" type of
The bottom line is that Frameless operation actually
means Frame the first word only rather than have no frame
signal at all.
Actually, what you are experiencing is a side effect of the
startup timing described in section of the 2100
Family User's Manual...
“When a serial port is enabled by a write to
the System Control Register, it takes two
SCLK cycles before it is actually enabled. On
the next (third) SCLK cycle, the serial port
becomes active, looking for a frame sync.”